Medix (RB)
From Transformers Wiki
This article is about the Aligned Rescue Bot. For the Generation 1 Autobot, see Medix (G1). |
- Medix the Doc-Bot is an Autobot from the Rescue Bots portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Medix is the Rescue Bots' Doc-Bot, ready to help out Autobots and humans alike when they need medical help. A bot not for surprises and who works purely with logic may seem unable to work with the unpredictable, but he has been able to find himself a spot during all the works. Compared to his uncle Ratchet, he is more reserved and less tempermental.
Sometimes he pals up with Sawyer Storm.
Contents |
Rescue Bots Academy cartoon
- Voice actor: Adam Andrianopoulous (English), Yannick Besson (French), Ezio Vivolo (Italian), Tommy Rojas (Latin American Spanish)
Medix was among a batch of new recruits sent to the Rescue Bot Training Center on Earth to learn to be Rescue Bots. Like the others, he treated Hot Shot's addition to the team with skepticism, especially when Hot Shot screwed up a fire rescue training exercise. Recruits Part I Medix and the other recruits were surprised when Hot Shot later turned up with two additional alternate modes, however when it turned out he could only pick one a day, and the jet mode he'd picked was useless for the cave rescue they were assigned, Medix and the others encouraged him to persevere and they completed the exercise. Recruits Part II After Hot Shot got some flight tutoring from Blades, Medix ended up magnetically stuck to the other recruit's undercarriage so he could rescue some firefighters. The Secret of Flight
Following a rescue in Griffin Rock, the recruits persuaded Hoist to make new rescue tools for them all. Medix got new claws to allow him to cut through things, and though the initial test went horribly wrong, he and the other recruits enlisted the help of Boulder, and Hoist eventually perfected the tools. If at First... After Hot Shot damaged Tough Luck Chuck and then shirked his duty in bot-sitting, the recruits were forced to hunt Chuck down through the streets of Milford. Medix later repaired Chuck using new parts created by Boulder. Tough Luck Chuck Bored by Chase's class on police codes, Medix and the other recruits persuaded Chase to let them try to do a practice rescue, and ended up being rescued themselves by Whirl when they got stuck in the snow. Whirl'd View When the recruits didn't understand why Boulder was having them plant flowers, the Rescue Bot set them a task which taught them that all parts of nature are important. Plan Bee
Medix and the other recruits were bugged when Wedge borrowed the trigger for the rescue alarm and had them constantly running drills to get their response time down. The Bot Who Cried Rescue The recruits had to contend with a runaway rock sculpture of Hot Shot's head when he decided to carve it into a mountain alongside the likenesses of the Rescue Bots. Mount Botmore Medix served as the victim in need of rescuing for an exercise, a role he threw himself into enthusiatically, though it took a while for the recruits to actually rescue him because Hot Shot and Wedge had trouble following Hoist's orders. Mission Inaudible Medix found it difficult to complete a rescue simulation when a girder started glitching on them, however it later gave him an idea during a real rescue on a bridge, and he came up with an unorthodox plan that ended in success. Glitch
After a ride on the Sigma, the recruits assumed the four command chairs meant one of their number wouldn't graduate. The team went on to botch a volcano rescue drill after staying up all night worrying, until Heatwave told them they'd assumed wrong. Five into Four When Whirl was filming footage for a recruitment video, Medix provided three hours of footage of him discussing bandages. He and the others later helped whip the footage into a usable state. Rescue Promo After a botched rescue had the recruits blaming each other, Heatwave assigned them to cleaning duties. Hot Shot sneaked out to do a rescue, and as a result, the rest of the recruits had to go help him when he hit trouble. Blame Game Medix was bemused by the idea of surprising Cody with an EMT certificate, and the other recruits ended up setting up a surprise rescue mission to demonstrate to Medix how great surprises were. He remained unconvinced. Medix Surprise
The recruits got to try out some TX3000s on loan to the rescue center, and even used them during an actual rescue. The TX3000 They had to round up a lost flock of sheep, but were hampered by Hoist malfunctioning. Little Bot Peep When Teen Pioneer Wes visited the base, Medix spent some time instructing him in the fine art of bandaging. Driving a Wedge Boulder accompanied the recruits to the planet Parvus where they rescued the last surviving Galax. The Big, Small Rescue
