SMW Subobject for Manor FarmNPC ID: 26746Options: Help, Hand in easy request, ExamineExamine: A farmer in need (easy)Release date: 25 November 2019NPC location: Manor FarmIs members only: trueIs variant of: Amaethwr
SMW Subobject for LletyaNPC ID: 2860Options: Pay, Talk to, Trade, ExamineExamine: Perhaps this gardener might look after your crops for you.Release date: 22 January 2008NPC location: LletyaIs members only: trueIs variant of: Amaethwr
Amaethwr Crwys is an elvenfarmer living in Lletya, the base of the elven rebels. He watches over the fruit tree patch in the village, watching over growing trees and preventing them from getting diseased. He is accompanied by Teclyn.
Amaethwr may occasionally appear at Manor Farm, asking for help with an easy Farming Guild request.