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Moustafa Selmi et al.


Geochemistry of hematitite and itabirite,

Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil
(Geoquímica de hematitito e itabirito,
Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brasil)

Moustafa Selmi
Doutorando do Departamento de Geologia, Escola de Minas/Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, MG - Brazil
Email: [email protected].

Leonardo E. Lagoeiro
Departamento de Geologia - Escola de Minas/ Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, MG - Brazil
E-mail: [email protected]

Issamu Endo
Departamento de Geologia - Escola de Minas/ Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, MG - Brazil
E-mail: [email protected]

Resumo Abstract
Foram coletadas 21 amostras de hematitito e 12 Twenty-one samples of hematitite and twelve
amostras de itabirito em diferentes depósitos do samples of itabirite were collected from different deposits
Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF) e a partir de análises of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF) area and were
geoquímicas foram obtidos dados referentes aos analyzed for trace and rare earth elements. The purpose
elementos-traço e elementos terras-raras (ETR). O objetivo of the study is to understand the element distribution in
é entender a distribuição dos elementos analisados no the QF in comparison with other iron formations (IF)
QF em comparação com formações ferríferas (FF) ao redor around the world. Trace element contents are relatively
do mundo. O conteúdo de elementos-traço é low with considerable variability, being lower than the
relativamente baixo com considerável variabilidade e é contents in the Algoma IF, Anamikie IF, Maru IF in
inferior aos das FF de Algoma, Anamikie, Maru na Nigéria Nigeria and Orissa IF in India. REE’s abundance is
e Orissa na Índia. A abundância de ETR é relativamente relatively low, but higher than REE’s of Hamersley IF of
baixa, porém superior à de Hamersley na Austrália Western Australia, Surgur belt in India and lower than
Ocidental, Surgur na Índia e inferior à de Kuruman na Kuruman IF in South Africa. Chondrite normalized
África do Sul. O padrão normalizado por condrito mostra patterns show slight degrees of fractionation for LREE
um leve grau de fracionamento de ETR leves em relação to HREE and slightly positive Eu anomalies coupled
aos ETR pesados, fracas anomalias positivas de Eu, with positive values of (La/Yb)CN and (La/Sm)CN ratios.
além de altos valores para a relação (La/Yb) CN e
Keywords: Geochemistry, iron formations, Quadrilátero
Ferrífero, hematitite, itabirite.
Palavras-chave: Geoquímica, formações ferríferas,
Quadrilátero Ferrífero, hematitito, itabirito.

REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 62(1): 35-43, jan. mar. 2009 35
Geochemistry of hematitite and itabirite, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil

1. Introduction containing more than 90% of hematite in and restricted to thin horizons in some
the modal proportion. Trace and rare locations (Dorr, 1969). In this paper only
The Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF) is earth elements were analyzed in terms of samples of iron oxide lithofacies were
comprised of an approximately square its spatial distributionand variation in analyzed. The Cauê Formation (age
area of ca. 7.000 km2 and hosts one of samples of the same or different types. between 6 and 2.4 Ga.) and the overlying
the largest iron ore deposits in the world The resulting values were then compared Gandarela Formation of the Itabira Group
(Figure 1). values from other banded iron formations were deposited over an Archean sialic
Researchers have focused on trace around the world. substrate (Cordani et al., 1980; Marshak
and rare earth elements to reveal the and Alkmim, 1989) in a continental
origin of classical iron formations (IFs) platform of a passive margin (Marshak
around the world, such as in the Algoma 2. Geological setting and Alkmim, 1989).
district and Lake superior region in The samples analyzed in this study The tectonic and metamorphic
Canada (Animikie IF) (Gross and belong to the hematite-magnetite history of the QF region is controversial.
Macleod, 1980), the Hamersley IF in lithofacies of iron formation (IF) in the At least two main tectonic events
Western Australia (Alibert and Quadrilátero Ferrífero region which is occurred in the area during the
Mcculloch, 1993), the Kuruman formation located in southern part of the São Proterozoic. The first is the
from the Transvaal Supergroup in South Francisco Craton (Dorr, 1969) (Fig.1). Transamazonian event (ca 2.1 Ga, Alkmim
Africa (Bau and Dulski, 1996), the Maru Two broad compositional types of iron and Marshak 1998) that generated large
IF in Nigeria (Adekoya, 1998) and the formation occur in the QF area: quartzitic northeast-trending regional-scale folds
iron formations in the Sargur Belt in India and dolomitic itabirite. IFs of amphibolitic in the QF area (Fig. 1). The second is the
(Kato et al., 1996). Geochemical studies composition can also be found in the QF Brasiliano Orogeny (ca 600 Ma)
on IFs in Brazil, however, are very scarce. area, although in much less proportions generating a series of western-verged
Klein and Ladeira (2000) studied samples
of the Cauê Formation from the western
Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF) region,
regionally known as itabirite, which are
similar to some metamorphosed banded
iron formations from the Lake Superior
region in North America. Based on trace
and rare-earth element analyses, itabirite
formed by precipitation from mixed
Paleoproterozoic seawater and
hydrothermal fluids. The chemistry of the
dolomitic variety of this rock was
investigated by Spier et al. (2007).These
authors proposed a similar origin for the
dolomitic itabirite. In the QF two main
iron rich rocks occur and they are the
main iron ore types exploited in the
mines. With the purpose of contributing
to the understanding of the geochemical
characteristics of the itabirite, whole-rock
analyses of representative samples
collected from different deposits were
performed. The samples were separated
in two distinct types: hematitite and
itabirite depending on their chemical
composition. The term itabirite is defined
as a laminated, metamorphosed iron
Figure 1 - Simplified geological map of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (after Dorr, 1969),
formation of iron oxides (hematite, (SFC) São Francisco Cráton. Sampled iron ore deposits: IT-Itatiaiuçu, AV- AVG Mineração,
magnetite, martite), abundant in quartz, CO-Córrego do Meio, PI-Piedade, CM-Capitão do Mato, TA-Tamanduá, PC-Pico do Itabirito,
but very rarely containing mica and other MF-Mina de Fábrica, GS-Gongo Soco, BA-Baú, MM-Morro da Mina, FZ-Fazendão,
AL-Alegria, FN-Fábrica Nova, TO-Timbopeba, CE-Mina de Conceição, PQ-Mina do
accessory minerals (Dorr and Barbosa,
Periquito, DC-Mina de Dois Córregos, ON-Mina do Onça, CH-Mina da Chacrinha, CA-Mina
1963). Hematitite is a high grade iron ore de Cauê.

36 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 62(1): 35-43, jan. mar. 2009
Moustafa Selmi et al.
thrust-and- fault structures associated hematite crystals. There, magnetite with alternating layers of iron oxide and
with the development of pervasive crystals are mostly euhedral and in a large quartz of variable thicknesses. The
tectonic fabrics (schistosity, mylonitic extent oxidized to hematite (Fig. 2c). By proportion of iron oxides and quartz in
foliations, crenulation cleavage and contrast, the hematite grains occur in a each layer may vary in wide proportions.
mineral stretching lineations) (Chemale great variety of shapes. They can be However pure oxide layers are
et al., 1994). granular (Fig. 2d) with irregular or essentially composed of hematite in
straight boundaries. Hematite grains of granular, tabular or platy shapes. The
The QF region has been usually
tabular or platy shape (Fig. 2e) are more microstructures of hematite grains in
divided into two major tectonic domains
often observed in the high-strain these layers may vary from aggregates
(Rosière et al., 2001). The eastern region
domains of the QF, particularly in the of randomly oriented crystals to those
is considered as a high strain domain
where basal planes of hematite are
with a widespread shear zone eastern domain. Hematite grains in these
preferred-oriented, usually defining a
development and pervasive structures. rocks show a strong shape and
plane of foliation similar to that of micas
By contrast, the deformation in the crystallographic preferred orientation
(Fig. 2g). In general grain sizes tend to
western portions is typically low. (Morales et al. 2008).
be smaller in the iron formation of the
Synclines are preserved and primary
On the other hand, itabirite (Fig. 2f) western domain than in their
structures can be recognized.
has remarkable compositional banding counterparts of the eastern domain.
The metamorphic grade also
increases from the west (lower
greenschist facies) to the east (lower
amphibolite facies) (Herz, 1978; Pires,
1995). The mineral assemblage indicates
temperatures ranging from 300°C in the
west region to 600°C in the east (Pires,