When Hot Shot and Wedge decided to compete over who was qualified to get into the Heroes of Cybertron card game, Medix and Whirl acted as commentators for the building and Cube challenges they undertook. Battle of the Bots Medix and the other recruits had to round up a small rock alien that got loose in the academy. About a Rock The recruits tried to keep secret the fact a dog had followed them home after the last rescue, only to discover that the dog was actually trying to alert them to the fact they'd missed someone who needed rescuing. Dog Stray Afternoon Medix took part in the rescue of Dr. Hart from a rogue iceberg. Lucky Ducky
Whirl tried to get the other recruits into cheerleading, but it wasn't until they were able to employ the skills they were learning during a rescue that they were convinced it would be useful. Go Team, Go! After Boulder assigned the recruits the task of familiarizing themselves with smartphones, they ended up neglicating everything else, resulting in them screwing up a rescue exercise. Also Medix wanted to know why Wedge wasn't answering his texts (Wedge was addicted to a mobile game). Screen Time During a field trip to the museum in Milford, the other recruits helped Whirl apprehend a thief in the act of burgling the place. Fright at the Museum
After the Sigma returned minus the teachers, the recruits were forced to try to pilot it to go to their rescue. Medix, naturally, was the first to think to consult the instruction manual, and they successfully rescued the teachers. Space Case During an undersea cleanup mission, Medix assumed a shark would assist them, but instead it trapped him in the side of a ship wreck, requiring the other recruits to rescue him. All at Sea With the teachers on another off-planet mission, the recruits were left to tidy up the Academy, and had to deal with Hoist's Scrub-A-Dubber when it went rogue. All Washed Up
Heatwave suggested the recruits try their hand at teaching, which resulted in Medix first helping Hoist out by demonstrating a driving course, and Medix's own lesson going poorly when he handed out large books and told his pupils they had to work out what the exercise was. Their teachers later put what they'd learned to use during a real rescue. Who's Teaching Who? An attempt to rescue a balloon from a tree turned into a major disaster when the recruits went in without a plan. Balloon Up A Tree A fantasy simulation saw the recruits trying to corral a dragon, until they worked out that the dragon was actually trying to help. The Mystery of Dragon Mountain When Hot Shot combined his video game with the car inspection sim Chase was having them complete, the recruits had to contend with giant hedgehogs which covered Medix in goop. Hack Attack
Realizing that the other recruits saw him as something of a stick in the mud, Medix asked Chase for help in developing his humor. Unfortunately he overcompensated which caused problems for the team on their next mission until the others got him to tone it down. Life of the Party The recruits were keen to be taught by new teacher Grimlock but discovered Hoist was afraid of Dinobots. Tyrannosaurus Wrecked A trip to Dino Island hit a snag when a dinosaur escaped back through the GroundBridge, disabling it in the process so Grimlock and the recruits had to make their own way back to the academy. Dino Hard Chase assigned the recruits a stealth mission and Medix paired up with Wedge to hunt through Griffin Rock for Chuck. Unfortunately before they could find him, they were caught by Chase. Buddy Cop Another mission saw the recruits having to rescue penguins from an island the hard way after an electrical storm knocked out their tools and even their ability to transform. Escape from Penguin Island During a series of search and rescue missions, Medix and the others were surprised to learn Hoist had cheated on one of the tests. All that Glitters
A hunt for a downed satellite resulted in the recruits hiding out backstage at Dig Fest while trying to signal Wedge. Dig Fest The recruits took part in Halloween festivities and ended up having to deal with a house fire. Trick or Treat As Medix was unclear on the concept of advertising, when he saw a monster attacking a car dealership on television he assumed it was a real monster attack. His attempts to stop the attack resulted in him almost outing the recruits to the population of Milford, until the rest of the team were able to mount a hasty coverup. Monster Savings Medix and the others got a tune stuck in their heads, impairing their performance on a training exercise. They managed to forget the tune, but this caused problems on a mission to the planet Herboo, as it was the code needed for the Virtual Sonic Fence Hoist needed to use to stop the karknoid beetle. Tune Out
