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Sky Lynx (G1)

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This article is a featured article, and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki.

This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Sky Lynx (disambiguation), Magnificence.
Sky Lynx is the most magnificent Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Twice the bot, twice the ego.

Sky Lynx is the unbelievably talented, unsurpassably skilled, and altogether magnificent robot behind most of the greatest, most adventurous, and most daring moments in all of Autobot history. At least, if you ask Sky Lynx, that is. Not that he isn't a skilled, fast, and powerful warrior, well deserving of his rank as Lieutenant Commander—he most certainly is all those things—he's just a bit too eager to tell you about it. At length. However, his superiors recognize his undeniable skill and tolerate his ego. Springer has nicknamed him "Commander Modesty."

Sky Lynx's unusual form grants him several abilities. As a shuttle, he can easily travel between star systems and carry passengers as well. When transformed, he can split himself into two autonomous components: a walking lynx and a flying bird-creature. His two components can also combine into a larger and more powerful lynx-bird-creature. In some universes, he can combine to form Sky Reign.

When disguised as a space shuttle, Sky Lynx sometimes goes by Magnificence as his actual name.

Before you do anything, think, 'Is this what Sky Lynx would do in my position?', and you will not go far wrong.

—Sky Lynx, "Call of the Primitives"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Aron Kincaid (English), Kōji Totani (Japanese), Víctor Mares (Latin American Spanish), Thomas Rau (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5", "Chaos", "Grimlocks New Brain"), Ulrich Bernsdorff (German, "The Killing Jar"), Manfred Schmidt (German), Peter Musäus (German, "The Face of the Nijika"), Klaus Kessler (German, Generation 2), François Leccia (European French), Henry Djanik (European French, "Webworld"), Various unidentified actors (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5", "Chaos" & "Surprise Party"), Philippe Roullier (European French, "The Dweller in the Depths"), Orlando Prado (Portuguese), Nelson Batista (Portuguese, "Webworld"), André Filho (Portuguese, "The Big Broadcast of 2006")
"I am Sky Lynx, king of kings! Look on my trouncing of Decepti-cads, ye mighty, and despair!"

In 2006, after the Autobots reclaimed Cybertron, Sky Lynx returned from another region of space to once again share his glory with his fellows. Secret Files of Teletraan II Sky Lynx made his fantastic debut when he selflessly risked his own life to save three vastly inferior specimens. Shortly after this, his peerless battle prowess was needed to fight off some ruffians. He flew his brave comrades to Earth where it took the combined firepower of the Constructicons and Trypticon to shoot him down. Even that was not enough to stop the mighty Sky Lynx, as in his lynx form, he proved instrumental in getting the new transformation cog to Metroplex, trouncing many a Decepticon along the way. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

A Quintesson once used Sky Lynx's sublime appearance as a disguise. Somehow Ultra Magnus was unable to tell the difference between the real thing and a vastly inferior illusion and stepped on board. He surely recognized his mistake in the aftermath of the adventure, when the genuine Sky Lynx ferried him with Marissa Faireborn back to Cybertron. The Killing Jar

"I warned ya, bird-bot! I warned ya about them cosmic rays!"
"Oh, hush, Grimm. I'm already fantastic."

When the Autobots investigated into the destruction of a provincial human law enforcement space station, Sky Lynx deigned to flawlessly transport a doddering old fool, that speech-impaired imbecile and his friends to the filthy planet Goo. During the course of this investigation, Sky Lynx was forced to save his comrades from a pale imitation of himself and a mere hooligan, who had somehow obtained death crystals. Sky Lynx carried his team to Dread, where he was again forced to intercede, rescuing Blurr from a swamp while simultaneously leading the counter offensive against the Predacons. Did they not learn their last painful lesson in humility on Io? They made another attempt during the battle at Queeg Mountain, but even as Sky Lynx attempted to enlighten them on the error of their ways, a lucky shot destroyed the rock he was standing on. Naturally Sky Lynx suffered only minor damage, and he was about to execute his usual daring nick-of-time rescue for Kup and the slaves as the mountain erupted. Chaos

Sky Lynx lent his skill and finesse to the assault on Paradron after the planet was conquered by the Decepticons. His spacious cargo bay was used to transport a stockpile of guns to the captive Paradonians, so that they could join Sky Lynx as he valiantly fought for their freedom. Fight or Flee Upon the discovery of dinosaur transform static at the scene of Fort Knox's apparent theft, Sky Lynx was forced to endure a humiliating trial in Metroplex's ill-conceived kangaroo court, merely because, as that unrefined, multi-gunned cowboy put it, Sky Lynx had dinosaur electrons in his body. Be that as it may, did he have to be lumped together with such unsuitable company when he could be effortlessly tracking down and bringing the real culprit to justice? Thief in the Night

"Does this make my backside look big?"

While his beauty was gracing the entrance to a peace conference, Sky Lynx was approached by Ultra Magnus, who needed a ride to some dingy asteroid or other to save the galaxy. Sky Lynx took him there and helped him fight off a small swarm of some disgusting alien parasites. Unfortunately he was unable to fit through the corridors of the storage asteroid and thus couldn't help defeat the Decepticons, but he could at least take Ultra Magnus, Wheelie and Daniel to safety before the asteroid exploded. Surprise Party After Sky Lynx dropped Kup and Spike off at Autobot City, there was a dreadful kerfuffle resulting in him transporting a group of Autobots to Unicron's head. While he was parked outside, Scourge attacked, and Sky Lynx was forced to retreat to a safe distance, from where he was later able to swoop in and rescue Ultra Magnus and his team. Ghost in the Machine During an isidrite mining operation, Sky Lynx alerted his fellows to incoming Decepticons. A brief battled ensued, in which Galvatron claimed more Decepticon casualties than the Autobots, and Sky Lynx suggested they strategically withdraw with what isidrite they'd gathered. They swiftly did so, leaving the Decepticons to bicker. Webworld

"And that is why I am far superior to the Aerialbots. Including you, Slingshot." "YOU LIE!"

