Moons of Peril/Strategies

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The antechamber in Neypotzli.

This page shows various strategies which may help you in Neypotzli, where you fight the Moons of Peril. This includes navigating the prison, gathering resources, and information on the bosses themselves, but does not include other monsters within that are not part of the fight, such as the Sulphur Nagua and Moonlight Cockatrice.

If the player dies while in Neypotzli their grave will appear at the antechamber.

Requirements[edit | edit source]

Suggested skills[edit | edit source]

For better equipment to attack and defend against the Moons:

To create better supplies within the dungeon:

  • Cooking 50+
  • Fishing 50+
  • Hunter 50+
  • Herblore 50+

To further reduce supply use or extend trips:

Getting there[edit | edit source]

The entrance to Neypotzli is accessed from the northermost end of Cam Torum, which can be reached in the following ways:

Preparation and supplies[edit | edit source]

A map of Neypotzli showing connecting passages:
Yellow - Passages to reach the Eclipse Moon
Red - Passages to reach the Blood Moon
Blue - Passages to reach the Blue Moon
Purple - Other passages

Neypotzli is a nearly self-contained area for resources, with food and potions stronger than anything that can be found outside. As such, the only items needed will be combat gear and an emergency teleport.

The campsites (indicated by the cooking range icon link), built by yourself during the Perilous Moons quest, contain all the tools to create potions, gather resources, and cook food from any resource in the prison, found by searching the supply crates. The cooking stove also has a right-click "Make-cuppa" option that fully restores run energy, negating the need to bring items that restore it.

You may opt to gather one of two foods available, both of which can be found close to the campsite. Cooked moss lizards heal for 33% of your Cooking level or 50% of your Hunter level, whichever heals less. Cooked bream heals for 33% of your Cooking level or 33% of your Fishing level, whichever heals less; it is recommended to choose whichever gives you the highest amount of healing.

  • Moss Lizards can be found in the Earthbound Cavern, and are caught by using a rope on the trappable rocks east of the campsite, then rustling the nearby bushes to scare the lizards, which will run into the trap.
  • Raw bream can be found in the Streambound Cavern, and are caught with a big fishing net at fishing spots east of the campsite. Players can align their net to the stream to increase the chance of catching bream. The fish can become out of sync. If you are missing a lot of fish, exit the fishing spot and try again.

In choosing which food to prepare, your Cooking level also plays a factor; when cooking raw moss lizards, a higher level may give up to three cuts of meat per lizard (giving more food per item), while cooking raw bream with a higher level allows to cook them quicker (two bream per action). Given that cooking speed is already very quick, players with a high Cooking level are recommended to catch moss lizards for food.

There is only one type of potion available - the moonlight potion - which gives the effect of a prayer potion, super combat potion, and divine super defence potion all in one (excluding the self-damaging effect from the divine). The main ingredient, moonlight grub paste, is obtained by picking moonlight grubs from grubby saplings (found close to both campsites in either cavern), and then grinding it into paste with a pestle and mortar. Simply mix the paste with a vial of water to create the potion. The potion is made with two doses, but having a higher Herblore level increases the chances of creating an additional dose or two per potion.

Lastly, moonlight moths scattered around every camp area can be caught at level 75 Hunter with a butterfly net (or 85 barehanded) to restore 22 Prayer points each. This can eliminate the need to consume moonlight potions outside of the boss chambers, saving time on preparing more.

Upon leaving Neypotzli, all raw or cooked bream/lizards will be destroyed, and moonlight potions will be reverted back into vials of water.

Boss mechanics[edit | edit source]

The Moons of Peril are located in their respective chambers within the prison.

Eyatlalli's glyph, indicating a safe place to stand.

Players can visually see other players in the same room fighting the moons, but unlike other bosses, the health bar only displays your personal contribution towards pacifying them.

Each Moon has 500 Hitpoints and share nearly the same combat stats; an Attack level of 258, Strength and Magic level of 100 and a Defence level of 60. Their melee attacks additionally have an accuracy bonus of +100. Defensive wise, they have +100 melee defence to the styles they are not weak to, along with +500 magic and ranged defence. All the Moons have a max hit of 20.

The Glyph of Eyatlalli[edit | edit source]

Surrounding the Moon are eight sigils that represent the moon's cycles; the waxing/waning crescent/gibbous, first/last quarter and the full/new moon. During the fight, Eyatlalli will imbue one of the sigils with her power; during non-special attacks, the player should stand on the sigil that is imbued, or they will take rapid damage; this initially starts at 1 damage per tick, but will quickly double up to 16 damage per tick while also applying a stack of the curse, which will rapidly kill players. The sigil will rotate clockwise after the Moon makes two standard attacks; upon hitting a full or new moon, the Moon will initiate a special attack. During a special attack, the player is generally allowed to stand anywhere in the arena.

