Forum Criminalistic Nr. 1 of 2013 Final - Limited
Forum Criminalistic Nr. 1 of 2013 Final - Limited
Forum Criminalistic Nr. 1 of 2013 Final - Limited
ISSN 1844-2641
Nr. 1, Volumul 6
ianuarie-iunie 2013
Issue 1, Volume VI
January-June 2013
Editura EstFalia
București, 2013
Forum Criminalistic ♦♦♦ Forensic Science Forum 1/2013
Revista „Forum Criminalistic” este realizată de colectivul Departamentului de Criminalistică din cadrul
Academiei de Poliție „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” și apare semestrial (ianuarie/iunie – iulie/decembrie).
Colectivul redacțional și/sau editura nu își asumă răspunderea pentru conținutul articolelor – acesta
aparține exclusiv autorilor. Redacția își rezervă dreptul de a refuza publicarea articolelor care nu
respectă condițiile de fond/formă.
Forum Criminalistic ♦♦♦ Forensic Science Forum 1/2013
Prof.univ.dr. George-Marius ȚICAL
Conf.univ.dr. Adrian IACOB
Asist.univ.dr. Georgică PANFIL
Senior Editor:
Lect.univ.dr.Nicolae GROFU
cms.șef TALPAU Florin
asist.univ. Cezar CIOACĂ
drd.Antonela ȘOFINEȚ
Forum Criminalistic ♦♦♦ Forensic Science Forum 1/2013
Forum Criminalistic ♦♦♦ Forensic Science Forum 1/2013
Forum Criminalistic ♦♦♦ Forensic Science Forum 1/2013
Forum Criminalistic ♦♦♦ Forensic Science Forum 1/2013
Antonela Șofineț1
The article presents the main characteristics of organised crime, criminal groups, the evolution and
the perspectives of this phenomen, the main characteristics of it in Romania and a taxonomy of criminal
Keywords: organised crime, criminal organisation, taxonomy.
dr.Ţigănoaia Adrian-Cătălin1
Abstract: This article refers to the crime of harming the fetus which was introduced in the Romanian
criminal law through the new penal code provisions and also to the lack of some legal clarifications regarding
the concepts of ”fetus” and “person”. Harming the fetus is not a crime in the actual penal code, a fact that has
been greatly criticized at a doctrinal level. Therefore this problem was solved by introducing in the new penal
code provisions to incriminate such behavior. But as long as the legal interpretation of the concepts fetus and
person will not be provided, there will be great difficulties in applying the criminal law in an unitary manner.
Keywords: harming, fetus, person, birth.
dr.Nicolae Grofu1
This article presents some considerations on the procedural provisions of the basic rule concerning finding
the truth in criminal trial, as it is regulated in the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Keywords: criminal process, basic rule, finding the truth, Criminal Procedure Code
The article presents the main issues linked to money laundering, the evolution of this term in relation
to the evolution of society itself, the activities used to ”clean” the money and the links between this activity and
criminal groups.
Keywords: money laundering, organised crime, evolution.
dr.Țical George-Marius1
The article tackles the field of withness protection, especially from the point of view of the influences
of global terrorist threats related to witness protection programs.
Keywords: threat, terrorism, witness protection program.
Efrim Andreea-Eliza1
Popescu Laurențiu2
The channel size between the entrance wound and the exit wound depends on the caliber of the
weapon, the force of penetration of the projectile and which tissue is passed through. The diameter of the
channel formed by the same projectile can be different in various areas, unable to provide accurate data on the
caliber of the weapon. Bone tissue differs from other tissues, where the openings in the cranian cavity, the size
of the wound is almost equal to the diameter of the projectile or it may be slightly higher.
Key words: projectile, cranian cavity, channel, entrance wound, exit wound.
dr.Georgică Panfil1
Dănuț Nechita2
The article tackles with main issues linked to the complex activity of crime scene interpretation for
different categories of traces. The author also approaches the main rules, tasks, but also the importance of this
attribute of forensic scientists.
Keywords: crime scene, interpretation, traces, tasks.
Dan Toma1
The article tackles the problems linked to international cooperation in the field of justice related to
Romania and other countries.
Keywords: extradition, judicial cooperation, law.
Adrian-Mihail Tudor1
In order to successfully their specific missions and to prevent and counteract the crime phenomena ,
the forces of public order and safety need to act within the boundaries offered by the legislation in force, with the
possibility of facing themselvs, in conditions strictly governed by the law, with the use of firearms. This is why
legal provisions regarding the use of firearms need to be conceptualized as possible through theoretic
fundamentation, standardizatio from a juridical stand point as well as a tactical and applicable point of view.
Keywords: use of weapons, public order, law coercition.
