SMW Subobject for DirtyNPC ID: 3414Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: During cutscene: Half way up the wall is maybe not a naturally tenable position for a goblin. After cutscene: More like a goblin cooked.Release date: 15 March 2006NPC location: Mudknuckles' kitchen beneath Goblin VillageIs members only: trueIs variant of: Goblin Cook
SMW Subobject for CleanNPC ID: 3413Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: He's got funky socks, but he's still an ugly green creature.Release date: 15 March 2006NPC location: Mudknuckles' kitchen beneath Goblin VillageIs members only: trueIs variant of: Goblin Cook
He is notable for inventing a process of cooking, dubbed "fast food", which is completely burned food delivered quickly through an explosion, causing the cauldron to be launched in the air, arriving speedily at its destination (and likely destroying it in the process).
Due to such experiments, he is often covered in a residue of some kind.
When Mudknuckles requests charcoal, he mentions burnt trees as a source, which is no longer accurate; an update changed their yield from charcoal to regular logs.