Standard Attacks[edit | edit source]

The Moon will face one of six potential directions based on the cycles above, where they will perform a unique melee attack that hits three times. The Moons have a moderately high max hit, but they can hit much harder than their combat level suggests if all three land, up to 60 damage in a single attack. However, their attack has a unique rule in that if one of these hits miss, all hits succeeding it will also miss; for example, if the first hit in sequence does not land, the next two will also miss.

Each standard attack in the 3-hit cycle applies 1, 2, and 5 stacks of the Curse of the Moons. The effects of the curse differs between the three bosses, but maxes out at 127 and slowly degrades by 2 every 5 ticks. Because of their typeless attacks and how the curse is applied, players are recommended to bring more defensive armour (especially for lower levels) to reduce overall damage. The Curse of the Moons debuff disappears fully after defeating a Moon of Peril.

Other Notes[edit | edit source]

The Moon will inflict small amounts of damage to itself when attacking a player or using special attacks. This damage does not have visible hitsplats but deducts from the boss health bar. This damage is based on how much total health the moon has remaining and slows down significantly at low health. For this reason the total damage necessary to kill a moon can be deceptive, as a player does not need to deal the full amount.

If the player enters a Moon's chamber while it is in the middle of a special attack, the attack will scale depending on how much time is left for the special attack when they enter, and the mechanic has a delayed application on them, which can either result in the mechanic doing nothing at all or being shorter than usual.

Upon defeating a boss, you will be teleported to one of the three campsites, depending on the order in which they are defeated, but seemingly always near a boss that you have yet to defeat.

If the player dies at the same time as one of the bosses, they will be sent out of the fight arena as normal with one health point and the fight will be considered a victory.

Eclipse Moon[edit | edit source]

The Eclipse Moon is weak to stab attacks, and possesses 6 flat armour, which reduces all hitsplats dealt to her by 6; this is reduced to 4 during her Clone special attack.

Her Curse of the Moon will cause your attacks to occasionally be "glancing", stating Blinded by the Eclipse Moon's light, your attack glances off its shield!. Glancing attacks reduce your max hit by 12 (8 during the Clone phase); this is twice her flat armour. This occurs at a random chance scaling up to 100% at 100 stacks of the curse.

A slow, high-hitting weapon attacks at a higher speed during the Eclipse Moon's Clone attack.

The boss will alternate between the following special attacks:

  • New Moon: Searing Rays - A moon shield will appear, and the Eclipse Moon will forcefully shove you behind it. She will begin attacking with rays of light, which can be avoided by moving alongside the moon shield. The shield will make one full rotation before the attack concludes.
    • The shield moves at a walking pace and pauses on each corner of its route just long enough that a walking player can keep up with it. The timing is precise and may require occasional running if mistakes are made.
    • An alternate running strategy is possible if you're familiar with the four corners of the pathway protected by the shield. Timing a run action from one corner of this pathway to the next, slightly after the shield begins moving, avoids all damage.
  • Full Moon: Clones - You are shoved to the centre of the room and are bound in place. Clones of the Eclipse Moon will spawn around you, attacking you in five cycles of three, for a total of 15 attacks. You must face your character toward each clone as it spawns to prevent damage. Doing so will parry the incoming attack, sending an undelayed attack back at the boss.
    • Clicking on (or close to) the glowing circle below the clone as soon as each appears is enough to perfectly parry the phase.
    • Accuracy is greatly increased for each parry, and swapping to a slower and higher hitting weapon is strongly recommended. Slash and Crush weapons can be used to full effect here.

Blue Moon[edit | edit source]

The Blue Moon is weak to crush attacks, and possesses -5 flat armour, which increases all hitsplats dealt to her by 5. This makes multi-hitting weapons, such as Torag's hammers, the dual macuahuitl, the glacial temotli and the scythe of Vitur especially advantageous against her.

Her Curse of the Moon will cancel your next attack; this occurs once enough stacks of the curse have been accumulated:

  • At 3 stacks, a message in the chatbox will state The Blue Moon pierces your defence. The cold is starting to get in...
  • At 9 stacks, a message in the chatbox will state The Blue Moon pierces your defence. Your joints are starting to lock up...
  • At 18 stacks, the Curse takes effect, with a message in the chatbox stating Your joints lock up as you go to attack. The cold is too much to bear! After this, 18 stacks are removed from the Curse.
Players can punch the block of ice twice before needing to move away.

