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SkeletalRejuvenatedRitual of the MahjarratMuspah
Release21 April 2009 (Update)
QuestThe Tale of the Muspah
LocationErjolf's cave, Jhallan's resting place
OptionsTalk-to, Examine
ExamineHe's not what you'd call attractive.
Advanced data
NPC ID7448

Jhallan is a Mahjarrat that the player meets in The Tale of the Muspah. The player enters Jhallan's resting place and melts the block of ice which contains Jhallan. He is in the shape of a muspah, having accidentally shape shifted into the form of the creature while having a nightmare about it during his hibernation. This process has left him weakened and unable to protect himself. The player helps him to find a new spot to hibernate in, located underneath the Mahjarrat Ritual Site, so that he can be revived when the next Ritual of Rejuvenation is performed by the Mahjarrat to restore their strength.

During Ritual of the Mahjarrat the Mahjarrat perform the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation. Lucien pulls Jhallan out from the ground and argues that he should be sacrificed for the ritual. The majority of the other Mahjarrat agree, as Jhallan is the weakest of them.

Jhallan remained loyal to Zaros during Zamorak's coup. He held the rank of pontifex, leader in the Zarosian church, after the conclusion of the Kharidian–Zarosian War. Despite this he was viewed as "rude and sneaky" by his fellow Zarosian Mahjarrat, with Azzanadra saying that they believed that Jhallan would take the first opportunity that he could to turn and side with Zamorak.[1] Unlike his kin, he preferred to avoid conflict if possible.[2][3] He did not attend the 17th Ritual of Rejuvination, causing his weakness relative to his kin to worsen.[4]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Works[edit | edit source]

Transcripts Jhallan is the author or co-author of:

Mentioned[edit | edit source]

Transcripts Jhallan is mentioned in:

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Graphical updates[edit | edit source]

NPCs[edit | edit source]

Chatheads[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In the alternate universe, Dimension of Disaster, Jhallan remains frozen and does not attend the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation.[5]
  • When the player freezes him during The Tale of the Muspah you can briefly see his old model disappearing into the ice. This same model can also be seen when you carefully position the camera inside the ice.
  • Jhallan had a rejuvenated model in the game cache since Ritual of the Mahjarrat which remained unused until Children of Mah.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Azzanadra, "The Temple at Senntisten", RuneScape. "He was fiercly loyal to Zaros. A good warrior in his day, too. I would agree that he could sometimes be a little rude and sneaky, so he had trouble fitting in with the other Zarosian Mahjarrat. In honesty, we believed he would turn and side with Zamorak as soon as the opportunity arose, but he did not. He was loyal to the very end"
  2. ^ Ali the Wise, RuneScape. "Jhallan's vulnerability was his own doing, and his alone. He always avoided conflict where he could."
  3. ^ Jhallan, "The Tale of the Muspah", RuneScape. "what I have seen has tempered me somewhat. I am weary of battle now."
  4. ^ Notes (a-j), written by Zemouregal, "The Curse of Arrav", RuneScape. "One of the weakest of our race. He did not even dare attend the last Ritual, so he will be even weaker now. I'm ashamed to even call him a Mahjarrat."
  5. ^ Notes (A-L), written by Zemouregal, "Dimension of Disaster", RuneScape. "A pathetic weakling, Jhallan declined to attend the 17th Ritual of Rejuvenation and as a consequence, presumably completely slipped into torpor. The Hereditas expedition are still attempting to locate him for use in future rituals."