Combat spells

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A snapshot of a Fire Wave cast.

Combat spells are a type of magic spell used by players, mostly in battle, for their offensive capabilities. Combat spells can be separated into three sub-types. The first type of spells, offensive spells, are primarily used to deal magical damage against opponents. The second type, curse spells, are used to disable or debilitate an opponent, and make dealing damage easier or safer for the mage casting them. Finally, there are support spells, which offer a range of benefits to the caster, such as preventing damage, curing poison, and healing other players.

Offensive spells[edit | edit source]

Offensive spells result in a spell-related amount of experience when cast, but they also give experience depending on the amount of damage caused to the opponent. Each damage point caused by an offensive spell yields 2 Magic experience points (i.e. hitting a 30 with a spell yields the spell's base XP + 60 Magic XP) and 1.33 Hitpoint experience points. All offensive spells have an attack range of 10 squares. Generally, most offensive spells use some Air runes in combination with some other "Combat" runes, though there are exceptions with the special spells such as Magic Dart.

A shield icon in the Combat Options panel represents 'defensive casting'. If this button is clicked instead of the regular option, the player will gain Defence experience whenever offensive spells are cast at the cost of receiving a reduced amount of Magic experience. Rather than 2 Magic experience points, defensive casting yields 1.33 Magic experience points and 1 Defence experience point for every damage point inflicted as well as the usual 1.33 Hitpoint experience points and base Magic experience that is earned for each cast.

Offensive spells will occasionally splash upon contact with a target and thus deal no damage. When splashing, the caster will receive only the base experience for that spell and no additional experience. As a result, there is no physical difference between splashing with a spell and hitting a 0 with the same spell. The splash rate depends on five things:

  • The caster's Magic level
  • The Magic attack bonus of the equipment the caster is wearing
  • The target's Magic level
  • The target's Defence level (PvP only)
  • The Magic defence bonus of the equipment the target is wearing

All spells have equal accuracy, and the magical accuracy is only derived from the current Magic level (and applicable boosts such as from potions or prayer) and Magic accuracy bonus from equipment. To maximise accuracy, especially in training and player killing, players are advised to equip magic-boosting equipment, unequip magic-lowering equipment, and raise Magic levels.

Some monsters are immune to all Magic damage except certain types of spells. For example, the bosses fought in the Mage Arena II can only be damaged by the corresponding god spell of the god they represent, Salarin the twisted can only be damaged by strike spells, and Fareed can only be damaged by water spells via Magic.

Standard spellbook[edit | edit source]

Standard offensive spells consist primarily of element-based attacks. Some monsters have a partial weakness against them, in which the player's accuracy and damage are increased by 1% for each % the monster is vulnerable to it. For example, ice giants, who have a 100% weakness to fire spells, result in the player's accuracy and damage doubled.