The boss will alternate between the following special attacks:

  • New Moon: Weapon Freeze - The Blue Moon will freeze the player's weapon out of their hands, placing them into one of three blocks of ice; the block the player should target is the one that glows with a blue hum. The player must break the block of ice via unarmed combat. During this time, the blocks will periodically plant shards of ice that will shatter shortly afterwards, dealing light damage if caught in the radius. The player is not able to equip other weapons until the block of ice is broken. Failing to break the block of ice will deal up to 28 damage to the player.
    • The player can attack a block of ice twice before having to move to safety.
    • If you are logged out or disconnect during this attack, the weapon will need to be reclaimed from Eyatlalli.
    • A safespot exists one tile north from the centre of the ritual symbol.
    • If using the Soulreaper axe when this attack starts you will lose all soul stacks and not regain any HP, possibly a bug.
    • If there is no weapon equipped when this attack begins, the player will take 3-15 damage accompanied by a message stating With no weapon in hand, your hands begin to freeze over!. Even though no weapons were frozen, the player still will need to destroy the Frozen weapons to avoid further damage.
  • Full Moon: Frost Storm - Two braziers at opposing ends of the chamber are extinguished as freezing storms are conjured. The boss will heal herself five times during the storm, restoring 10 health for each unlit brazier up to a maximum of 100 hitpoints. To prevent this, run to the braziers and relight them whilst avoiding the moving storms that deal damage and force you to walk for two ticks.
    • There are safe spots on either side of the braziers, noted with footprints in the snow.
    • You may choose to ignore the Frost Storm phase entirely, as long as you're dealing sufficient damage to make up for any healing the boss receives.

Blood Moon[edit | edit source]

The Blood Moon is weak to slash attacks, and possesses -2 flat armour, which increases all hitsplats dealt to her by 2. This makes multi-hitting weapons, such as the sulphur blades and the scythe of Vitur advantageous against her.

Her Curse of the Moon will heal her for 1x, 2x, and 3x the damage dealt, with the minimum heal of the 3rd hit being 30, regardless of damage dealt. This is also indicated with a pool of blood transferring from the player to the boss. It's possible to avoid the last hit of this siphon by walking into the boss during the attack. This bypasses the heal for 30 health and can greatly accelerate the fight.

Note: For players having difficulty with dealing more damage than the boss regenerates, it may be ideal to prioritise defence instead of attack with their gear to minimise the amount of health she regenerates from harming the player.

The player moves away right before the blood jaguar attacks.

The boss will alternate between the following special attacks:

  • Full Moon: Blood Rain - The Blood Moon will disappear and rain blood from above, forming temporary pools of blood throughout the room. Move off of the blood pools on the floor to avoid standing on them. Being hit by a blood pool will heal the boss, while staying off the blood pools will do small chip damage to her.
    • While Eyatlalli's glyph will reappear before this special attack is finished, any blood pools on the active moon symbol will still be dangerous.
  • New Moon: Blood Jaguar - Blood jaguars spawn around the room, along with a damaging square of blood pools. Unlike the other special attacks, Eyatlalli will still imbue a sigil with her power, and the player must stand on this sigil to avoid taking rapid chip damage. The jaguar will siphon up to 15 hitpoints from the player, less if the player enters in the middle of the special, and perform a cleave attack on the two tiles in front of it, while the back two tiles will be targeted by blood pools by the Moon. The player can attack the jaguar to restore up to 20 hitpoints, unless more mistakes are made.
    • Cues for dodging the jaguar are when the blood pool sound effect has ended, or when the blood pool has fully formed.

Farming routes[edit | edit source]

General route[edit | edit source]

  1. From the antechamber, head through the north-eastern entrance to the Streambound Cavern.
  2. Restore run energy as needed at the camp spot, and search the supply crates for anything you might need.
  3. Collect moonlight grubs to create 2-8 moonlight potions. Use the potions to boost your melee stats and restore prayer between runs. Players with level 75 Hunter can also take a butterfly net to catch moonlight moths (or catch them barehanded with level 85 Hunter) to restore prayer in between bosses, if desired.
  4. Fish raw bream at the stream nearby and cook it. If your Hunter level is over 65 or is greater than your Fishing level, this can be skipped as moss lizards provide faster food than fishing.
  5. Enter the Eclipse Moon chamber to the south and fight the boss. After the fight, you will be teleported next to the camp spot in the Earthbound Cavern.
  6. Restore prayer (with potions or via catching moths), create additional moonlight potions and catch moss lizards as needed. With a high Cooking level, 1 raw moss lizard will provide 3 pieces of cooked moss lizard; as such, you can stock up on food by only cooking a handful of meats at a time and keeping the rest raw in your inventory, cooking more as needed in between bosses.
  7. Enter the Blue Moon chamber to the east and fight the boss. After the fight, you will be teleported next to the camp spot in the Ancient Prison.
  8. Enter the Blood Moon chamber to the east and fight the boss. After the fight, you will be teleported next to the camp spot in the Ancient Prison again.
  9. Head south to enter the Ancient Shrine to claim your loot. Head north to enter the Streambound Cavern.