During a journey to through the Junkion sector, Sky Lynx came under attack by another pretender to the shuttle throne. The two proceeded to engage in combat, until both were fired upon by the Junkions. Though the Junkions posed no threat to one of Sky Lynx's skill, he recognized that their actions were out of place, and sped with all possible haste back to Cybertron, informing Rodimus Prime of their out-of-character actions. Despite acknowledging his "ace work", Rodimus, for some reason, dispatched those uncouth flyboys to investigate. However, Sky Lynx proved his undeniable talents by rescuing their combined form from imminent destruction. The Big Broadcast of 2006

When Perceptor detected a Quintesson signal, he naturally dispatched Sky Lynx to investigate. Unfortunately the planet from which the signal emanated proved to be covered in vegetation, preventing Sky Lynx's otherwise flawless chassis from landing and forcing him to send his passengers, Outback and Blaster instead. He was nonetheless able to provide air support against the Predacons, and spirited away the Autobots along with the Quintesson Journal they'd found. Alas, he was subsequently seized by the Quintessons. No sooner had he and his chums escaped that predicament, than they were set upon by Decepticons, who blew a hole in Sky Lynx's side and stole the journal. While they battled over control of the journal, the Quintessons reclaimed their toy, and Sky Lynx was later able to extract it from the Quintesson ship by deftly cutting a hole in the hull at exactly the right point. He could then return the journal to the peace conference, where its contents were used to settle a centuries-old war. The Quintesson Journal On one occasion, Sky Lynx's normally-superb gyros malfunctioned, causing him to crash on Cybertron. It later transpired that the glitch had been caused by anti-electrons and thus was outside Sky Lynx's control. Grimlock's New Brain

"My leading role in this episode was enough to make it the prettiest in the whole series."

Later still, during a skirmish on Earth's Moon, superior forces arrived to save the Autobots in the form of Sky Lynx, though the brutish Trypticon dared challenge him. However, before Sky Lynx could deliver what would have likely been a stunning finishing blow, the other vulgars were drawn away from the battle by a voice in the distance. For some reason, his magnificence was included in this motley crew and was even forced to voyage with them to the far reaches of space, a sojourn they surely could not have made themselves without Sky Lynx's intellect and sense of direction. Upon landing, Sky Lynx took command of that ill-tempered, uncivilized group of evolutionary throwbacks and directed them in a proper manner, a task which nearly exceeded his incredible skill. However, upon finding the caller, the fool had the audacity to call him Primitive! Can you imagine? Unfortunately for Sky Lynx, the menace Tornedron was too much even for him. Call of the Primitives

Finding Galvatron bashing on a strange disc in space, Sky Lynx released his passengers to investigate. He was unable to prevent them from being sucked through the disc into a sealed region of space, however after the seal was broken, he joined them on the newly freed world of Zamojin. The Face of the Nijika Sky Lynx carried Rodimus Prime and Kup to Japan during a Decepticon attack, arriving in time to prevent Cyclonus from shooting Defensor. Kup even complemented him on his shooting, but Sky Lynx just responded "I know". Once they'd landed, Sky Lynx passed on the message that Rodimus was wanted at the Imperial Palace by an irate Prime Minister. The Burden Hardest to Bear

"Ha, I have no need of opposable thumbs! Also, what am I standing on?"

In one of his most successful endeavours, Sky Lynx's unquestioned skills were called into play yet again when Rodimus Prime required a Quintesson during the Hate Plague crisis. With his customary flair and talent, not to mention amazing speed, Sky Lynx located and retrieved one, who subsequently restored Optimus Prime to life. Jolly good show! Just as Sky Lynx hoped, Optimus Prime knew how to stop the Hate Plague. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1 Sky Lynx accompanied Optimus Prime to obtain the heat resistant alloy from Galvatron. When Galvatron attempted to betray the Autobots, Sky Lynx's swift speed enabled him to grab Galvatron's cannon when it was knocked away. During the retreat, Sky Lynx was blessed by not being infected by the Hate Plague despite being grabbed onto by Jessica Morgan. Truly special this was! This did not protect him being infected by Rodimus Prime later on Earth. Sky Lynx, now freed from basic inhibitions, decided to crash through a glass window that prevented him from the sky above. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2

Japanese cartoon continuity

MPG toy bios

By 2011, Sky Lynx had retired from his role as Autobot transport for a career pivot into space exploration. The Trainbots inherited the job. MPG Shouki bio

Generations Selects Special Comic (1)

In 2011, Unicron attempted to reform himself out of the bodies of his disciples. Sky Lynx was present with Autobot and Decepticon alike fighting to stop him. Super Megatron comic 1

Unite Warriors/Legends
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In 2011, Sky Lynx carried the Disaster Relief Team made up of Hound, Ratchet, Trailbreaker and Wheeljack to the ruins of Cybertron after the planet was destroyed by Scorponok. There they discovered the intact form of Vector Sigma, which reformatted the five into new forms, granting them enhanced powers and the ability to combine into Sky Reign, a combiner that made use of Sky Lynx's beastly strength. Over the course of the next decade, the team used their abilities to rebuild Cybertron until it was inhabitable again, but the peace was shattered when Grand Galvatron attacked the planet in 2021. During the battle, Sky Lynx fought Roller to stop him from destroying the body of Optimus Prime, then combined with the others to battle Grand Galvatron directly. Sky Reign Chapter After Sky Reign was separated into his components by Megaempress, Sky Lynx was exposed to Moonheart's healing pheromones and fell asleep. Megatronia Chapter After Unicron showed up to attack Cybertron, the team helped defeat him in the form of Sky Reign. Ruination Chapter, Part Two

The Disaster Relief Team later set up a musical in which Sky Lynx played an evil dragon who kidnapped a princess. Invitation to the Dress Rehearsal! They were later deployed to the Legends World to help rebuild Akihabara after it was wrecked by Trypticon. Bonus Edition Vol. 43 When this other world was attacked by Majin Zarak, Sky Lynx helped defend it as part of the "2010 Team". Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two The Legends World ended up being destroyed, however, so Sky Lynx was among the transports that helped evacuate everyone back to their own dimension where they arrived on the planet Beast in 2023. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 1

Generations Selects Special Comic (2)

By 2050, the Cybertron Alliance worked jointly with the humans to harvest Angolmois Energy from the Earth. The humans created a race of robot servants for themselves named Selectors. These robots were sentient beings and wanted freedom for themselves, a cause Megatron was proud to take up the banner for. Sky Lynx and the Autobots initially defended the humans from the Selector revolution, but Megatron convinced Optimus Prime to support the Selectors' bid for freedom. Volcanicus comic 1

Unfortunately, Carly Witwicky was hurt in the revolt, leading the Dinobots to side against the Selectors and the Cybertron Alliance. The brutes did well against the Autobots and Decepticons until they faced the magnificence of Sky Lynx. Even Sky Lynx was vulnerable to surprise, however, as Grimlock had acquired an Energon Matrix and combined with his children the Technobots to form Volcamputron. With the strength of a Dinobot and the intelligence of Computron, Grimlock gave Sky Lynx the chance to yield as a fellow Dinobot. Sky Lynx once again denied being a Dinobot or Primitive, and so Grimlock paralyzed him with a blast from Scattershot's cannon. Volcanicus comic 2

The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers

We're guessing that Sky Lynx pulled a Batman on Galvatron and planned to be occupied on Earth.