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes Cost of runes XP Base Max hit[1][2] Members
Wind Strike 1 1Air 1Mind 8 5.5 2→8 0
Water Strike 5 1Air 1Water 1Mind 13 7.5 4→8 0
Earth Strike 9 1Air 2Earth 1Mind 18 9.5 6→8 0
Fire Strike 13 2Air 3Fire 1Mind 28 11.5 8 0
Wind Bolt 17 2Air 1Chaos 112 13.5 9→12 0
Water Bolt 23 2Air 2Water 1Chaos 122 16.5 10→12 0
Earth Bolt 29 2Air 3Earth 1Chaos 127 19.5 11→12 0
Fire Bolt 35 3Air 4Fire 1Chaos 137 22.5 12 0
Crumble Undead 39 2Air 2Earth 1Chaos 122 24.5 15 0
Wind Blast 41 3Air 1Death 193 25.5 13→16 0
Water Blast 47 3Air 3Water 1Death 208 28.5 14→16 0
Iban Blast 50 5Fire 1Death + 203 30 25 1
Magic Dart 50 1Death 4Mind + 190 30 15 1
Earth Blast 53 3Air 4Earth 1Death 213 31.5 15→16 0
Fire Blast 59 4Air 5Fire 1Death 223 34.5 16 0
Saradomin Strike 60 4Air 2Fire 2Blood + 622 35 20 1
Flames of Zamorak 60 1Air 4Fire 2Blood + 617 35 20 1
Claws of Guthix 60 4Air 1Fire 2Blood + 617 35 20 1
Wind Wave 62 5Air 1Blood 321 36 17→20 1
Water Wave 65 5Air 7Water 1Blood 356 37.5 18→20 1
Earth Wave 70 5Air 7Earth 1Blood 356 40 19→20 1
Fire Wave 75 5Air 7Fire 1Blood 356 42.5 20 1
Wind Surge 81 7Air 1Wrath 357 44.5 21→24 1
Water Surge 85 7Air 10Water 1Wrath 407 46.5 22→24 1
Earth Surge 90 7Air 10Earth 1Wrath 407 48.5 23→24 1
Fire Surge 95 7Air 10Fire 1Wrath 407 50.5 24 1
  1. ^ Maximum hit may be increased by using equipment which increases magic damage. Please see the maximum magic hit page for complete statistics.
  2. ^ The max hit of every elemental spell will increase to match the highest level spell of that tier that the player has unlocked.

Arceuus spellbook[edit | edit source]

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes Cost of runes XP Base Max hit[1] Effect
Ghostly Grasp 35 4Air 1Chaos 122 22.5 12 10% chance to bind the target for 1.2 seconds.
Inferior Demonbane 44 4Fire 1Chaos 122 27 16 Can only be cast on demonic creatures. Damage and accuracy are increased by 25% if the caster is under the effects of the Mark of Darkness spell.
Skeletal Grasp 56 8Earth 1Death 218 33 17 25% chance to bind the target for 1.8 seconds.
Superior Demonbane 62 8Fire 1Soul 229 36 23 Can only be cast on demonic creatures. Damage and accuracy are increased by 25% if the caster is under the effects of the Mark of Darkness spell.
Undead Grasp 79 12Fire 1Blood 356 46.5 24 50% chance to bind the target for 2.4 seconds.
Dark Demonbane 82 12Fire 2Soul 438 43.5 30 Can only be cast on demonic creatures. Damage and accuracy are increased by 25% if the caster is under the effects of the Mark of Darkness spell.
  1. ^ Maximum hit may be increased by using equipment which increases magic damage. Please see the maximum magic hit page for complete statistics.

Ancient Magicks[edit | edit source]

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes Cost of runes XP Base Max hit[1] Effect
Smoke Rush 50 1Air 1Fire 2Chaos 2Death 570 30 13 Poisons target starting at 2 damage.
Shadow Rush 52 1Air 2Chaos 2Death 1Soul 754 31 14 Reduces target's Attack level by 10%.
Blood Rush 56 1Blood 2Chaos 2Death 856 33 15 Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the target.
Ice Rush 58 2Water 2Chaos 2Death 570 34 16 Freezes the target for 5 seconds.
Smoke Burst 62 2Air 2Fire 4Chaos 2Death 784 36 17 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Poisons targets starting at 2 damage.
Shadow Burst 64 1Air 4Chaos 2Death 2Soul 1,147 37 18 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Reduces targets' Attack levels by 10% each.
Blood Burst 68 2Blood 4Chaos 2Death 1,356 39 21 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the targets.
Ice Burst 70 4Water 4Chaos 2Death 784 40 22 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Freezes targets for 10 seconds.
Smoke Blitz 74 2Air 2Fire 2Blood 2Death 968 42 23 Poisons target starting at 4 damage.
Shadow Blitz 76 2Air 2Blood 2Death 2Soul 1,336 43 24 Reduces target's Attack level by 15%.
Blood Blitz 80 4Blood 2Death 1,540 45 25 Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the target.
Ice Blitz 82 3Water 2Blood 2Death 963 46 26 Freezes target for 15 seconds.
Smoke Barrage 86 4Air 4Fire 2Blood 4Death 1,344 48 27 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Poisons targets starting at 4 damage.
Shadow Barrage 88 4Air 2Blood 4Death 3Soul 1,891 49 28 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Reduces targets' Attack levels by 15%.
Blood Barrage 92 4Blood 4Death 1Soul 2,085 51 29 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the targets.
Ice Barrage 94 6Water 2Blood 4Death 1,334 52 30 Hits a 3x3 area around a target. Freezes targets for 20 seconds.
  1. ^ Maximum hit may be increased by using equipment which increases magic damage. Please see the maximum magic hit page for complete statistics.