3. Mineralogy and
The analyzed iron-rich rocks are
comprised of hematitite and itabirite (Fig.
2). The difference between them is the
proportion of iron oxide to quartz. The
mineral composition of both sample
types is characteristically simple. By far
the major constituent minerals are
hematite, magnetite and quartz.
Occasionally, minor to trace amounts of
minerals such as tourmaline, apatite and
few other silicates, such as amphiboles,
may be present, particularly in IFs of the
western domain of the QF region. The
hematitite is composed basically of
hematite (Fig. 2a, b). Magnetite is also
present in varied amounts depending on
the location of the sampling. It is most
commonly found in the western domain
of the QF area. The magnetite grains
progressively become rare in the iron Figure 2 - Features of the analyzed samples. (A) Hematitite with characteristic metallic
formation towards the eastern domain luster and massive aspect. (B) Foliated type of hematitite. (C) Relicts of martitized
crystal of magnetite immersed in euhedral crystals of tabular hematite, polished section.
as they are progressively transformed Crossed polarized light. (D) Aggregate of granular hematite crystals in polished section
to hematite. They are only observed as taken from sample (A) under crossed polarized light. (E) Foliated hematite showing a
relict grains immersed in a matrix of strong preferred orientation of tabular crystals. (F) Outcrop with foliated itabirite.

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Geochemistry of hematitite and itabirite, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil

4. Methodology individual trace elements show wide (Table 1). The abundance of LREE is
concentrations. V is the most abundant approx. 15.23 ppm, ranging from 1.71
Twenty-one samples of hematitite with an average of 39 ppm. The Co to 63.83 ppm, whereas, the total
(high grade hematite ores) and twelve of (9 ppm), Ni (5.5ppm), and Y contents content of HREE sums up to 1.68 ppm
itabirite were analyzed for trace and rare (8.2 ppm) also present a wide range of (0.34-5.01 ppm). All samples show an
earth elements. We have analyzed only values (1-45.8 ppm). In the lower range increase in the LREE content relative to
cohesive and fresh samples, e.g. those of the values appear Rb (0.3-6ppm), the HREE content, which is more
without any sign of weathering collected Sr (0.3-22.7 ppm), Zr (1.7-25.1 ppm), pronounced in the hematitite samples.
from a deep open pit mine. Hematitite Nb (0.3-11.3 ppm), Hf (0.3-0.6 ppm) and To evaluate the degree of fractionation
samples are chemically more Ta (0.1-0.3 ppm). Ba is an important trace of LREE to HREE, REE’s were normalized
homogeneous even though in some element with concentration relatively to chondrites (CN) (Evensen et al., 1978).
specimens a contrasting arrangement of higher than the last group of trace The shape of the distribution of
hematite crystals disposed in alternating elements (Rb-Ta), but with a large (REEs) CN shows nearly horizontal
bands gives rise to a planar anisotropy scattering of values (0.3-35.2 ppm). patterns with relatively slight high
similar to those of the itabirite. The Sample HAl2 has high values of some fractionation of LREE to HREE and this
samples were cleaned and dried and then trace elements such as V, Co, Y, Sr, Ba was similar for both hematitite and
crushed to 150 mesh size in a tungsten itabirite (Fig.4). LREE fractionation was
and Zr.
carbide ringmill. The fine fraction determined by the ratio (La/Sm)CN and
pulverized samples were sent to the The concentration of trace elements HREE fractionation was obtained by the
ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd. in the itabirite samples is in average ratio (Gd/Yb)CN. In the hematitite LREE
(Vancouver, BC, Canada) for 87.8 ppm, and, just as the hematitite, also fractionation ratio (La/Sm)CN presents an
geochemical analyses. Major and trace shows a wide range of values (Table 1). average of 5.3 (Table 1), whereas, the
V and Co are the most abundant. The V ratios (Gd/Yb)CN and (Sm/Yb)CN have an
elements Zr and Y were determined by
values vary from 2.5 to 55ppm averaging average value of 1.4 and 1.6 respectively.
wavelength dispersive, sequential X-ray
20.6 ppm (Table 1). The Co For the itabirite, the (La/Sm)CN ratio
fluorescence spectrometer. Selected
concentrations have an average value presents an average of 5.8, whereas, the
trace (V, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Ba, Hf and
of around 21.6 ppm. The Ba content (Sm/Yb)CN, (Gd/Yb)CN ratios have an
Ta) and rare-earth elements were average of 2.1 and 1.9, respectively
determined by inductively coupled averages 13.3ppm within a wide range of
values (0.3 - 66.1ppm). Hf and Ta present (Table 1). The bulk fractionation degree
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) at of LREE to HREE was determined for the
ACME Lab. The limit of detection of trace very low concentrations with an average
of 0.3 ppm similar to the Rb content. The hematitite and itabirite samples by the
elements is > 0.5 ppm for the group ratio of (La/Yb)CN which gave averages
average concentration of the other trace
(Hf, Nb, Rb, Sr, V, Co), the limit is > 0.1 for of 7.7 and 7.3, respectively. Their ratio
elements is very low with high variability:
the group (Y, Ta) and 1ppm for Sn, reaches higher values in some samples,
Cu (min. and max.: 0.1-19.8 ppm),
whereas, the limit of detection of Rare mostly those located in the eastern
Zn (0.1-8 ppm), Sr (0.5-21.8 ppm),
earth elements is > 0.05ppm for (Eu, Gd, domain of QF region. The values for the
Y (1.2-14.1 ppm), Zr (0.7-13.5 ppm) and
Tb, Dy, Yb, Tm, Er, Ho, Lu), while the limit Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*) are slightly positive
Nb (0.3-4.7 ppm).
is > 0.1ppm for Sm and >0.4ppm for Nd. and variable in all the samples collected
Similar to the hematitite, the values in QF mines.
of some trace elements, such as V, Ni,
5. Results Co, Y and Ba from samples collected in
the eastern domain, are very distinct from 6. Discussion
5.1 Trace Elements (TE) the values from the western domain. The amount of iron and silica in this
Thirteen trace elements (V, Co, Ni, rock is larger than 99 weight %. In the
Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Hf and Ta) hematitite type, silica is less than 1% in
were determined in the hematitite and
5.2 Rare Earth Elements
weight, making these rocks a nearly pure
itabirite samples (Table 1.). In both ores (REEs) hematite iron ore.
the trace element contents present a In hematitite samples, the sum of This study indicates that the iron
wide range of concentrations similar to REE contents average 26.85 ppm. The formation from the QF region shares
the other IFs around the world (Cole, values for light REE (LREE; La to Eu) in some characteristics with other known
1981; Adekoya, 1998). Both hematitite all samples vary between 2.39 and IFs around the world. The banding of
and itabirite show similar concentration 200.34 ppm and are 4 times higher than the itabirite in the QF shares some
all over the QF region (Fig. 3). the heavy REE (HREE; Gd to Lu) which characteristics similar to the Hamersley
In the hematitite samples the values range from 0.41 to 8.74 ppm. In Basin in Australia, the Orissa region of
abundance of the trace elements varies itabirite samples the total content of India and those of South Africa (James,
between ca. 23.6 - 262 ppm. Most REE is in average of around 16.91 ppm 1954; Cole, 1981).