During a battle on planet Feminia, the Autobots fought to keep the Prime Energy Tower safe from the Decepticons. Deploying their combiners and giant warriors, the two factions found themselves evenly matched. That is, until Galvatron unleashed his trump card: Predaking. As Predaking squashed his foes, Galvatron chuckled, having ensured that Predaking's only worthy opponent, Sky Lynx, was entangled on Earth battling Decepticons in New York City. With Sky Lynx unavailable, surely nothing could stand in Predaking's way?

Then the Omnibots showed up and took him out. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5

Madman The Transformers comic

In the year 2001, the Decepticons had managed to conquer Cybertron completely. Sky Lynx aided in the Autobots' exodus of the planet, though he came under heavy enemy fire during this mission. The Transformers

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

The wonderful thing about Sky Lynx / Is he is a wonderful thing! / His top is made out of rubber / His bottom is made out of springs!

Lieutenant Commander Sky Lynx, of the Autobot Third Air Strike Division, Monstercon from Mars! had, throughout the course of the war, been rescued several times by his old chum, Wheeljack. As such, he did not hesitate to fly to his aid when the latter called upon him to join the Autobots on Earth. There, Grimlock's less than stellar performance as Autobot leader threatened to doom them all! (The uncouth Dinobot was overly obsessed with catching the rogue Autobot, Blaster.) Upon the venerable Sky Lynx's arrival, Wheeljack requested that he put his considerable skills on temporary hold. What a waste of his immeasurable potential! Before too long, thankfully, Sky Lynx was at last called into action! After Grimlock tossed some juvenile humanoids out the airlock of the Ark into space (for "conspiring" with Blaster), Sky Lynx, with utmost aplomb, rescued them, and put to use his finest displays of agility evading those mongrel Dinobots. Indeed, Sky Lynx's feats were subverted only by the actions of another. To wit: While Sky Lynx was surrounded (which posed no true disadvantage to the ever-resourceful paragon), Blaster turned himself in to Grimlock in exchange for the guaranteed safety of Sky Lynx's young charges. Spacehikers! Totaled!

I'm off to outer space / Protecting Autobots / To save annoying kids / I am Sky Lynx!

However, before speedily returning the kids to their home, Sky Lynx took them to a traveling space carnival. As they had no money to pay for tickets, Sky Lynx charitably agreed to work for the carnival, while the kids were taken care of. Unfortunately, the fine print in the magnificent Autobot's contract made all of them permanent guests of the wretched carnival. Before Sky Lynx could effect a no-doubt-brilliant escape plan, Optimus Prime and Goldbug passed by and elected to formulate an escape plan of their own. Optimus pounced into the circus ring while Sky Lynx was about to begin his routine show, and helped ram down all performers who tried to hinder their flight from captivity. Optimus took care of most of them, saving Sky Lynx the indignity of facing down such unworthy foes as a Gilashark and Rorza, the Rocket-cycle Racer from Rigel III. On their way out, the crowd rightfully burst into cheer, and both Autobots took a bow at Sky Lynx's insistence. They then reconvened aboard the Skyhammer with Goldbug, who had been equally successful in securing Sky Lynx's charges. The Cosmic Carnival

"Yes, one day you two can tell your children how you were defeated by the incredible Sky Lynx."

Sky Lynx then returned the Spacehikers to Earth with flair and dispatch. The humans, however, seemed impervious to his charm, and drove him away from Earth again with thrown produce and such. Monstercon from Mars!

Some time later, the Mecannibals, through an unfair deception, managed to capture the magnificent Sky Lynx. While they did admit to his wondrousness, they unfortunately considered him wondrously tasty. Luckily, Landmine and Cloudburst happened upon the impending banquet aboard the Mecannibals' ship, and assisted in Sky Lynx's escape. Guess Who the Mecannibals Are Having for Dinner?

When those selfsame Pretenders later found themselves harried by Darkwing and Dreadwind, the noble Sky Lynx showed up to repay his debt, easily dispatching the Decepticon Powermasters. He then explained to the Autobots that Hi-Test and Throttle were the binary-bonded partners of the Decepticons. (Which, really, they should have been able to figure out for themselves.) The ever-helpful Sky Lynx then held the Nebulans hostage while the Pretenders blackmailed the Mecannibals into reconstituting all their former victims. Having once again saved the day, Sky Lynx flew off into the sunset, and a shining place in history. Recipe for Disaster!

The Big Broadcast of 2006
In the UK version of the story, the events of "The Big Broadcast of 2006" are a fabrication invented by Wreck-Gar.

In an alternate future of 2006, Sky Lynx's impeccable perspicacity led him to discover suspicious activity on Junkion, and he swiftly and surely reported his findings to Rodimus Prime. Rodimus recognized Sky Lynx's greatness by declaring him to be one of the best, but inexplicably sent those lesser (though still valiant) fliers, the Aerialbots, to Junkion to investigate Sky Lynx's report. After Superion was defeated by the Quintessons, Sky Lynx's redoubtable abilities were once again required for a rescue. The Big Broadcast of 2006

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
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The infusion of Nucleon into his systems boosted Silverbolt's hypersonic burn to the point that he blacked out and would have simply shot off into space if it hadn't been for Sky Lynx's quick reactions, as he managed to grab the Aerialbot in time. Destiny, Part Two

Transformers in 3-D

Sky Lynx was hanging around Autobot headquarters on Cybertron when Ultra Magnus checked in with Hot Rod to see how the situation was progressing. The Test

He acted as transport for Ultra Magnus's team as they searched for Metascan Alpha. After a stop on a moon, they reached a city under attack from the Destructons, but were forced to retreat when the enemy proved too much for them to handle. Sky Lynx made it as far as the moon before running out of energy. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

"Seatbelts, gentlebots. Appearances must be maintained."