A trip to survey a geyser field saw the recruits having to deal with a swarm of Scraplets. Metal Munchers Medix and the other recruits took part in essential maintenance as directed by Bumblebee, unlike Wedge who spent the whole time trying to impress his hero, and they were therefore fully functional for the following rescue drill. Bee Prepared When Whirl's failed attempts to do a maneuver led her to try to seek out the Wise One, the other recruits went after her and became trapped in a ravine, requiring her to rescue them using the maneuver she had been trying to perfect. Whirl's Wise-Bot Quest Hot Shot's careless actions in ejecting his junk into space had Medix and the others following his lead, resulting an a huge junk meteor that threatened the satellite they were trying to repair. Flying Hunk-A-Junk
Medix's highly detailed instructions proved difficult for Hot Shot to follow while blindfolded, resulting in their team losing a trust exercise. When later they had to retrieve a submersible drone, Medix managed to tone his instructions down so the other recruits could successfully follow them. Into the Depths Medix joined the hunt for some dogs when Hoist's new comms system turned out to annoy animals. Milford Goes To The Dogs The recruits struggled to complete a rescue sim until Hot Shot realized they'd been trying to stop the disaster instead of saving the people. The Ice Wave
As graduation drew closer, the recruits successful competed against their teachers in a relay race carrying a pretend rescue victim. Medix and the others were surprised and saddened when Hot Shot opted to abandon his Rescue Bot training and return to Cybertron to compete in the Cube finals. Best Bots Forever Part 1 The remaining recruits decided to tune in to the final using the space bridge to boost the holo-emitter screen. Unfortunately this led to the creation of a slowly growing energon bubble which engulfed the academy. It was only when Hot Shot returned that the recruits were able to burst the bubble. Best Bots Forever Part 2
At the start of year two, the recruits returned to the Academy to find they'd been given personal spaces—in Medix's case, a medbay—and were to be put through a series of tests so Ratchet's Aptitude Analyzer could assign them an appropriate mentor. Medix was assigned Blades. Back to School He and the other recruits got some new training simulations courtesy of Ratchet. Mission Dinobot Medix got to work with Blades, developing a new bandage adhesive. He and the other recruits later rescued some foxes from a tree in a forest fire. In Training
Medix secretly nursed an injured bat, which he named Mister Flappy, back to health. He brought it with him on a trip to Ratchet's lab on Cybertron, resulting in Mister Flappy causing a ton of trouble, and Heatwave persuaded him it was time to let the bat return to the wild. Medix Steps Up To The Bat When the recruits thought Cody was unhappy because he wasn't a giant robot like them, they built him a robotic suit which caused chaos during their mission to rescue a rogue bull. Cody later clarified that he was just missing hanging out with the recruits. Robo-Cody During a simulated rescue, Medix used one of his carefully compiled lists to complete the task. Blades assigned him the task of looking after Heatwave the dog, and Medix soon discovered that his pet care list wasn't working. It wasn't until Blades encouraged him to disregard the list and go with the flow that he was able to keep Heatwave happy, and the pair went on to have an enjoyable time together. Heatwave's Shiny Coat
Heatwave tasked the recruits with acting in the play Jack and the Beanstalk. Director Francois assigned Medix the role of narrator, which he stuck with even as the set started collapsing during the performance, narrating Hoist's safe descent to the ground. Acting Out Medix and the others found Wedge's boredom was interfering with their study time. Wedge later surprised them by being enthusiastic about studying. Need to Know
After Hot Shot and Hoist turned Grimlock's Cube into an unstoppable escaping machine, the other three recruits attempted to help them recapture it but eventually had to call on Grimlock's help. Trouble Cubed When Heatwave let the recruits pick their favorite rescue to do, Medix was in favor of a peaceful farm-based rescue in which he could bandage an injured farmer. The only drawback was massive quantities of bees. The disagreement over which simulation to run resulted in the recruits accidentally breaking the control unit and plunging the sim into chaos until they worked together to fix the unit. My Favorite Rescue
