TzHaar-Hur-Lek's Ore and Gem Store

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TzHaar-Hur-Lek's Ore and Gem Store
Released19 September 2005 (Update)
Minimap icon
LocationMor Ul Rek
League regionKaramja Karamja
SpecialtyGem shop

TzHaar-Hur-Lek's Ore and Gem Store is located in the outer city of Mor Ul Rek, west of TzHaar-Hur-Tel's Equipment Store and north of TzHaar-Mej-Roh's Rune Store.

The store is run by TzHaar-Hur-Lek, and sells various gems and ores for Tokkul. Notably, this shop is one of the few ways of obtaining an uncut onyx, others being killing Zulrah and Skotizo.

If Karamja gloves 1 or better are equipped while trading with this shop, the prices of all items are reduced. For example, while it normally costs 300,000 Tokkul for an uncut onyx, wearing the gloves reduces this to 260,000. Additionally, this also causes the shop to pay more Tokkul for items sold to it.

This store has a separate stock for ironmen.

The store reaches the lowest price after selling a maximum of 13 items, depending on the item.

Stock[edit | edit source]

Items in this shop can only be bought with Tokkul. Items sold here are also traded for Tokkul. Sell price will decrease with overstock.

Sells at: 150.0% • Buys at: 15.0% • Change per: 2.0%
in stock
sold at
bought at
obtained from 1
(normal stock)
spent for 1
(normal stock)
Price bought at
spent for 1
Tin ore51m (100t) 4 0 174.25N/A 0N/A
Copper ore51m (100t) 4 0 184.50N/A 0N/A
Iron ore21m (100t) 25 2 25410.16-127.00 1-254.00
Silver ore01m (100t) 112 11 69N/A-6.27 7-9.86
Coal01m (100t) 67 6 162N/A-27.00 4-40.50
Gold ore01m (100t) 225 22 154N/A-7.00 15-10.27
Mithril ore01m (100t) 243 24 152N/A-6.33 16-9.50
Adamantite ore01m (100t) 600 60 1,007N/A-16.78 40-25.17
Runite ore01m (100t) 4,800 480 10,882N/A-22.67 320-34.01
Uncut sapphire11m (100t) 37 3 2727.35-90.67 2-136.00
Uncut emerald11m (100t) 75 7 5016.68-71.57 5-100.20
Uncut ruby01m (100t) 150 15 1,070N/A-71.33 10-107.00
Uncut diamond01m (100t) 300 30 2,451N/A-81.70 20-122.55
Uncut dragonstone01m (100t) 1,500 150 17,593N/A-117.29 100-175.93
Uncut onyx11m (100t) 300,000 30,000 2,813,4729.38-93.78 20,000-140.67
Onyx bolt tips501m (100t) 1,500 150 8,9986.00-59.99 100-89.98

Sells at: 130.0% • Buys at: 35.0% • Change per: 2.0%
in stock
sold at
bought at
obtained from 1
(normal stock)
spent for 1
(normal stock)
Price bought at
spent for 1
Tin ore51m (100t) 3 1 175.67-17.00 0N/A
Copper ore51m (100t) 3 1 186.00-18.00 0N/A
Iron ore21m (100t) 22 5 25411.55-50.80 1-254.00
Silver ore01m (100t) 97 26 69N/A-2.65 7-9.86
Coal01m (100t) 58 15 162N/A-10.80 4-40.50
Gold ore01m (100t) 195 52 154N/A-2.96 15-10.27
Mithril ore01m (100t) 210 56 152N/A-2.71 16-9.50
Adamantite ore01m (100t) 520 140 1,007N/A-7.19 40-25.17
Runite ore01m (100t) 4,160 1,120 10,882N/A-9.72 320-34.01
Uncut sapphire11m (100t) 32 8 2728.50-34.00 2-136.00
Uncut emerald11m (100t) 65 17 5017.71-29.47 5-100.20
Uncut ruby01m (100t) 130 35 1,070N/A-30.57 10-107.00
Uncut diamond01m (100t) 260 70 2,451N/A-35.01 20-122.55
Uncut dragonstone01m (100t) 1,300 350 17,593N/A-50.27 100-175.93
Uncut onyx11m (100t) 260,000 70,000 2,813,47210.82-40.19 20,000-140.67
Onyx bolt tips501m (100t) 1,300 350 8,9986.92-25.71 100-89.98

Trivia[edit | edit source]