After awakening from the Great Shutdown, Sky Lynx found himself operating the regime of that uncharismatic, mono-visioned walking calculator, Shockwave. Sky Lynx was requisitioned into mere transportation for Optimus Prime's little brother when he traveled to an insignificant backwater planet to arrest the long-lost Autobots. When Ultra Magnus learned of Shockwave's plans to deactivate the Autobots, he lost his temper and hit a console inside of Sky Lynx. While this news was most distressing, it did not warrant such uncivilized violence against one's vehicle. Brothers' Burden When that small and irritating little flyboy inevitably ran like a coward, he attempted to commander the magnificent Sky Lynx as his transportation. Imagine the horror etched on the faces of his terrified crew when Sky Lynx refused to accept their navigational commands and flew off at his own volition! Revelation

Unfortunately, that monotoned malcontent managed to hack into Sky Lynx's impressive neural processors, and even though he put up a valiant struggle against his Decepticon passengers, he was forced to bring them to the Nemesis on Earth. Black Sunshine

It tickles!

Sky Lynx found himself embarrassingly captured by the Decepticons under Starscream and his band of merry miscreants, as, of all things, a punching bag for their training! Far be it for him to refuse combat, but did these fools not realize they were up against the mighty Sky Lynx, even with the Decepticon energy dampeners in effect? Sportingly, the Autobot lieutenant commander warned Starscream that it was hardly a fair match, which the Decepticon, for some reason, misinterpreted to mean that it was not fair to Sky Lynx.

Taking advantage of Starscream's gross overconfidence, Sky Lynx tipped the scales further in his favour by splitting in half into his separate lynx and dinosaur modes, then soundly thrashing the pitiful Combaticons before the shocked Starscream reactivated the energy dampeners.

Naturally, Sky Lynx's personal punching bag Predaking only appeared after his magnificence was offline, which is just typical, really. The Route of All Evil

Shell Game

Sadly, this world may never know of his magnificence.

In Viron 704.31 Epsilon, Optimus, Sky Lynx, Hound, and X-Brawn did their best to hold out against Megazarak after the disappearance of several Autobots due to Unicron's abductions, but they ultimately all fell to the tyrant's onslaught. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30

Sky Lynx's corpse was thereafter visible on the surface of Cybertron. Shell Game

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: More Than Meets The Eye #1
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Sky Lynx was used as a transport by a group of Autobots on a mission to rescue Bumblebee and Orion Pax from the Decepticons. He was magnificent, as always. Cause and Effect Sky Lynx would later help transport the Autobots to the Iaconian Newsfeed Service headquarters where the Autobots would hack it to rally more allies for an assault against the Decepticons. Broadcast

When the Toraxxis mega-refinery came under attack from Scorponok, an Autobot strike force scrambled to the location on board Sky Lynx, Faces of Darkness whose participation in the battle naturally ensured an Autobot victory. Rage Sky Lynx was later carrying the Dynobots to Iacon when he received new orders to help prevent a riot at Starsreach Spaceport. Massacre Following Trypticon's defeat, Sky Lynx took Grimlock and Hot Rod on a fly-by over Harmonex to confirm the body of the beast was still there. It wasn't. Primacy #1 Soon after, during the Decepticons' siege on Iacon, Sky Lynx joined up with Optimus and the other Autobots who had been protected from the Cons' bombardments by Trailbreaker. Primacy #4 500,000 years ago he participated in the final defense of the Autobot base, Metroplex. Hello Cruel World

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After the war ended, Sky Lynx was, of course, smart enough not to be on the Lost Light, but, along with Bumblebee and Prowl, had a good view of her fate. How to Say Goodbye and Mean It Later, Sky Lynx was seen hovering over a crowd of peasants. The Autonomy Lesson He visited Maccadam's Old Oil House with Bluestreak and Cliffjumper after Blurr reopened it. A Better Tomorrow

Sky Lynx was entrusted with the important task of carrying Ironhide and those ungrateful Dinobot ruffians into Cybertron's wilderness in search of the missing Aerialbots, and made sure to entertain them with many fascinating stories of his glorious victories and accomplishments during the war on the way. Alas, the magnetic interference in the wilderness proved too much even for his finely-tuned navigation systems, and he was forced to leave them to carry on their mission on foot. Dinobot Hunt The strain on his systems only got worse from there, and by the time he reached Iacon he could no longer stay airborne and crash-landed violently. He managed to tell Bumblebee that he lost Ironhide and Dinobots "to the night" before starting to drift in and out of consciousness. Night and the City Wheeljack would later mention that he was recovering. Primus: All Good Things

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Sky Lynx had made a full recovery by the time the Lost Light returned to Cybertron, and joined in the celebrations. The Becoming He subsequently attended the trial of Megatron. Towards Peace Months later, Optimus Prime made the wise decision to bring Sky Lynx on a mission to Earth to investigate a lead left by Alpha Trion. Greeted by a barrage of missiles from the humans, the Autobots abandoned that clumsy Ark-7 in favor of using the smaller Sky Lynx to reach the surface. Hello Cruel World On Prowl's orders, Sky Lynx delivered the Constructicons from the Ark-7 to the battle in Poverty Flat, Detonation Boulevard then ferried everyone straight back to the ship where he got some energon to slurp. The Mind Bomb

Next, Sky Lynx carried the team to the Earth Defense Command base on Bikini Atoll, staying clear of the actual fighting. Full Fathom Five Once their mission to rescue Alpha Trion was complete, Sky Lynx returned and carried the team to safety. I Dream of Wires When Arcee and Jetfire rather rudely burst into the hangar following an alarm, Sky Lynx explained to them how Optimus and Alpha Trion had equally rudely left the Ark-7 aboard Prime's personal shuttle without so much as a greeting. The Crucible

"The indignity! As if I were some common household... pet! SLURP... this is exquisite, though..."