Curse spells[edit | edit source]

Curse spells are mainly used to cause a negative effect to its target other than damage. Curse spells are an underused part of Magic, mainly because spellcasters have little time to waste on casting them when they could be casting offensive spells instead.

In prolonged or group fights, using a curse spell or two at the beginning may be a good idea. Curses also are useful when competing for a monster respawn in single-way combat, as the curse immediately engages the monster. Curse spells can only be used again on the same target once the first spell wore off, unless the curse 'splashes' and does not affect the opponent.

Standard spellbook[edit | edit source]

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes XP Members Effect
Confuse 3 2Earth 3Water 1Body 13 0
Reduces the target's Attack by 5%.
Weaken 11 2Earth 3Water 1Body 21 0
Reduces the target's Strength by 5%.
Curse 19 3Earth 2Water 1Body 29 0
Reduces the target's Defence by 5%.
Bind 20 3Earth 3Water 2Nature 30 0
Prevents the target from moving for 4.8 seconds.
Snare 50 4Earth 4Water 3Nature 60 0
Prevents the target from moving for 9.6 seconds.
Vulnerability 66 5Earth 5Water 1Soul 76 1
Reduces the target's Defence by 10%.
Enfeeble 73 8Earth 8Water 1Soul 83 1
Reduces the target's Strength by 10%.
Entangle 79 5Earth 5Water 4Nature 89 1
Prevents the target from moving for 14.4 seconds.
Stun 80 12Earth 12Water 1Soul 90 1
Reduces the target's Attack by 10%.
Tele Block 85 1Chaos 1Death 1Law 80 0
Prevents the target from teleporting for five minutes (half if they are using Protect from Magic).

Arceuus spellbook[edit | edit source]

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes XP Effect
Dark Lure 50 1Death 1Nature 60 Lures monsters to attack you, and stops them from retreating. Can also be cast on implings.
Lesser Corruption 64 1Death 2Soul 75 33% chance to inflict corruption on the caster's next successful hit.
Greater Corruption 85 1Blood 3Soul 95 66% chance to inflict corruption on the caster's next successful hit.

Support spells[edit | edit source]

Support spells are used to help support the player or their partners during a fight, and see the most usage during raids. Support spells range from healing players, sharing doses of potions, and buffing the player's damage output.

Standard spellbook[edit | edit source]

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes XP Effect
Charge 80 3Air 3Fire 3Blood 180 Increases the max hit of god spells from 20 to 30.

Arceuus spellbook[edit | edit source]

