Ward of Arceuus

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Ward of Arceuus
Released 16 June 2021 (Update)
Members Yes
Level Magic 73
Spellbook Arceuus
Type Combat
Experience 83
Runes 1Cosmic 2Nature 4Soul
Cooldown 50 ticks
Quest A Kingdom Divided
Description Gives you protection from the effects of offensive Arceuus spells and demonic attacks
Sound effect

Ward of Arceuus is a spell within the Arceuus spellbook that requires level 73 Magic and the completion of A Kingdom Divided to be cast.

When the player is under the effects of the Ward of Arceuus spell, they will gain various buffs for a certain amount of time (0.6*Y seconds), where Y is the player's Magic level at the time of casting.

  • Players are immune to corruption.
  • If successfully bound by grasp spells, players will only be bound in place for 0.6 seconds.
  • Demonic creatures will have their damage reduced by 10%.

When the damage reduction is calculated, bear in mind that 10% of the incoming damage is first rounded down before being subtracted from the original damage value, meaning no benefit is provided by this spell when hit for less than 10 damage.[1]

Cost[edit | edit source]

Spell cost
1 2 4 1,088
1 1.93 4 1,080

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^