When Cosmos came under fire while investigating the remnants of the EDC's Bikini Atoll base, it was up to the valiant Sky Lynx and his comrade, Sideswipe, to come to the rescue of the hapless 'bot. Sky Lynx had much fun destroying the target-seeking missiles before returning to the Ark-7. Signals, Calls, and Marches Sky Lynx was hesitant to fly Prowl and the Constructicons to Tokyo, seeing as how the absent Optimus hadn't authorized such a mission, but begrudgingly did so after Prowl argued that he was in charge in Prime's absence. Vs. When Kup and Sideswipe confronted Sky Lynx about his going through with this trek against Prime's orders, he claimed that Prowl had been supplying him with some top-class Engex, and couldn't see him getting into that much trouble. ONoffON Prowl failed to live up to expectations, however, and it was up to Sky Lynx to come in as the cavalry once again during the Decepticons' fight with Devastator in Wanmu. Sky Lynx restrained that clod, Galvatron, and spat fire at Devastator until the combiner came to his senses; after which, Sky Lynx took the Autobots and Constructicons back to the Ark-7 with a space bridge in tow. The Obliterati

"Ahem, yes, well... I meant to do that. Nothing wrong in a standard test of our defenses, is there?"

When Arcee brought an Onyx tablet aboard the Ark-7 for examination, Sky Lynx tried to tell his fellow crew members of how useless looking at such primitive human tech would be, but alas, his advice was harshly brushed aside. Now and On Earth When the Autobots discovered some mysterious Cybertronian source code within the device, as well as a quantum signal within it leading to Earth, Sky Lynx went alongside Jetfire and transported Jazz and Kup to the signal's source on the Antarctic island of Bouvetoya. However, Sky Lynx looked on in horror as the team was soon attacked by Garrison Blackrock's Thrust/Ramjet clone-combiners and tried to help by opening fire on them. Finding that the group of combiners were too powerful even for him, Sky Lynx began to fly back to the Ark-7 for assistance. As the violent brutes revealed they could transform and flew after him, Sky Lynx tried leading them to get within range of the Ark-7's weapons; however, the very same Onyx tablet that Sky Lynx warned against looking at took control of the ship's systems and raised its deflector shields just as Sky Lynx was about to reach it, causing him to crash into the shields quite violently and be knocked offline. The combiners then promptly took the finest Autobot of them all captive. This is why one should always listen to Sky Lynx! The Nothing Man

Imprisoned by Blackrock with the other defeated Autobots in a secret, black liquid-filled chamber of the EDC's Bikini Atoll base, even the weary Sky Lynx was rather surprised when none other than Jetfire's drone D.0.C. came to rescue them (although it reminded him of another, sure to be exciting story he promised to tell the drone later). After D.0.C. cut open a hole in the room's ceiling, Sky Lynx emerged from it with the other Autobots, free once more and as majestic as ever! Helden

"Chaps, you've just dramatically upscaled in class."

As the EDC started making preparations for a full-spectrum mindbomb to try to stop Galvatron and his forces after he had gone turncoat, the still-injured Sky Lynx happily volunteered to provide some information about their neocortexes. The humans would have obviously been lost without him. When Optimus and some other Autobots arrived at the EDC base in the Skyroller to pick up their wayward comrades, Sky Lynx climbed aboard. Once Upon a Time on Earth To convince the humans of their innocence, Sky Lynx and his comrades began flying across the globe, heroically helping the small creatures with their petty problems. Edge of the Earth

Indispensable as ever, Sky Lynx carried a complement of Autobots and Decepticons over the ocean to make an attack on Galvatron's submerged base, the Nemesis. Tragically, Sky Lynx fell victim to the energies of the Enigma of Combination, turning him into the torso of Sky Reign (He remained as strikingly handsome as ever). It's Beginning To And Back Again He reverted to normal after Superion loutishly tampered with the Enigma and nullified its effects. As Above...So Below Sky Lynx helped mop up what Decepticons had been left behind after cowardly Galvatron's absconsion White Light, but found themselves having to deal with the bothersome forces of the EDC, now under the command of the brutish Joe Colton. White Heat Some months later, Sky Lynx and some of his comrades were on Cybertron to assist in relief efforts in the wake of Bruticus's rampage. Concorde Hymn

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In the wake of the "Revolution" incident, Sky Lynx remained on Earth as Optimus Prime and the Autobots maintained the peace. He ferried Optimus Prime and some Autobots to a meeting with the wretched Junkions on the Matterhorn, then took the group back to Autobot City, where he was bothered by a group of utterly childish Autobot recruits demanding to know more about the new arrivals. A Lonely Pillar on the Plain Sky Lynx later attended a meeting between Optimus Prime and some dignitaries, which would have been impossible to arrange had it not been for his impeccable presence on the deck of Metrotitan. It was a tragedy, then, that the uncivilized Junkions sought to spoil this momentous event by unleashing a school of ravenous Sharkticons on all assembled. Dance Among the Shadows Fortunately Sky Lynx was there to ferry the injured Sideswipe to safety with alacrity and aplomb. Future Glories Lost

TimeWillRust SkyLynxVsSlug.jpg

Later, Sky Lynx's impeccable services were called upon by Slide and the other colonist recruits to aid in rescuing Jazz from those ruffian G.I. Joes. Things took a turn for the unpleasant when Gimlet inadvertently caused the death of Mainframe and was in turn slain by Slug. Sky Lynx righteously attacked the barbaric Dinobot in response, projecting his vengeful flames at the killer, who had the gall to try and justify his brutality! Fortunately, the fight halted soon thereafter... UN-fortunately the reason for that was Unicron's appearance in the skies above! Time Will Rust Sky Lynx keenly appraised the planet-killer as others arrived on the scene. Soundwave rightfully chose the most astute being present to fill him in on what had happened and Sky Lynx most humbly complied. A Sunrise Dark

Of course, Sky Lynx was on the front line of the counterattack against Unicron and its Maximal followers in Earth's orbit. When a greater need was served elsewhere, Sky Lynx transported the Dinobots and remaining colonist recruits back to Earth's surface with transcendent swiftness. He wisely recognized that the battle that awaited them might be beyond the recruits in his care and held them in reserve, until Slide brazenly leaped out from within Sky Lynx's protective bosom to help fight Monstructor! She ended up becoming the new leg of Victorion, who slew the gruesome Unicron-allied combiner, thus vindicating Sky Lynx's decision to bring the recruits along in the first place! That nasty Unicron business was soon thereafter concluded, Sky Lynx being content in having played a pivotal role in the greatest battle of time immemorial.Ceremony

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Sky LynxAligned-UltimatePopUpUniverse.jpg

Pursuing the AllSpark after it had been launched into space, Sky Lynx was one of the many Autobots that found his way to Earth. There, he participated in a great battle within a human settlement against the Decepticons. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Transformers × Evangelion

Sky Lynx arrived on Earth with a team of Autobots on board just as the Angels were advancing on Tokyo-3. Mode "Eva" chapter 1

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime noted that 'bots such as Sky Lynx had mitotic sparks. Ask Vector Prime, The Complete AllSpark Almanac

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

"Ah, a king fit for a steed."