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes XP Effect
Resurrect Lesser Ghost 38 10Air 1Cosmic 5Mind 55 Costing two prayer points, the spell summons a lesser ghostly thrall that attacks the player's current target with magic.
Resurrect Lesser Skeleton 38 10Air 1Cosmic 5Mind 55 Costing two prayer points, the spell summons a lesser skeletal thrall that attacks the player's current target with ranged.
Resurrect Lesser Zombie 38 10Air 1Cosmic 5Mind 55 Costing two prayer points, the spell summons a lesser zombified thrall that attacks the player's current target with melee.
Resurrect Superior Ghost 57 10Earth 1Cosmic 5Death 70 Costing four prayer points, the spell summons a superior ghostly thrall that attacks the player's current target with magic.
Resurrect Superior Skeleton 57 10Earth 1Cosmic 5Death 70 Costing four prayer points, the spell summons a superior skeletal thrall that attacks the player's current target with ranged.
Resurrect Superior Zombie 57 10Earth 1Cosmic 5Death 70 Costing four prayer points, the spell summons a superior zombified thrall that attacks the player's current target with melee.
Mark of Darkness 59 1Cosmic 1Soul 70 Gives various offensive buffs to oneself that lasts for a set amount of time.
Ward of Arceuus 73 1Cosmic 2Nature 4Soul 83 Gives various defensive buffs to oneself that lasts for a set amount of time.
Resurrect Greater Ghost 76 10Fire 5Blood 1Cosmic 70 Costing six prayer points, the spell summons a greater ghostly thrall that attacks the player's current target with magic.
Resurrect Greater Skeleton 76 10Fire 5Blood 1Cosmic 70 Costing six prayer points, the spell summons a greater skeletal thrall that attacks the player's current target with ranged.
Resurrect Greater Zombie 76 10Fire 5Blood 1Cosmic 70 Costing six prayer points, the spell summons a greater zombified thrall that attacks the player's current target with melee.

Lunar spellbook[edit | edit source]

Icon Mobile
Spell Level Runes XP Effect
Monster Examine 66 1Astral 1Cosmic 1Mind 61 Displays information about the monster the spell is casted on, such as its combat stats, defensive bonuses, and whether it can be killed as part of a Slayer task.
Cure Other 68 10Earth 1Astral 1Law 65 Cures a targeted player that is poisoned. The targeted player must have Accept Aid turned on.
Cure Me 71 2Astral 2Cosmic 1Law 69 Cures the caster of poison as though they had taken an antipoison.
Cure Group 74 2Astral 2Cosmic 2Law 74 Cures all players of poison within a 3x3 square area of the caster (including standing on the caster's square). Players need to have Accept Aid turned on in order to benefit from this spell.
Stat Spy 75 2Astral 5Body 1Cosmic 76 Cast on other players to see their combat stats as well as non-combat stats. It also shows their current stats, i.e. their current hitpoints and prayer points.
Dream 79 2Astral 5Body 1Cosmic 82 Puts the caster into a dream-like state where hitpoints recharge at three times the normal rate (1 hitpoint every 20 seconds). The caster will stay in this state until they move or reach full health.
Stat Restore Pot Share 81 10Earth 10Water 2Astral 84 Casting this on a stat restore potion causes the caster to administer 1 dose to each player in a 3x3 square area (including standing on the caster's square) if they have Accept Aid turned on.
Boost Potion Share 84 12Earth 10Water 3Astral 88 Casting this on almost any potion causes the caster to administer 1 dose to each player in a 3x3 square area (including standing on the caster's square) if they have Accept Aid turned on.
Energy Transfer 91 3Astral 2Law 1Nature 100 Transfers to the targeted player 100% of the caster's special attack energy and some of their run energy. Cannot be cast unless the caster has a full special attack energy bar. Players must have Accept Aid turned on to benefit from this spell.
Heal Other 92 3Astral 1Blood 3Law 101 Transfers 75% of the caster's current Hitpoints to the targeted player. The targeted player must have Accept Aid turned on to be healed by this spell.
Vengeance Other 93 10Earth 3Astral 2Death 108 The targeted player will be under the effect of the Vengeance spell. The targeted player must have Accept Aid turned on to receive this benefit.
Vengeance 94 10Earth 4Astral 2Death 112 The next damaging attack that hits the caster will also hit the opponent dealing the damage for up to 75% of the original damage dealt.
Heal Group 95 4Astral 3Blood 6Law 124 Transfers 75% of the caster's current Hitpoints among injured players who are within a 3x3 square area of the caster (including standing on the caster's square). Players must have Accept Aid turned on to benefit from this spell.