Hamab's Crafting Emporium

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Hamab's Crafting Emporium
Release6 December 2004 (Update)
Minimap icon
Shop typeCrafting shop
LocationApe Atoll

Hamab's Crafting Emporium is a crafting shop that sells crafting supplies, along with the monkeyspeak amulet mould. It is run by Hamab. It is located in the marketplace of Ape Atoll.

Players need to have started Monkey Madness to access this store. It is required to wield one of the monkey greegrees due to the fact that the store is located right in between two monkey archers. However, players do not need to be wearing the monkeyspeak amulet/Cramulet in order for Ifaba to trade with them.

The stall can be stolen from with a minimum thieving level of 5. The player will receive 16 experience and either a chisel, a ring mould, or a necklace mould. It respawns every 5 seconds.

Stock[edit | edit source]

in stock
sold at
bought at
Stock of ChiselChisel101444314,170
Stock of Ring mouldRing mould10514384,330
Stock of Necklace mouldNecklace mould10511101,050
Stock of Monkeyspeak amulet mouldMonkeyspeak amulet mould1010Not bought6−40
Stock of NeedleNeedle10112832,820
Stock of ThreadThread1,000412016,000
Stock of Ball of woolBall of wool100511,791178,600
Stock of Bracelet mouldBracelet mould10513213,160

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!