Medix was bemused by Hoist's cowboy impression, and left his fellow recruit to it when Grimlock arrived. The Great Energon Rush After Ratchet got trapped in an ancient sim, the five recruits entered the sim as well. They successfully negotiated their way through a tower full of traps and rescued their teacher, completing the sim and opening the vault to find four Mul-T-Cogs and an ancient artifact. The Vault Of The Primes Whirl enlisted Medix to help her investigate the possible existence of a ghost, though he was skeptical. The pair even went to Charlotte Wayne's run-down mansion, but ultimately only found some opossums they rescued. Wild Ghost Chase
Following a soil sampling expedition to some dwarf planets, Medix found the Galax still in quarantine. Believing it was safe, Medix planted the Galax in the academy garden, only for it to grow to massive size overnight and take over the garden. He and the other recruits managed to cut it back down to size and found a new home for it on Sedna. Little Plot of Horrors Medix attended the opening of the Museum of Future Tech Art. Museum Mystery
Medix took part in the rescue of Doc Greene and Frankie when a force field dome trapped the two humans in the lab, and ended up dangling from Blades so he could use his magnets to open a hole in the force field. Partners Medix's overly-critical feedback annoyed his fellow recruits, so he consulted Blades and ended up over-compensating in the other direction. Critical Condition During a visit to Mechapark, Medix and Whirl discovered that the Fun Droids were malfunctioning and Medix ended up repairing them. Fun Droids
The Sparksayer gifted Medix with a magnetic power projector which it turned out was actually not of a lot of use during a volcano rescue until they needed to prevent a ship from running into the lava flow. Power Up And Energize Cody had the recruits attend a ballet school to improve their poise, something Medix struggled with. Cody persuaded him to persevere, and he was able to put the skills he'd learned to use in a rescue, resulting him him embracing the artform and joining in a charity ballet performance. Shall We Dance?
Medix and the others helped Hot Shot overcome his one-alternate-mode-per-day limitation by tricking him into thinking a sim rescue was real. Mul-T-Change of Pace During a camping trip on Natura Island, Medix and the others were transported to a junkyard by the island's security system, necessitating a rescue by Whirl and Chase. Five Little Rescue Bots Medix's propensity for dispensing wisdom resulted in him annoying the other residents of the academy until he accidentally activated Ratchet's diagnostic tools which ran amok and realized following his own advice wasn't as easy as he thought. He tried to retrieve the tools, but had to confess to Ratchet after the tools caused chaos. Good Advice
After a campout, the recruits noticed Hot Shot was acting oddly and eventually worked out his comm transmitter had fallen out, resulting in them having to go back for it and rescuing a bear cub in the process. Campfire Fright Hot Shot persuaded the other recruits to test out the new Mul-T-Cogs from the vault, only for them to discover that the cogs weren't charged enough and they could no longer transform. Hot Shot successfully fully activated them at the cost of his own ability to transform, at least until Medix and the others found they could return the favor and use their cogs to reactivate his. Small Cogs Medix went through a complex and careful calculation in order to select his new alternate mode and ended up scanning a helicopter. Big Wheels
While reviewing a hologram of live star activity, Hoist and Medix spotted a distress beacon, leading Heatwave to send the recruits on their first solo off-world mission. The mission took them to a deserted city where their navigation led them in circles as Medix proved by drawing a face on a door they kept passing. They eventually found Scorch's Cube team under attack from the architecture, and they eventually discovered that the city itself was a long-lost Titan, Citadel Secundus. The Empty City After taking part in Mentor Training Day with Blades, Medix teamed up with his mentor again for a "rescue-athon". First Responder
Boulder assigned the recruits the task of training Scraplets. After a series of unsuccessful attempts, Medix stumbled on the fact that they responded to the sound of a Rubber Ducky, and was eventually successful in training them enough to prevent a power plant from exploding. How To Train Your Scraplet During a high rise window washing rescue sim, Medix successfully rescued Chuck but knew he'd gotten lucky as he was still having difficulty with his helicopter mode. When he struck trouble during a mission to put out fires in Crook's Canyon, Whirl encouraged him enough that he was able to extinguish the blaze. Helicopter Heroes He and the other recruits were dispatched to Australia to help Brushfire with some kangaroos, and ended up fighting fires. Brushfire When Whirl arrived back at base with the stasis locked Scorch, Medix was successful in reviving his fellow bot. The Ties That Bind
Medix took part in a bus rescue exercise, and later helped save a tree on Dino Island from a falling butte. Bot Blog He, Whirl and Heatwave were subjected to the comedy stylings of Mayor Luskey while Bumblebee and Wedge saved a train transporting blocks of ice. The Icebot Cometh
When the recruits recovered the Decepticon Laserbeak from a stricken ship, Medix believed that they had a duty to give aid to whoever needed it, despite what Hot Shot insisted. After Wedge revealed that he had originally been created as a Decepticon, the recruits helped him track down the injured Con and Medix successfully made repairs. More Than Meets The Eye Medix took part in a volcano rescue sim. Things That Go Bot In The Night
Medix was determined to impress Perceptor, leading to him enacting more and more dangerous schemes until he stole the Sigma in an attempt to complete Heatwave's mission to repair the Asgard. This went horribly wrong and the other recruits had to rescue Medix, however it did lead to Perceptor appointing him as teaching assistant. Medix Gets Schooled He and the other recruits experienced jealousy when a group of teens began carrying out rescues in Milford and getting press. Rescue Teens
Perceptor sent the recruits to Sifrolicous-5 to discover why the planet changed color, and they found mudlubbers, who turned out to be exactly suited to the environment. Enter The Flood Medix took part in a cow rescue, during which Whirl was injured and had to spend time recovering in a stasis pod. Wizard Of Botz Heatwave assigned Medix the task of cleaning the stasis pod filters, as part of doing maintenance on the academy. He and the others later had to cover up a holographic dragon when Hot Shot and Hoist let it escape Hero Hall and menace Milford. One Of Our Dragons Is Missing
Medix and the other recruits were taken on a field trip by Perceptor to a tropical island to study volcanoes. Dino-mite Duo They joined Heatwave in responding to a vague message from Citadel Secundus, only to find the Titan was just in need of some company. The Lonely Titan The recruits teamed up with Finn O'Reilly to follow the clues on a Holokey. They expected treasure, but instead found a hidden cache of Tox-En. X Marks The Bot Medix, Hoist and Whirl helped Hot Shot modify the racing track so they could help Wedge get used to moving at speed. Making Tracks
When Grimlock tried to get the recruits to be louder, Medix acted on Hot Shot's idea and built himself a new siren. During a mission to the planet Krimol, the recruits found that their loud noise was aggravating the local wildlife. Don't Be Alarmed Heatwave had Medix and the other recruits retrieve toxic barrels from the seabed and rescue Jerry in order to teach them to exercise more restraint in using their power up tools. Powerless
Medix got heavily into the musical stylings of DJ Mechamaster and played said DJ's music loudly while dancing, much to the confusion, horror and/or amusement of his fellow recruits. He was overjoyed when they were assigned the task of monitoring DJ Mechmaster's Griffin Rock charity concert, which led to them rescuing the DJ, learning he was in reality Mayor Luskey, and ultimately taking part in the concert while masquerading as stage props. Griffin Rock Rocks! Medix and the other recruits watched from the Academy as Chuck and Hot Shot entered the Bot Battle event at Dig Fest. Bot Battle
Following the successful completion of their last test of year two, the recruits were rewarded with a party thrown aboard Citadel Secundus. Unfortunately midway through the party, the Titan was hit by an asteroid which created an anti-energon field, knocking out Medix and most of the rest of the party-goers. Space Party He and Hoist were revived by Wedge with the use of shield emitters, and the trio worked to get Secundus into receive mode to prevent the Titan crashing into Earth. Crisis over, the recruits were thrown a graduation ceremony. Crash Of The Titan
Rescue Bots
- Medix the Doc-Bot (2012)
- Part of the fifth wave of the original Rescue Bots toyline, Medix transforms from ambulance to robot with a press of the flashers on his roof, automatically springing him into robot mode. (Though you'll have to stand him up yourself.) Medix comes packaged with a DVD of the Rescue Bots episode "Under Pressure".
- The wave with Medix and Hoist was originally a bit scarce on retail shelves (though it hit Target clearance in some places), and as such the two demanded some hefty prices on the secondary market. However, there must have been a warehouse find or something, as eBay sellers eventually started listing them in large numbers for roughly original retail.
- This figure was redecoed and given a new head to create the Amazon-exclusive fire search and rescue vehicle version of Heatwave.
