Skywarp (G1)
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The name or term "Skywarp" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Skywarp (disambiguation). |
- Skywarp is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Teleportation is a dangerous tool in the hands of a capable adversary. Thankfully for the Autobots, Skywarp is the only Decepticon known to possess that ability. Skywarp's not terribly bright, to the point where he's practically worthless as a warrior without direct and constant supervision. Left on his own, he's much, much more likely to use his amazing teleportation power to pull off really immature pranks on anyone close by, be it enemy or "friend". He takes a charmingly puerile angle at thuggery, so his pranks are well-received amongst his Decepticon peers (except the victim, of course).
Because, come on, a surprise push down a staircase is hilarious.
“ | Don't think. Just do it. | ” |
—Skywarp's life motto, Megatron Origin #4 |
Marvel Comics continuity
Skywarp was one of Megatron's troops which attacked the Ark and were thus left dormant under Mount St. Hilary for four million years.
He served thereafter under both Megatron and Shockwave until he was deactivated by Omega Supreme in battle and placed in stasis by the Autobots. He would then be further damaged by the future Decepticon Galvatron when the Autobots used him as a decoy for Starscream as a plan to convince Galvatron he was in an alternate timeline.
Then, when the Constructicons recovered him (along with various other victims of Omega) and he was reactivated to be one of Ratbat's troops, he didn't last long before being destroyed by the Underbase-powered Starscream.
Thereafter, depending on which splinter timeline you follow, he was either:
- Reactivated by Bludgeon's Decepticons, and then served under Megatron again when the Pretender was killed by his old boss. Generation 2
- Rebuilt, with his memory restored from old backups, by Megatron and the severed head of Shockwave before briefly falling under the control of Bug Bite. Classicsverse
- Turned into a zombie-like puppet by Megatron, until his body was ultimately vaporised by the Autobots. Regeneration One
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Part of Megatron's forces which boarded the Ark, Skywarp was a mainstay in the early years of the Autobot-Decepticon conflict on Earth. In 2005, he was mortally wounded at the Battle of Autobot City. Depending on the timeline you follow, Unicron either recycled Skywarp into Cyclonus or Cyclonus's Armada.
Deadly Paradise
Skywarp was stationed on Carob Island, where the Decepticons had set up a mining an construction operation. Using a rare ore from the island, the Decepticons were building duplicate Autobots loyal only to Megatron. When a squad of captured Autobots escaped from their force cages, Skywarp and Starscream attempted to subdue them. Skywarp was defeated by the conjoined efforts of Ratchet and Brawn. Deadly Paradise
Sticker Adventures books
Skywarp (or Thundercracker) participated in a Decepticon assault on the Autobots, only to be once more beaten back. Under Megatron's orders, the Decepticons then lay low for several days, lulling the Autobots into a false sense of security. The Decepticons then stole the entirety of the Autobots’ fuel supply and attacked them once more. But Optimus, having anticipated a trick on the Decepticons’ part, arrived at the battlefield with a new supply of fuel for his troops. After sustaining too much damage, the Decepticons were forced to retreat once again. Revenge of the Decepticons
Skywarp attacked an Autobot construction site that Optimus and his troops were using to fix up a spaceship. Return to Cybertron
Marvel Storybooks continuity
Skywarp was among Megatron's most vicious fighters on Earth. He came to the defense of Rumble during a battle with Sunstreaker. Battle for Earth
Marvel coloring books
Millions of years ago, Skywarp was one of the Decepticons who battled the Autobots on their home planet of Cybertron, and in outer space. During one such outer space battle, the Decepticons rammed their ship into the Autobots' vessel, and both craft crashed on Earth, where they would lay for four million years until both factions were revived to continue their war on a new world. A Message From Outer Space
When the Decepticons set out on patrol to seek the Autobots, Skywarp searched the skies over Earth's oceans, but had no luck. A report from Laserbeak of a factory building an Autobot army brought Skywarp, Thundercracker and Starscream together for a bombing run, but their bombardment had no effect, as the factory was actually a hologram generate by Mirage to lure the Decepticons into a trap. During the battle that followed, Optimus Prime seized Skywarp and Megatron and hurled them into orbit. Decepticon Patrol
Skywarp was probably among the Decepticon Seekers who battled the Autobots over the captive Buster and Sparkplug Witwicky, and was also probably one of the Seekers who subsequently attacked Hoover Dam. The Deadly Fuel Shortage Skywarp took particular joy in the Decepticons' plan to steal gasoline with a molecular transfer device as he surveyed a road's worth of abandoned human vehicles. As the Autobots came rolling to the rescue, Skywarp was first to spot them and alerted his fellow Decepticons, but the battle was lost when the Autobots were able to turn the molecular transfer device on the Decepticonse themselves, draining their energy supplies. Summertime Coloring Book