Sky Lynx served as Rodimus's steed when the Autobot and Decepticon armies clashed. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12 After the war was won, Rodimus was still seated on Sky Lynx as he was made ruler of Cybertron. The War Never Ends

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

The best achievements are worth repeating.

After Cybertron fell, the Autobots left their homeworld aboard the Ark, traveling through space in pursuit of the AllSpark. Sky Lynx's function was Lieutenant Commander, his primary objective was to save Cybertron, and his primary weapon was the Acetylene Blaster. Earthrise webpage[1]

When Sky Lynx was sucked into a volatile rift, Ironworks, Overair, and the Astro Squad encountered the roving comet carrying a densely populated city known as Botropolis. They set up base and hitched a ride on the moving comet to search the universe for signs of Sky Lynx. Encounter 5: Botropolis Rescue Mission

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Sean Wright (English), Aruno Tahara (Japanese), Jérémie Covillault (French), Axel Lutter (German), Nando Sierpe (Portuguese), Davide Lepore (Italian), Alejandro García (Castilian Spanish), Gerardo Reyero (Latin-American Spanish)
Sky Lynx dares to say what we're all thinking!

Before the war, the arrogant and powerful Sky Lynx relentlessly pursued Alpha Trion across Cybertron. He considered himself worthy of the Matrix of Leadership due to his ability to sense it. However, Alpha Trion refused, stating that the Matrix must choose its bearer. Sky Lynx attacked Alpha Trion in retaliation, leading to his banishment to the Dead Universe. During his exile, Sky Lynx dwelled on his past actions and absolved, becoming more humble and guilt-ridden of the arrogant power-hungry being he once was. He also learned how he could hear all that went on within the Dead Universe. To those living outside of the Dead Universe, Sky Lynx became the stuff of myth.

When Sky Lynx asks, "Why am I floating in space like this?" it is merely a rhetorical question to prompt you to ask yourself why aren't you floating in space in the same amazing manner!

When the Ark wound up in the Dead Universe, Sky Lynx presented himself to Optimus Prime, the current bearer of the Matrix. Revealing to Prime that he was not the same as he was long ago, Sky Lynx deemed the Autobot leader as being far more worthy of the Matrix than he ever was. Optimus explained to him that the Autobots were in the Dead Universe because of how he sent the AllSpark away from Cybertron. Sky Lynx informed Optimus that in order for the Ark to escape the Dead Universe, he must learn to control the chaos within himself. Optimus and Sky Lynx viewed the former's past with Alpha Trion, Megatron, and Ultra Magnus, the horrors of the Great War, his mind's eye of what could have been, and his greatest fears.

Sky Lynx explained that Optimus' thoughts were clouded with blame, a contribution to his inner chaos, and that the future was unwritten. To prove this, he showed Prime his own demise and a possible future where he fell to darkness as Nemesis Prime. With their journey complete, Sky Lynx implored Prime to use the Matrix to escape the Dead Universe by blasting a hole in reality. However, as the Ark prepared to escape, the Nemesis arrived. As Megatron unleashed a volley of dark power in order to destroy the Autobots, Sky Lynx took the blast and bought the Autobots enough time to escape before he was reduced to golden dust. Earthrise episode 5

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #27

Sky Lynx ferried Novastar's team to the Winged Moon to liberate it from Slipstream's Decepticon contingent. While his lower body carried the Autobots down to the lunar surface, his winged form duelled with Astrotrain in space until an energon explosion caught his attention and prompted him to disengage in favor of returning to the surface to reunite with his other body. Once the Decepticons retreated, Sky Lynx helped evacuate Novastar's team and all of the engineers they'd rescued, save for Cosmos. Moon

SeaOfRustII SkyLynxLands.jpg

Back on Cybertron, Sky Lynx and most of the security forces rallied under the banner of Optimus Prime in Crystal City against Decepticon tyranny. When word reached them that Termagax had been found in possession of the Enigma of Combination near the Sea of Rust, the Autobots acted. Great General Pyra Magna commissioned Sky Lynx as troop transport to bring a force to Termagax. Sea of Rust I The united Companions and Security forces dispatched the Insecticons surrounding House. Under direction from Pyra and Sunstreaker, Sky Lynx burned a trench around House as the Autobots prepared for a siege by the Decepticons. Sea of Rust II The Autobots had limited air support given the number of Seekers who joined the Decepticons, and Sky Lynx did his best to prevent them from claiming air superiority. The wild card Skywarp teleported into Termagax's house and claimed the Enigma for himself. Sky Lynx managed to catch him from behind and crush Skywarp in his powerful jaws, with a blast of flame breath for good measure. However, the Enigma itself wound up in the Sea of Rust after this. Enigmatic

Sky Lynx stood ready to defend Crystal City when the Decepticons launched a massive attack on it. A Dust of Crystals He evacuated refugees from the ruined city to Darkmount in the aftermath of the battle. Radical Time

"Usually I settle for nothing less than Predaking, but I can lower myself to take you on."

