SMW Subobject for Harvest HollowNPC ID: 31291Options: Talk to, Hand in clan confections, ExamineExamine: Keeps track of everyone's confection contributions to the clan.Release date: 14 October 2024NPC location: Harvest HollowIs members only: falseIs variant of: Cough (NPC)
SMW Subobject for BurthorpeNPC ID: 31285Options: Talk to, Hand in clan confections, ExamineExamine: Beckons you into the Harvest Hollow.Release date: 14 October 2024NPC location: BurthorpeIs members only: falseIs variant of: Cough (NPC)
In the Harvest Hollow, players are able to hand in any clan confections they have gathered in return for clan goodie bags after completion of the quest Field of Screams. Once players have contributed at least 25 clan confections, they will unlock the Captain variants of the Horsemen titles: