English Proficiency Letter

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English Proficiency Letter

Dated: 27- April-2012 This is to certify that Miss Nosheen afi D!o M"ha##ad afi $as enrolled in this instit"tion fro# 2010 to 2011 % pass her e&a#ination in No'e#(er) 2011* Medi"# of instr"ction at this instit"tion is English % all lect"res) pro+ects) assign#ents etc are cond"cted in English Lang"age only* After e'al"ating record % her perfor#ance in se#ester e&a#inations at this instit"tion $e fo"nd follo$ing res"lts* ,ritten English -ral English .po/en English 0nteraction a(ility is E&cellent* ,e reco##end her for st"dies a(road* 1e is 2"ite proficient in English Lang"age % can follo$ his class lect"res co#forta(ly* 3est egards) 0#ad-"d-Din Professor National 4ni'ersity of Modern Lang"ages Lahore 5a#p"s

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