Harvest Boon

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Harvest Boon only appears during certain events and may not be currently found in game.
Harvest Boon
Release14 October 2024 (Update)
Shop typeHoliday event
LocationHarvest Hollow

Harvest Boon is a shop accessible during the 2024 Halloween event through Reynold at the Harvest Hollow and through the Progress Overview tab of the Event interface. It sells items, cosmetic overrides, titles, overhead emotes, pets and more, including those from past Halloween events at the cost of spooky tokens.

Stock[edit | edit source]

2024 rewards[edit | edit source]

in stock
sold at
Stock of The Horsemen's Uniform tokenThe Horsemen's Uniform token[s 1]150,000A token that unlocks one appearance of The Horsemen's Uniform override.
Stock of of Death titleof Death title[s 1]15,000Unlocks the 'of Death' title.
Stock of of Famine titleof Famine title[s 1]15,000Unlocks the 'of Famine' title.
Stock of of Frank titleof Frank title[s 1]15,000Unlocks the 'of Frank' title.
Stock of of Pestilence titleof Pestilence title[s 1]15,000Unlocks the 'of Pestilence' title.
Stock of of War titleof War title[s 1]15,000Unlocks the 'of War' title.
Stock of Overhead emote: Death PleadOverhead emote: Death Plead11,000Unlocks the Death Plead overhead emote.
Stock of Overhead emote: Famine ScreechOverhead emote: Famine Screech11,000Unlocks the Famine Screech overhead emote.
Stock of Overhead emote: Frank FlushedOverhead emote: Frank Flushed11,000Unlocks the Frank Flushed overhead emote.
Stock of Overhead emote: Pestilence SuspiciousOverhead emote: Pestilence Suspicious11,000Unlocks the Pestilence Suspicious overhead emote.
Stock of Overhead emote: War ThinkOverhead emote: War Think11,000Unlocks the War Think overhead emote.
Stock of Frank's round shieldFrank's round shield120,000Unlocks the 'Frank's round shield' cosmetic override.
Stock of Ring of FrankRing of Frank12,000A ring that can be used to turn you into Frank.
Stock of Clan confectionsClan confections50,000Clan confections can be taken to Cough by the bonfire in the Harvest Hollow to contribute to your team in The Horsemen in exchange for rewards.
  1. ^ a b c d e f You must complete the 'Field of Screams' quest to purchase this.

Legacy gear[edit | edit source]

sold at
Stock of Spooky Spider ParasolSpooky Spider Parasol20,000Free-to-playA spooky twist on the classic parasol.
Stock of Web CloakWeb Cloak20,000Free-to-playUnlocks the Web Cloak - like walking through cobwebs backwards... for some reason.
Stock of Deathcon II t-shirtDeathcon II t-shirt20,000Free-to-playUnlocks the Deathcon II t-shirt (torso) item.
Stock of Deathcon II lanyardDeathcon II lanyard20,000Free-to-playUnlocks the Deathcon II lanyard (neck) item.
Stock of HourglassHourglass20,000MembersUnlocks the hourglass (main hand) item.
Stock of Hallowed/unhallowed hoodHallowed/unhallowed hood10,000MembersUnlocks the hallowed/unhallowed hood (head) item.
Stock of Hallowed/unhallowed torsoHallowed/unhallowed torso10,000MembersUnlocks the hallowed/unhallowed torso (torso) item.
Stock of Hallowed/unhallowed robe skirtHallowed/unhallowed robe skirt10,000MembersUnlocks the hallowed/unhallowed robe skirt (legs) item.
Stock of Hallowed/unhallowed cloakHallowed/unhallowed cloak10,000Free-to-playUnlocks the hallowed/unhallowed cloak (back) item.
Stock of Hallowed/unhallowed glovesHallowed/unhallowed gloves10,000MembersUnlocks the hallowed/unhallowed gloves (hands) item.
Stock of Hallowed/unhallowed bootsHallowed/unhallowed boots10,000MembersUnlocks the hallowed/unhallowed boots (feet) item.

