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Release5 March 2018 (Update)
LocationDeep Sea Fishing hub
ExamineIllusively rare, and undoubtedly fast.
Advanced data
NPC ID25233

Arkaneo is a giant sailfish that occasionally spawns as a random event at the Deep Sea Fishing hub.

She swims around for approximately 50 seconds and grants all three Deep Sea Fishing boosts after departing (Deep Sea Fishing XP boost, Deep Sea Fishing additional catch, and Deep Sea Fishing catch rate), completing the Boosted Animal achievement if not already completed. The boosts last for 15 minutes if the player was at the Deep Sea Fishing hub on the same world when she arrived, or for 5 minutes if the player hopped worlds or entered the hub after she arrived.

The back portion of her dorsal fin has been removed from her, and attached to Tavia's fishing rod by Tavia during a catching attempt.

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