SMW Subobject for DirtyNPC ID: 14724, 14725, 14726, 14727Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: A master chef taught by the great Bleston Humenthal.Release date: 20 December 2011NPC location: Wizards' TowerIs members only: falseIs variant of: Kringle
SMW Subobject for CleanNPC ID: 14724, 14725, 14726, 14727Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: A master chef taught by the great Bleston Humenthal.Release date: 20 December 2011NPC location: Wizards' TowerIs members only: falseIs variant of: Kringle
Kringle is the head chef in the basement of the ChristmasWizards' Tower. He is assisted by Kris, the troll in the basement. He can be found in the southernmost room in the basement of the Wizards' Tower, trying to cook with a dwarf multicannon.