On their way to Darkmount, Optimus Prime and his soldiers were confronted by a large Decepticon force led by Megatron, who held them hostage with an imploder. Sky Lynx arrived and air-dropped Computron onto the field, as well as Jumpstream, who removed the threat of the imploder. His advantage gone, Megatron allowed the Autobots to continue on to Darkmount, but soon launched a massive attack on the city to prevent them from leaving the planet. Sky Lynx fought in the air, knocking out various Seekers until the Decepticons deployed Devastator. After Devastator defeated Computron and Leviathan, Sky Lynx held him off until Computron reformed with more volunteers and returned to the fight. Computron told Sky Lynx to retreat as he held the line against the entire Decepticon army, and Sky Lynx soon blasted off alongside the Ark and Lodestar, leaving Cybertron behind. He and the rest of the evacuees soon arrived at the Winged Moon to plan their new future out among the stars. Fate of Cybertron

Commercial appearances

When Grimlock and Slag found themselves imperiled by an attack from Predaking, Sky Lynx swooped down and blasted away the Decepticon combiner before unleashing his fiery breath onto his foe. Sky Lynx commercial


The Transformers (PS2)

Decepticon story

While searching for Zel Quartz in the present, the Decepticons hunted down several leads, including the Jewel of Mystery. Sky Lynx and Ultra Magnus defended the Jewel of Mystery from Decepticon raiders. They failed, but the Gem was not the fabled Zel Quartz in the end anyway. The Transformers

Transformers: Legends

Sky Lynx was part of an escort squadron led by Omega Supreme, tasked with protecting important cargo from a Decepticon strike force. Cold Delivery

In the aftermath of the restoration of Cybertron, Sky Lynx led a small team of Autobots in attempting to map the changes to their planet. They were briefly delayed by Spinister and Acid Storm. The Autonomy Lesson

Transformers: Earth Wars

When I split apart, my ego doesn't decrease, it merely doubles (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
  • Class: Triple Changer
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Abilities: Being a triple changer, Sky Lynx has two abilities available to him:
    • Flamestrike: Set the target on fire dealing 109 damage over 8 seconds. Follow with Plasma Shroud: re-ignite the target dealing 169 damage over 6 seconds.
    • Plasma Shroud: Ionized plasma lowers enemy damage by 50% for 7 seconds. Follow with Flamestrike: trigger a plasma burst dealing 121 damage in a big area.

Sky Lynx at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Sky Lynx possessed a unique mitotic spark that allowed him to separate himself into two component bodies. In his starship form, he could carry half a dozen smaller Cybertronians across interstellar space, serving as a smaller, faster alternative to the Titans. Technorganic Secrets Sky Lynx was once a Decepticon, and a rival to some unknown Autobot. Later he changed factions and joined the Autobots. Decepticon Directive


The Transformers

Part cat, part bird, part danger, all applesauce.
  • Sky Lynx (Motorized Space Shuttle, 1986)
Released in the third year of the original Transformers toyline, Sky Lynx transforms from a space shuttle with crawler-transporter into two smaller robots: the shuttle expands out to become a prehistoric bird-like thing, while the crawler-transporter turns into a "lynx" or close enough. The two can then combine into a super robot with the legs of a lynx and the upper-body of a prehistoric bird-thing. The crawler-transporter section has a battery-powered motor that rolls him along in transporter shuttle mode and activates a slow, ungainly walking action in lynx/lower-body mode. The shuttle also has an opening "cargo bay", though there is no room to store anything in it, just some lovely shiny gold chrome greeblies. Even though it fails to capture his magnificence fully, it is still the apex of toy technology.
Unlikely as it may seem that anything could improve upon the perfection of this design, there were two different versions of this toy, released a year apart. On the first version, the rear thruster panel was connected to the body by a basic hinged piece. The second release modified this hinge so the panel could extend out from the body slightly, allowing a little more room for opening the panel and extending the tail.
Unusually for a toy of his size, he has no other accessories packaged with him. But then again, why add to something that is already perfect?
Along with Omega Supreme, Sky Lynx was licensed from a company called Toybox. As a result, Sky Lynx was not initially released by Takara in Japan. They were robbed. They. Were. Robbed. He was also unceremoniously delayed in his European release, coming out in that line's third year alongside the Headmasters and Targetmasters.


  • Release date: February ??, 2008
The lucky seventh release in TakaraTomy's Encore line of reissues, Sky Lynx finally made his way to Japan to light their shores with his glory. As if it was possible, TakaraTomy made perfection even more perfect by painting the inside of his bird-thing's mouth and the lynx's eyes, and making the gold chrome more subtle.

Combiner Wars

Aaron Archer had to quit Hasbro to make this possible!
  • Sky Lynx (Voyager Class, 2016)
Sky Lynx, released as part of the sixth wave of Combiner Wars Voyager Class figures, is a superbly-engineered Voyager-class toy which transforms from shuttle to dinobird. Although he can no longer split into his two components, such a minor exclusion does naught to mar his superb excellence: he can instead combine with any four Deluxe Class Combiner Wars figures, imparting a fraction of his innate magnificence upon them to form the splendiferous Sky Reign, which proudly displays the handsome features of the lynx head. And, if absolutely necessary, his articulation is flexible enough to allow him to be finagled into an approximation of his glorious lynx mode.
Unlike most Voyager Class Combiner Wars figures, Sky Lynx's weapons aren't shown in his instructions at all. They can be combined to create a larger sword for Sky Reign, and as further proof of his superiority, they can be combined with either serving as the hilt: they're not limited to combining in a single way like other, less magnificent combiner weapons. They can be attached to his wings to function as cannons in any mode, or peg onto his center thruster fin to form a magnificent tail in beast mode. He also has 5 mm post-holes on his wings, front feet, and hips, though his superior self scarcely needs additional weaponry given his unrivaled greatness.
This mold was retooled with a new beast head and combiner-form head into Dezarus.

Unite Warriors

Hi. I'm better than you. I'm better than all of the other combiners, because I turn into a kitty. Meow!
  • Lynxmaster (Multi-pack, 2016)
  • ID number: UW-EX
  • Release date: October 29, 2016
  • Accessories: 2 sword-rifles
Takara's glorious Unite Warriors iteration of Combiner Wars Sky Lynx has some splendorous changes, and some sub-par omissions, in deco to better match their component's marvelous appearances in the original cartoon.
He was only available in a gift set, gracioulsy sharing a box with Hound, Ratchet, Trailbreaker, and Wheeljack.
This set was a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive, with the preorders opened at Thursday afternoon, June 9, till Thursday, June 30th, and shipped out on October 29.

