Basic ritual candle (Necromancy!)

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Basic ritual candle
Release7 August 2023 (Update)
Quest itemNecromancy!
DestroyYou can reclaim this from Malignius Mortifer in the City of Um.
ExamineA basic ritual candle.
Options [?]
BackpackUse, Destroy, Examine
Value1 coin
High alch1 coin
Low alch1 coin
On deathAlways kept
Weight0 kg
Advanced data
Item ID55245
LinksMRID • recipe

Four basic ritual candles are given to the player by Malignius Mortifer in the City of Um during the Necromancy! quest. They are used to set up the makeshift communion ritual. Each candle gives one Necromancy experience when placed on a light source spot, resulting in the scenery variant of the non-quest item.

Necromancy info[edit | edit source]

Basic ritual candle
Level required1 Necromancy
Necromancy XP1 xp
FacilityLight source spot

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