Decorated fishing urn (r)

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Decorated fishing urn (r)
Release15 February 2011 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineThis will collect guppies when I catch fish.
Options [?]
Value1 coin
High alch1 coin
Low alch1 coin
On deathReclaimable
Value: 1
Reclaim: 100
Weight1.36 kg
Advanced data
Item ID20346
LinksMRID • recipe
Calculated value
Parsed11,680 coins
SMW{{GETotal|Decorated fishing urn (nr)|Water rune}}
FormattedPrice(Decorated fishing urn (nr)) + Price(Water rune)

The decorated fishing urn (r) is created by using a water rune on a decorated fishing urn (nr). 76 Crafting is required to add the water rune to the urn, granting one Fishing XP. The assist system can be used. It can be used to collect guppies while catching fish that require any Fishing level. Once it starts to get filled, it becomes a decorated fishing urn. When you teleport this urn, you will receive 1,900 experience in Fishing. It takes approximately 9,600 experience to fill the urn. It takes approximately 96 experience to fill the urn 1%. You may have ten filled urns at any given time, after that you must teleport them away in order to fill more urns.

Creation[edit | edit source]

Ticks1 (0.6s) [r 1]
Crafting Crafting76 (b?)0
Fishing Fishing? (edit)1
Decorated fishing urn (nr)111,630
Water rune150
Total cost11,680
Decorated fishing urn (r)1N/A
  1. ^ All items are finished at once.

Number of fish required to fill[edit | edit source]

Filling urns
FishLevelExperience% filling# to fill
Raw shrimps1100.1950
Raw crayfish1100.1950
Raw minnow1100.1950
Raw karambwanji5501900
Raw sardine5200.2475
Raw herring10300.3317
Raw anchovies15400.4238
Raw mackerel16200.2475
Raw trout20500.5190
Raw cod23450.4212
Raw pike25600.6159
Slimy eel28650.6147
Raw salmon30700.7136
Frog spawn33750.7127
Raw tuna35800.8119
Raw rainbow fish38800.8119
Raw cave eel38800.8119
Raw lobster40900.9106
Raw bass46100195
Leaping trout48500.5190
Raw swordfish50100195
Raw desert sole52600.6159
Raw lava eel53300.3317
Leaping salmon58700.7136
Raw catfish60850.8112
Raw monkfish621201.280
Raw karambwan651051.191
Raw ghostly sole661301.374
Magnetic minnow681401.468
Raw green blubber jellyfish681651.758
Leaping sturgeon70800.8119
Raw beltfish72920.9104
Raw shark761101.187
Raw sea turtle792402.540
Raw manta ray812002.148
Raw cavefish853003.132
Fungal algae881051.191
Raw rocktail90380425
Raw tarpon90132.51.372
Raw blue blubber jellyfish913904.125
Raw seerfish91145.51.566
Enriched fungal algae921451.566
Raw sillago923653.827
Small crystal urchin933103.231
Medium crystal urchin953303.429
Raw tiger shark95800.8119
Raw wobbegong96682.57.114
Large crystal urchin973503.628
Raw sailfish974004.224

Products[edit | edit source]

This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

You must have 76 Crafting to be able to teleport the urn. You can use the assist system once again and will still receive the experience for the urn.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 9 Dec 2024 (Update):
    • Removed specific skill level cap from the examine of all decorated urns, since they currently function above level 99 when the skill's level cap is increased.
  • ninja 26 March 2018 (Update):
    • Unstarted runed fishing urns can now be stored as a stack within the tacklebox. Can store up to 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15 per stack depending on the tackle box level respectively.
  • update 24 July 2017 (Update):
    • Unstarted runed urns now stack in the backpack.
  • patch 27 May 2014 (Update):
    • Unfired urns, and unused urns with runes attached, can now be noted.
  • patch 11 December 2013 (Update):
    • The right amount of runes are now removed when adding them to urns, whilst having a follower that can store additional urns.