War for Cybertron: Earthrise

"There is no doubt that I am the most magnificent Transformer in this line!"
  • Sky Lynx (Commander Class, 2020)
Following in the Commander Class footsteps of Siege Jetfire, Earthrise Sky Lynx changes from dinobird to shuttle in 35 steps. He once again possesses the dazzling ability to split into dual beast modes (22 steps from dinobird), and his Lynx component has the marvelous new capability to turn into a shuttle launch platform base mode, complete with A.I.R. Lock attachments, in 20 steps.
His range of articulation is an undeniable marvel of toy engineering, even greater than prior toys despite the mere suggestion being the Sisyphean task of perfecting perfection. Almost unbelievably, they succeeded, with lateral movement in hips and shoulders, double jointed knees and elbows, 90 degree movement on all six ankles, and a multi-jointed neck for the shuttle component. And the true mark as a work of art is that all are ratcheted! A wonderfully posable ball joint is also located at the base of both beast mode heads, with the lynx also possessing an embedded swivel for even more range of motion.
Sky Lynx also comes with seven blast effect pieces, redecoed from those of Siege Omega Supreme. Some online store descriptions, including Hasbro's own website, initially stated that Astroscope was included,[2] but this was dropped from the final product due to cost limitations.
Like all Earthrise toys, Sky Lynx comes with an exclusive piece of a larger star map, and a thin piece of red translucent plastic which acts as a decoder for the map. Unlike smaller Earthrise figures, Sky Lynx's map piece is pre-cut. Sky Lynx's map segment shows the location of CHAAR and an entry point to the DEAD UNIVERSE.
In a first for the Transformers brand, Sky Lynx is one of two space shuttle toys developed with an official license from NASA (the other being the Micromaster Astro Squad), and bears NASA logos in his deco. As part of that partnership, Sky Lynx was given a new fictitious Space Shuttle name, visible below the cargo bay door hinges. He is... the Magnificence.
Most of Sky Lynx's 5mm compatible ports are located on his Lynx section, but his magnificent bird/shuttle section nonetheless has one on each side of his neck, each side of his tail fin, and inside his cargo hold. A resplendent addition to both modes is a C.O.M.B.A.T. System plug on the end of each of his separate beast mode tongues, to which the fire effect pieces in various combinations can be mounted for a truly awe-inspiring fire breath attack. Unfortunately, the blast parts tend to be too heavy for either the Dinobird or Lynx heads, causing them to droop downwards.
Care should be taken when snapping his two halves together to ensure that they connect properly. This is best done by moving the wings out of the way first, then laying the shuttle flat against the carrier and angling it up slightly while pushing forward until it pops into place (significant force may be required) before angling it back down again. Failure to do so can cause him to split apart unexpectedly. Likewise, his wings can be prone to popping off of their extension arms if roughly handled, and said arms are often unable to support the weight of his wings when extended.
Another run of Sky Lynx was made in late 2022.
Siege accessory mold: Omega Supreme's Fire Blast effects
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:


  • In his Transformers Universe profile, Sky Lynx's "Lynx" component is instead identified as a puma and his bird component is identified as a "dinobird".
  • Original scripts for the Generation 1 cartoon identify Sky Lynx's beauteous combined form as his "Dinoblast" mode.
  • On numerous occasions throughout the Generation 1 cartoon, Sky Lynx's pristine form was blemished with a Decepticon insignia, too often to be an accident. This suggests that a character model bearing the insignia existed that was being drawn from in these instances, in turn implying that Sky Lynx may have been originally characterized as a Decepticon. This fits well with the fact that his perennial rivals, the Predacons, started out the design process as a team of Autobots known as the Anibots!
  • The true nature of Sky Lynx's transformation remains a mystery even to those intrepid souls who endeavor in that most worthwhile task of chronicling his many laudable adventures. In the Marvel Comics, for example, Sky Lynx does not split into two beast modes; rather, he seems to be a Triple Changer of sorts who has a shuttle mode, a lynx mode, and a bird mode which sometimes retains the four-legged undercarriage ("Spacehikers!") and sometimes doesn't ("The Cosmic Carnival"). While some might see these as "inconsistencies", Sky Lynx's design is grand enough to encompass all such possibilities, so these alternate depictions of his transformation disturb him not in the least.
  • Though it chafes the magnificent Sky Lynx to share an origin with the ungainly (if powerful) Omega Supreme, both were originally created by a company known as Toybox, from whom Hasbro licensed the designs for sale as Transformers. As with Jetfire and the Deluxe Insecticons, this meant it could not be sold as a Transformers toy in Japan, since Takara didn't want to promote its competition's toys. Thus, Japan was unable to experience Sky Lynx's full grandeur—but such glory could not be denied forever! Sure enough, when Takara merged with former competitor Tomy, the situation changed. After the merger, an especially perspicacious member of the TF development team spotted a "shuttle dinosaur" development code name among the molds listed in Tomy's possession. Soon, the truth of Sky Lynx's esteemed lineage emerged: Toybox was not the original equipment manufacturer, but rather, it had requested that Tomy develop the Sky Lynx design on its behalf. (Such outsourced design and mold development was not uncommon in the Japanese toy market at the time.) This unsung hero of a developer called attention to the fact, helping initiate the process for issuing Sky Lynx as a Japanese Transformers toy for the first time ever. Had the situation moved a bit more slowly, the molds might have been lost forever—a tragedy of such magnitude, it scarcely bears consideration.[3]
  • Fireflight's puny Classics figure was at one point conceived as Sky Lynx, but someone at Hasbro must wisely have decided that a mold as diminutive as Jetfire's simply wouldn't do for a 'bot of such stature.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Sky Lynx (スカイリンクス Sukai Rinkusu)
  • Hungarian: Légihiúz ("Air-Lynx")
  • Italian: Argon
  • Mandarin: Tiān Māo (天猫, "Sky Cat")
  • Russian: Bravyj (Бравый, "Gallant")
  • Ukrainian: Nebesna Rys' (Небесна Рись, "Sky Lynx")


  1. Earthrise website
  2. The Hasbro webpage product description reads: "ADD ACCESSORIES AND EFFECTS: Attach 2 included Fire Blasts accessories to the 2 included cannon accessories or to figure’s mouth to simulate fire-breathing. Comes with Astroscope figure with a satellite mode"
  3. Takara's "Tale of Sky Lynx" page

External links

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