Sing for the Lady

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Sing for the Lady is an achievement that requires the player to claim the magic XP lamp from Lady Ithell by using the following items on her one at a time: crystal staff, crystal orb, crystal wand and crystal ward. After using an item on her, a crystal weapon seed or a crystal armour seed of the relevant type is immediately given back. Used weapons cannot be provided; the weapons must be at 100% charge. They can be crafted from crystal seeds or purchased from the Grand Exchange. After this exchange occurs, speak with Lady Ithell once more to obtain the lamp and complete the achievement. (Chat 4)

Cost[edit | edit source]

The weapons can be purchased from the Grand Exchange or made from crystal weapon seeds and harmonic dust with the following costs:

Icon Item GE price Harmonic dust
crystal staff.png: RS3 Inventory image of crystal staff Crystal staff 356,295 750
crystal orb.png: RS3 Inventory image of crystal orb Crystal orb 352,135 375
crystal wand.png: RS3 Inventory image of crystal wand Crystal wand 369,438 375
crystal ward.png: RS3 Inventory image of crystal ward Crystal ward 322,665 375
Total price 1,400,533 1875

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 2 March 2020 (Update):.
    • The Sing for the Lady Achievement now lists the full requirements.