Repeat steps 3-9 for as long as desired.

Blood Moon Only[edit | edit source]

Players wishing to efficiently farm only the Blood Moon boss can use the following route:

  1. Starting from the Lunar Chest after the first Blood Moon kill, return through the south door to the Ancient Prison.
  2. Run north to the cooking stove and restore run energy.
  3. Run east to the Blood Moon chamber and fight the boss. After defeating the boss, the player will be placed at the cooking stove in the Earthbound Cavern.
  4. Stock up on food and potions if needed, then run south east through the cave entrance into the Streambound Cavern.
  5. Run directly south to the Lunar Chest room and claim your reward.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Each boss is weakest to a specific melee style and heavily resistant to magic and ranged attacks.

Due to the Bosses' attack patterns, defense is a valuable stat for increasing DPS by reducing or eliminating the number of times a player must eat during the vulnerable phases. Defense additionally reduces the chance the Blood Moon will heal when attacking the player. Because of this, you should attempt to carefully balance strength boosting armour with armour that has high defensive stats. Avoid armour such as Obsidian, which has low defensive stats but a small strength bonus, in favour of tankier armour such as Barrows equipment, which has high defensive stats but no strength bonus. Armour that features both high strength and high defence such as Bandos is particularly effective.

All three bosses can be beaten at level 60/61 defence with Rune armour if using Steel Skin, Ultimate Strength, and Incredible Reflexes.

Weapon Choice[edit | edit source]

Additionally, the Moons of Peril utilise a defensive stat known as flat armour. This mechanic directly increases or reduces the damage dealt of each hit by a flat amount. This leads to interesting interactions with weapons that hit multiple times; such as the Scythe of vitur performing worse than the Ghrazi rapier against Eclipse, or the Dual macuahuitl beating out even the Inquisitor's mace. As a result of both this mechanic and the different weaknesses of each boss, it is recommended to bring a different weapon for each boss. Some exceptions include powerful weapons like the Soulreaper axe or Scythe of vitur which can comfortably kill each without a necessary swap. For a cheaper alternative the Zamorakian hasta is more than adequate for all three bosses if switching attack styles.

Defence-reducing special attacks and Death Charge have no effect on the Moons of Peril.

Other Items[edit | edit source]

Hunter, Fishing and Herblore supply crates provide an infinite number of Vials of water, Pestle and mortar. Big Fishing Net, Rope and Butterfly Nets to allow collecting and crafting all dungeon resources.

Moonlight Potions fulfill the role of prayer restoration and combat stat boosts for the boss. Since Moonlight potion's boosts scale with Herblore Herblore level, you may want to bring 1 Super combat potion or 1 Super defence potion if your Herblore Herblore is less than 66.

Cooked bream and Cooked moss lizard serve as easy to obtain and powerful food supplies in the dungeon. Cooked bream scales with Cooking Cooking / Fishing Fishing levels, Cooked Moss lizard scales with Cooking Cooking / Hunter Hunter levels. You may want to bring alternate foods if your associated levels are below 50.

  1. ^ Deals so much damage during the clone phase that a stab weapon is not necessary
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Set to slash
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Set to stab
  4. ^ When fully charged, the strength and defensive bonuses can outperform a defender if it would mitigate the need to eat during a non-special attack phase.
  5. ^ Use as last hit before boss changes phase
  6. ^ Use early to minimise burn loss
  1. ^ Outperforms the Soulreaper axe if used at low HP with the full Dharok's set

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Set to crush
  2. ^ A bug during the icicle phase will remove all Soul Stacks without healing the player. This will require more food than other weapons to compensate.
  3. ^ Torag's hammers may do more damage per second than Sarachnis cudgel or Zombie axe, depending on other gear that is equipped. Check the DPS Calculator if unsure. (Be sure to add prayer and potion being used)
  4. ^ When fully charged, the strength and defensive bonuses can outperform a defender if it would mitigate the need to eat during a non-special attack phase.
  5. ^ Use as last hit before boss changes phase
  6. ^ Use early to minimise burn loss

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Set to slash
  2. ^ When fully charged, mitigates damage leeched from the player as health to the boss and reduces time lost to eating during non-special attack phases.
  3. ^ Use as last hit before boss changes phase
  4. ^ Use early to minimise burn loss

Inventory[edit | edit source]