Ports Reward Shop

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Ports Reward Shop
Release25 July 2016 (Update)
Minimap icon
Shop typeMinigames
OwnerBoni (rewards)

The Ports Reward Shop is a shop run by Boni in The Arc. It sells scrolls, resources and trade goods for player-owned port. The shop can be found in the north east corner of the market area of Waiko.

Players must complete the Impressing the Locals quest in order to access The Arc. The Ports Reward Shop only accepts a combination of chimes and taijitu as currency.

Stock[edit | edit source]

Scrolls[edit | edit source]

Purchasing all the scrolls is a requirement for the trimmed completionist cape and requires 25,000 chimes and 28 taijitu.

in stock
sold at
Stock of Seasinger gloves scrollSeasinger gloves scroll12,500; and 3Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make seasinger gloves.
Stock of Tetsu gloves scrollTetsu gloves scroll12,500; and 3Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make tetsu gloves.
Stock of Death Lotus gloves scrollDeath Lotus gloves scroll12,500; and 3Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make Death Lotus gloves.
Stock of Seasinger boots scrollSeasinger boots scroll12,500; and 3Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make seasinger boots.
Stock of Tetsu boots scrollTetsu boots scroll12,500; and 3Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make tetsu boots.
Stock of Death Lotus boots scrollDeath Lotus boots scroll12,500; and 3Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make Death Lotus boots.
Stock of Memory-crushing scrimshaw scrollMemory-crushing scrimshaw scroll15,000; and 5Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make memory-crushing scrimshaws.
Stock of Energy-gathering scrimshaw scrollEnergy-gathering scrimshaw scroll15,000; and 5Unlock a scroll that teaches you how to make energy-gathering scrimshaws.

Resources[edit | edit source]

in stock
sold at
Stock of Ports bamboo packPorts bamboo pack10
Stock of Ports gunpowder packPorts gunpowder pack12
Stock of Ports slate packPorts slate pack15
Stock of Ports cherrywood packPorts cherrywood pack17
Stock of Ports jade packPorts jade pack20
Stock of Ports steel packPorts steel pack20
Stock of Ports azure packPorts azure pack22
Stock of Ports terracotta packPorts terracotta pack25

Trade goods[edit | edit source]

in stock
sold at
Stock of Ports spice packPorts spice pack350; and 126,017/
Stock of Ports plate packPorts plate pack1,000; and 220,051/
Stock of Ports lacquer packPorts lacquer pack1,000; and 270,351.5/
Stock of Ports chi packPorts chi pack1,000; and 277,472.6/
Stock of Ports pearl packPorts pearl pack1,000; and 3700.67/
Stock of Ports koi scale packPorts koi scale pack1,000; and 3708.06/
Stock of Ports bone packPorts bone pack1,500; and 528,603.2/

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 12 December 2016 (Update):
    • Purchasing PoP boots/gloves scrolls from Boni no longer requires 85 Defence. The Defence requirement is still in place for wearing them.
  • patch 10 October 2016 (Update):
    • Player-owned port resources and trade goods have been reduced in price.