- Medix the Doc-Bot (2016)
- A new version of the character in the smaller Playskool Heroes scale, Medix once again transforms into an ambulance in a single "Easy 2 Do Conversion". Robot-to-ambulance conversion is done by pushing his arms in, and ambulance-to-robot by pulling them out - as this typically doesn't fold the legs in all the way, pushing up on the cabin roof can solidify the transformation. In ambulance mode, his back-end roof has a 5 mm post-hole, nominally to mount the concurrent Rescue Bots Mini-Con partners in their rescue-tool modes. His fists also have 5mm post-holes, though their lack of posability makes holding the rescue tools... awkward.
- He has an entirely new headsculpt that arguably matches the cartoon's general aesthetic better. It was redecoed and given a different head as Rescue Bots Academy Medix to more closely match his appearance in that show. The mold was retooled again with a different head into fellow medic Ratchet.
- Medix the Doc-Bot (Flip Racer, 2017)
- Part of the first wave of individually packed Flip Racers, Medix transforms automatically from ambulance to robot when the vehicle mode is lifted up and placed on its end.
Rescue Bots Academy
- Medix the Doc-Bot (2019)
- The first toy of Medix under the Rescue Bots Academy brand, and in his new appearance for the cartoon, is sized similarly to the previous Megabots line, at about 11 inches tall. He transforms into a medical emergency car in a couple of "Easy 2 Do Conversion" steps. In bot mode, pressing a switch on his left arm slides out a tool which is in place of his hand. He comes packaged in robot mode, enabling this gimmick to be tried in-store without removing him from the package. He shares engineering and a transformation pattern with the Rescan car version of Bumblebee and Quickshadow.
- Medix the Doc-Bot (2019)
- First revealed at Toy Fair 2019[1], this version of Medix is a redeco of his earlier Rescan figure with a new head and color scheme more consistent with his on-screen appearance in the Rescue Bots Academy show, effectively making his vehicle mode resemble his original toy once again.
- Medix the Doc-Bot (2020)
- This new version of Medix transforms into a modified rock crawler. He shares engineering with the cement mixer Salvage and Wedge figures and the rock crawler Bumblebee/Hot Shot mold, though much like Brushfire, he features a fake vehicle front on his chest.
- The package art for the first Medix toy shows him paired with Sawyer Storm. This was, of course, before the toyline shifted to better reflect the cartoon.
- His Playskool Heroes packaging art is just a recolored version of his original toy's.
- An ambulance that looks a lot like the original Medix toy's alt-mode appears in the Rescue Bots episode "Family Business".
- Medix is the only one of the original Rescue Bots characters to receive a heavy overhaul on his appearances, getting 3 redesigns from his first toy's release to his first appearance in media. The others (excluding Hot Shot, Wedge and Whirl) remained closer to their source material. His design in the original Rescue Bots Academy promotional art had antennae much like Optimus Prime's, which were removed on the final model.
- If the recruits were to have an official age order, Pete Slattery would write Medix as the youngest.[2]
- While not written as explicitly autistic, Medix was intentionally written in a way that left room for that interpretation.[3][4]
Foreign names
- Cantonese: Medix (美帝斯 Mei5dai3si1)
- Mandarin: Yīshī (医师, "Doctor")
- ↑ - Toy Fair 2019: Transformers Rescue Bots Academy Photogallery
- ↑ "Okay, a few questions! The Bots are mid teens if they were human-like. Say 14 in year 1,15 year 2. We never got into who's older but if I were to write it, I'd say Wedge oldest, then Whirl, Hot Shot, Hoist and Medix the youngest!"—Pete Slattery, Twitter, 2020/06/27
- ↑ "The others would have better answers and I’m going off my flawed memory… but I think we wanted Medix to be relatable to, and reflect the experiences of, people and friends of people with things like autism - without actually naming what it was that made him a little different."—Ben Ward, Twitter, 2021/08/16
- ↑ "The second question is a bit more complex. While we never explicitly wrote Medix as autistic, the nature of his personality raised that question. What we made sure is that the unique parts of his personality would never be the butt of a joke and that the others always accepted and embraced those parts of him. Of all the recruits, really! The show was always about friendship and inclusivity. That's really observant of you. I'm really glad you picked up on those things and liked that part of the show!"—Pete Slattery, Twitter, 2021/08/16