38 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 62(1): 35-43, jan. mar. 2009
Moustafa Selmi et al.
Table 1 - Trace and rare earth elements (in ppm) of hematitite and itabirite samples (H) hematitite, (I) itabirite, the rest of sample
names refer to the mines listed in Figure 1.

REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 62(1): 35-43, jan. mar. 2009 39
Geochemistry of hematitite and itabirite, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil
In relation to trace elements, the
mean values for hematitite and itabirite
are comparable to averages reported by
Spier et al. (2007), Lindenmayer et al.
(2001), and Klein and Ladeira (2000)
(Table. 2). The analyzed data presents
lower concentrations in comparison to
the data from Klein and Ladeira (2000),
but more or less similar to the values
found by Spier et al. (2007). However
when compared with other IFs in the
world, both hematitite and itabirite show
lower average contents of trace elements
(Table 2). Both hematite and itabirite
samples have a lower concentration of
the Ba element than the data obtained
from Klein and Ladeira (2000) and Spier
et al. (2007) in the QF region. Also the
same result is obtained in comparison to
the Ba data of IFs around the world.
The values for the V, Co, Ni elements
for the Lake Superior region (Animikie
IF) are higher than those of the itabirite
of the QF. The V contents in the
hematitite are higher than in the itabirite,
but are not very distinct from the data
set from Nigeria (Adekoya, 1998). In
comparison to the Canadian Algoma-type Figure 3 - Plot of the average concentration of trace-elements of the hematitite and
Ifs data (Gross and Macleod, 1980), some itabirite samples.

