
From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape
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E7MvWlG.png This user is crazy about userboxes (see below). If you can be bothered to go all the way down the page, then well done!
7,293 This user has made 7,293 article or mainspace edits on the RuneScape Wiki.
es Este usuario habla español.
This user follows all the RuneScape rules.
This user followed Guthix.
Balance is power.
This user doesn't really care how people refer to coins.
This user doesn't PK.
This user has private chat set to friends.
This user is willing to assist other players in the game.
Beggars This user hates beggars.
This user hates Revenants, no matter what kind they are!
This user is male.
This user loves chocolate.
This user has completed all of the free quests.
This user has slayed Elvarg and completed Dragon Slayer.
This user is in the Champions' Guild.
Goblin Champion's scroll.png: RS3 Inventory image of Goblin Champion's scroll This user can't find a single Champion scroll, even though he kills every Goblin he sees.

This user is in the Heroes' Guild.
This user is in the Legends' Guild.
This user is in the Max Guild.
This user is a member of the Phoenix Gang.
This user has learned how to make Pickaxes in the Perils of Ice Mountain quest.
This user is the regent of Miscellania and Etceteria.
This user has completed the Cave Goblin quest series.
This user made a suit to visit their dreams in the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
This user saved Rupert the Beard, grown a beanstalk, killed Glod and much more, in Grim Tales
This user has tracked down the 10th Squad in the Monkey Madness quest.
This user has defeated the Culinaromancer and saved Lumbridge from a disaster.
This user owns a helmet of trials.
This user owns a
This user has received a Helm of Neitiznot from Mawnis Burowgar in The Fremennik Isles quest.
This user is a Zogre Flesh Eater, and killed Slash Bash.
This user is a Vampyre slayer and has already cremated 500+ Vyrewatch.
This user thinks THIS IS SPARTA!!!

This user has a wily cat and is proud of it.
This user has revived Dahmaroc at least once in the Varrock Museum.
This user thought Ali the Wise
was a Mahjarrat even before this came out and proved it!
This user thinks the Strange Old Man is actually Sliske!
This user helped Akthanakos,
during Enakhra's Lament.
This user helped Jhallan,
during Tale of the Muspah.
This user fought Khazard
during Fight Arena.
This user defeated Zemouregal,
during Defender of Varrock.
This user freed Azzanadra,
during Desert Treasure.
This user helped Azzanadra,
during Temple at Senntisten.
tn-stop-sopa.png This user does not support SOPA.

The Shadow comes and goes, but it never dies
The Light flickers and flitters, but it never dies
As we reach into the maw of the abyss
We become one with it and it with us
The boundary weakens and the wheel breaks
The void spills and time comes to an end

It is I, the Lore Man™