SMW Subobject for Before Plague's EndNPC ID: 19520, 19522Options: ExamineExamine: An elven child.Release date: 11 August 2014NPC location: LletyaIs members only: trueIs variant of: Adyna
SMW Subobject for After Plague's EndNPC ID: 19520, 19522Options: Talk to, ExamineExamine: An elven child.Release date: 11 August 2014NPC location: LletyaIs members only: trueIs variant of: Adyna
Adyna is an elf child who sits on a rock next to the well in Lletya. After building the Ithell statue during Plague's End, the rock is removed, so she wanders around Lletya instead. When spoken to, she states that her rock was special to her, and that she is sad that the player removed it, but she does find the statue of Lady Ithell built in its place to be very beautiful.