Table 2 - Average of trace element contents in the iron formation of this study compared with some iron formations of the QF region
and from other parts of the world.

Paleoproterozoic banded iron formation (Itabirite of Caue Fm) (Spier et al., 2007).
Itabirite from Caue Fm (Klein and Ladeira, 2000).
Lake superior silicate facies iron-formation (Animikie) (Gross and Macleod, 1980, Table 3).
Algoma oxide facies iron-formation (Gross and Macleod, 1980, Table 3).
Maru iron formation (oxide facies) (Adeloya, 1998).
Orissa iron-formation (oxide facies), India (Majumder et al., 1982, Table 3).

40 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 62(1): 35-43, jan. mar. 2009
Moustafa Selmi et al.
trace element values like V, Ba, Ni, Co,
Nb, Zr revealed higher values than the
data of the studied ore of the QF region.
The trace element values for the
Orissa iron formation in India are much
higher than the data of the studied ore
samples, but the value for the V element
is in the same range as our analyzed data.
In the studied area, the values
presented for Ni and Cu are much lower
in comparison with data for the rest of
the QF region, as well as from other
banded iron formations (BIFs) around
the world (Table 2).
REE systematics in the QF iron
formations are in the same range of values
found in other similar sequences around
the world (Fig. 5). On the average, the
total content of REEs is relatively low
with a moderate fractionation of light REE
(LREE) relative to heavy REE (HREE)
(Fig. 4), coupled with slightly positive
Eu anomalies (average value of 1.5 and
1.6 for hematitite and itabirite samples,
respectively). As with other Ifs of similar
age, theThe majority of the analyzed
samples display similar REE systematics
and are compatible with the results of
Bau and Möller (1993) that indicate that
Ifs, independent of their provenance,
age, and metamorphic grade, display a
similar degree of fractionation of LREE
(La/Sm)CN>1) (Table.1).
The sum of REEs of the analyzed
Figure 4 - Chondrite (after Evensen et al., 1978) normalized pattern of rare earth
samples of this study is higher than the
elements (REE) calculated for the hematitite samples (a) and itabirite samples (b).
results obtained by Spier (2007) and from
the jaspilites of the Carajás formation
types: hematitite and itabirite. The fractionation ratio of LREE/HREE
(Macambira and Schrank, 2002). In hematitite has more than 98% of Fe, besides slightly positive Eu anomalies
comparison to the other BIFs around the whereas, the itabirite has varied contents coupled with positive values for the
world, the itabirite of this study show of iron and silica, on the average higher (La/ Yb)CN, (La/Sm)CN.ratios.
values more or less similar to the REEs than 99%.
contents of the Surgur belt (Kato et al.,
1996) and lower than the Kuruman BIF The concentrations of trace (mainly 7. Acknowledgments
oxide facies (Klein and Beukes, 1989) transition metals) and rare earth elements
of the hematitite and itabirite samples Special thanks go to all my
(Table 3).
show considerable variability and appear colleagues in Micro-Lab- UFOP for their
The ratio (La/Yb)CN of hematitite in high values, especially in the eastern assistance and valuable discussions.
and itabirite samples show higher values domain of the QF region. Particularly
in comparison to other BIFs around the recorded was data from samples collected
world (Table 3). from Dois Córregos, Chacrinha, Gongo
8. References
Soco, Periquito, Conceição and mines ADEKOYA, J.A. The geology and
The iron ore samples (oxide geochemistry of the Maru Banded Iron-
lithofacies) collected from the QF region from Alegria.
Formation, northwestern Nigeria.
consist mainly of hematite, magnetite and The samples show low REE Journal of African Earth Sciences, 27,
quartz. The analyzed samples are of two abundances and a moderate p. 241-257, 1998.

REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 62(1): 35-43, jan. mar. 2009 41
Geochemistry of hematitite and itabirite, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil

Figure 5 - Graph showing rare earth element content of the analyzed samples compared with some iron formations of the QF region
and from other parts of the world (data obtained from Table 3).

Table 3 - Average of rare earth element contents in the iron formation of this study compared with some iron formations of the QF
region and from other parts of the world.

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Hamersley banded iron formation (Glikson et al., 2004).
Transversal Supergroup, Kuruman BIF (oxide facies), (Klein and Beukes, 1989).
Surgur belt, India (Kato et al., 1996).

42 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 62(1): 35-43, jan. mar. 2009
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