Legacy overrides[edit | edit source]

sold at
Stock of Death's scytheDeath's scythe20,000Unlocks the 'Death's scythe' cosmetic override.
Stock of Death's silver scytheDeath's silver scythe20,000Unlocks the 'Death's silver scythe' cosmetic override.
Stock of War's GreataxeWar's Greataxe20,000Unlocks the 'War's Greataxe' cosmetic override.
Stock of Staff of FamineStaff of Famine20,000Unlocks the 'Staff of Famine' cosmetic override.
Stock of Pestilence's BowPestilence's Bow20,000Unlocks the 'Pestilence's Bow' cosmetic override.
Stock of ArteriaArteria20,000Unlocks the Arteria (sword) override.
Stock of Lucien's StaffLucien's Staff20,000Unlocks the 'Lucien's staff' cosmetic override.
Stock of Death's hoodDeath's hood20,000Unlocks the Death's hood (head) override.
Stock of Death's Death MaskDeath's Death Mask20,000Unlocks the Death's Death Mask cosmetic override.
Stock of Lightning rod hatLightning rod hat20,000Unlocks the lightning rod hat (head) override.
Stock of Renegade ArmourRenegade Armour50,000Unlocks the Renegade Armour (head, torso, legs, hands, feet) cosmetic overrides.
Stock of Vampyric Regalia outfitVampyric Regalia outfit50,000Unlocks the Vampyric Regalia (head, torso, legs, hands, feet) overrides.
Stock of Spooky Spider Outfit and TeleportSpooky Spider Outfit and Teleport50,000Unlocks the 'Spooky spider outfit' cosmetic override and 'Spooky spider teleport' teleport animation.
Stock of Headless Rider outfitHeadless Rider outfit50,000Unlocks the Headless Rider outfit (head, torso and legs) override.
Stock of Inflorescent WingsInflorescent Wings20,000Unlocks the 'Inflorescent wings' cosmetic override.
Stock of Decaying WingsDecaying Wings20,000Unlocks the 'Decaying Wings' cosmetic override.

Legacy utility[edit | edit source]

sold at
Stock of Overhead emotes: HalloweenOverhead emotes: Halloween5,000Free-to-playUnlocks the Pumpkin Joy, Pumpkin Sob and Pumpkin Nauseous overhead emotes.
Stock of Overhead emotes: NecromancyOverhead emotes: Necromancy5,000Free-to-playUnlocks the Bone Heart, Necromancer Facepalm and Rasial Excited overhead emotes.
Stock of Icthlarin gravestoneIcthlarin gravestone10,000MembersUnlocks the Icthlarin gravestone. (Members only.)
Stock of Amascut gravestoneAmascut gravestone10,000MembersUnlocks the Amascut gravestone. (Members only.)
Stock of Bone broochBone brooch20,000Free-to-playA brooch that can be used to turn you into a pile of bones.
Stock of Ring of WarRing of War2,000Free-to-playA ring that can be used to turn you into War.
Stock of Ring of the DeadRing of the Dead2,000Free-to-playA ring that can be used to turn you into Death.
Stock of Ring of FamineRing of Famine2,000Free-to-playA ring that can be used to turn you into Famine.
Stock of Ring of PestilienceRing of Pestilience2,000Free-to-playA ring that can be used to turn you into Pestilence.
Stock of Ring of UrnsRing of Urns2,000Free-to-playA ring that can be used to turn you into urns of various sizes.

Legacy misc.[edit | edit source]

sold at
Stock of o'-lantern titleo'-lantern title5,000Unlocks the 'o'-lantern' title.
Stock of The Urnbreakable titleThe Urnbreakable title5,000Unlocks the 'The Urnbreakable' title.
Stock of the Ghostwriter titlethe Ghostwriter title5,000Unlocks the 'the Ghostwriter' title.
Stock of Mad Professor titleMad Professor title5,000Unlocks the 'Mad Professor' title.
Stock of Ghost Hunter titleGhost Hunter title5,000Unlocks the 'Ghost Hunter' title.
Stock of Muncher petMuncher pet40,000Unlocks the Muncher companion pet.
Stock of IncyIncy40,000Unlocks the 'Incy' follower pet.
Stock of RooootsRoooots40,000Unlocks the 'Roooots' companion pet.
Stock of LobaLoba40,000Unlocks the 'Loba' companion pet.
Stock of Dr Spider MD petDr Spider MD pet40,000Unlocks the Dr Spider MD companion pet.
Stock of Kharidian cat petKharidian cat pet40,000Unlocks the Kharidian cat follower pet.
Stock of EekEek40,000Unlocks the Eek the spider pet.
Stock of Amascut death eventAmascut death event20,000Unlocks the Amascut death event (soul devourer) animation.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 25 November 2024 (Update):
    • Updated the bone brooch description in the shop as the transmog item does not work in the Wilderness.