Here are presented aspects on following law aspects regarding drugs by the institutuions in charge
abilitate – aspects under the current normative acts in cooperation with other specialists (such as: the Ministry
of Hrealth, the Gerenal Directorate of Customs, etc.).
Keywords: drugs, treatment, law aspects, illicit flow.
Evolution of technology that helps protect the process of manufacturing documents is imposed by the
technological progress and the new methods and techniques that are being used by the forgerers. These people
manage to manufacture forged documents that look very similar to those which are genuine.
Keywords: forgery, latent image, laser engraving, multiple laser images.
Iulian Bulnău1
Nuclear power is one of the cheapest and "greenest" energy sources in the world. Currently almost 14%
of global electricity comes from here. However, the major nuclear disasters in history have made many people
regard nuclear power plants with fear and distrust.
Throughout history, human mistakes, along with natural disasters, have made nuclear power generate
real disasters. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) uses a classification of seven levels of nuclear
accidents disasters, from "major accident" (level 7)to "anomaly" (level 1). Chernobyl disaster in northern Ukraine,
on the night of 25 to 26 April 1986, is the largest in history. Until the Fukushima episode in 2011, Cernobyl was
quoted by the IAEA as a level 7, the highest, which is a major leak of radioactive substances with effects on
human health and the environment, which require extensive plans.
Keywords: Cernobyl, nuclear accident, nuclear power, public information.
1Subcomisar de poliție.
Forum Criminalistic ♦♦♦ Forensic Science Forum 1/2013
dr.Secăreanu Marian1
The continuous and constant increase of crimes – at global level – needed a general reaction from the
states all around the globe. When the member states negociated the EU Treaty, they were aware of the fact that
measures to fight with the same strategy against the organised and transnational crime were necessary. In order
to cooperate at the level of police and judicial forces, common principles are used.
Cooperation between states of the international community in all spheres of activity (political, military,
social, economic) has become more diverse in recent decades, creating forms of international cooperation and
coordination of certain international organizations. Members create an institutional framework or cooperation by
adopting a status, jointly developed, and by setting goals, targets and organs regarding said international
Keywords: police cooperation, cooperation principles, European integration, judicial forces
dr.Adrian Iacob1
Vlad Amarandei2
The article presents the main taxonomies existent in the field of traces forming the subject of forensic
science. The authors are also presenting examples of traces for each cathegory, and also the types of traces
that cannot be included in any of the domains of judicial traceology.
Keywords: traces, forensic science, taxonomy.
dr.Constantin Duvac1
Following the first part of his study2, the author carries a comparative study of incrimination rules on:
vengeance for helping justice, theft or destruction of evidence or documents, pressure on the justice system,
undermining the interests of justice, violation of the solemnity of justice, abusive judicial inquiry, submission to
ill-treatment, torture, unjust repression, disloyal legal assistance and representation, escape from detention,
facilitating escape, failure to comply with judgments and enforced penalties, analysis accompanied by some
critical remarks and some suggestions (lex ferenda proposals) for improving the examined texts.
Keywords: Criminal Code, criminal law, crime, punishment, justice.
Blooodstain pattern analysis represents an important activity within the whole crime scene investigation
process. It is important because it offers the investigator valuable information about the sequence of events and
also about who did and did not participate in the violent incident investigated. Using mathematical methods and
principles from Physics and Chemistry bloodstain analysis becomes a trustworthy source of information and can
be used in numerous cases.
Keywords: bloodstains, analysis, forensic interpretation, case solving.
dr.Viorel Coroiu1
Alina Dumitru2
A crime scene represents the place where a crime has been commited or, in some other cases, the
place that hosts diffrent types of traces/clues linked to a crime. The following article presents the main issues
linked to what the term of ”crime scene investigation” means, main rules to be followed on site, the main tasks
of each category of investigator etc.
Keywords: crime scene investigation, first responders, forensic science, traces, identification.
Andreea Ciusleanu1
Cătălin Toader2
Forensic and judicial psychology notions gather and complete each other in trying to find out the truth,
more exactly in finding the criminal by creating a psychological profile.
Keywords: criminal profiling, evidence, psychology, human behaviour
Petre-Valentin Bădița1
The article presents the main issues linked to the concepts of ballistic, firearms identification and
problems that can be solved by scientific reports.
Keywords: ballistic, firearms, scientific report, ammunition
dr.Ion Busuioc1
dr.Alexandru Antofie2
The article tackles with the main problems linked to criminal types as presented by important authors in
the field of ciminology, with regard to the degree of control of criminal behaviour, the age of the offender, the
intention to repeat criminal acts and, of course, if the criminal act was prepared in advance.
Keywords: criminology, criminal psychology, criminal types, taxonomy.