Skywarp might have been among the Decepticons who were duped into abandoning their base by a phoney Martian message sent by Bumblebee. A Message From Outer Space He definitely took part in Megatron's plan to demolish a forest in order to built a Decepticon factory (you could tell by his fancy hat), Forest Rescue Mission and later joined in an attack on what the Decepticons thought was the Autobots' camp, only to find they had been duped by another of Mirage's mirages. Bumblebee's Dangerous Mission
Big Looker storybooks
Skywarp and the Decepticons were the first to awake when the Transformers were reactivated on Earth; he and his fellow jets were seen flying out of the Autobots' ship by Sparkplug and Buster Witwicky. After re-energizing themselves using a nuclear power station, Skywarp and his comrades returned to attack the Ark, only to be ambush by the Autobots themselves, disguised in the form of Earth automobiles. Battle for Cybertron
When the Autobots took part in the Big Car Rally, Skywarp attacked Mirage on a coastal road during the first heat, blasting him with missiles and machine guns. He failed to reckon with Mirage's electro-scrambler, however, which short-circuited his systems and sent him crashing into the ocean. The Great Car Rally Later, Skywarp and several other flight-capable Decepticons all joined in buzzing the Autobots' base in a failed attempt to distract them while the other Decepticons hijacked an oil truck. Decepticon Hijack
Skywarp sat around with the other Decepticons listening to Megatron rant about his desire to steal energy from a power plant. He was still there a little later when the Insecticons brought in the mind-controlled Grapple to analyze the plant, and took part in the battle that followed when the Autobots arrived to rescue their friend. After the cerebro-shell controlling Grapple was removed, he turned on Megatron, and the Decepticon leader was sent crashing to several of his troops, including Skywarp. Insecticon Attack!
Kid Stuff storybooks
Skywarp was among the Decepticons who attacked the travelling Dinobots in an attempt to learn the location of their subterranean Arctic recovery base and the oil supply it held. Jaws of Terror Later, he and the other jets took part in a series of hit-and-run attacks on Autobot superjet forces around the Pacific Rim to draw attention away from their operations on the island of Buru. Slaves of the Insecticons
Ladybird Books continuity
Skywarp was among the Decepticons who went to stop Starscream and Rumble destroying a mysterious Autobot invention because Megatron believed the Decepticons could harness it. Unfortunately it turned out to be a lightning collector which unleashed a burst of energy, knocking them all flat. When Skywarp tried to get up, instead he spontaneously transformed halfway and got stuck. With the other Decepticons suffering malfunctions as well, they all swiftly retreated. Autobots' Lightning Strike
As Laserbeak was sent out to learn more about the strange creatures inhabiting the world the Decepticons were on, Skywarp was among those who monitored the transmissions he sent back. When the transmissions abruptly ceased, Skywarp wondered if the humans had destroyed Laserbeak, but Starscream scoffed at the suggestion. Laserbeak's Fury
Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity
- Voice actor: ??? (English)
Under Starscream's leadership, Thundercracker and Skywarp attacked a solar plant although Skywarp, for once the voice of reason, pointed out that Megatron had ordered them not to damage the solar reactor. After Starscream was damaged by Optimus Prime and Megatron furiously ordered them to withdraw lest they damage the reactor, the trio retreated. Rendezvousing with Megatron's forces, Skywarp admitted they'd used "poor judgement" in following Starscream's orders. Megatron let him and Thundercracker take part in the subsequent attack on the solar plant anyway. Sun Raid (Listen 'n Fun)
Listen 'n Play audiobooks continuity
Skywarp was part of Starscream's squad which went to Phoenix International to abduct airline passengers, only to find the place deserted. The squad headed for the warehouse where all the hostages were being held, only to find that the Autobots were already there, and the trio were swiftly beaten into a retreat. Sun Raid (Listen 'n Play)
The Battle for Planet Earth
- Voice actor: Peter Marinker (English)
When Laserbeak reported that a group of Autobots were in South America, Skywarp's first instinct was to go destroy them. He got his wish, as he was part of Megatron's team that followed the Autobots there, but the Decepticons were caught in the eruption of Mount Sheelah and trapped by lava. Terror of Mount Sheelah After helping kidnap some humans for use as slave labor, Skywarp was sent out on guard duty and managed to carelessly let Bumblebee into the base. Disgruntled, he returned to complain to Megatron about having to stand guard, and inadvertently let Bumblebee out again. After failing to track down the Autobot, he faced disciplinary action, which probably only got worse when they discovered that Bumblebee had stolen the global crystal. Bumblebee to the Rescue
When the Decepticons went to conquer Stanley Lake dam, Skywarp hid in the bushes and pranked the other Decepticons with Autobot engine noises. No one was impressed. He and the other Decepticons were defeated when the Autobots lured them in front of the dam and opened the sluice gates. Menace at the Dam Despite being an idiot, Skywarp was still among those Megatron consulted for ideas on getting back at the Autobots. He took part in an attack on Mount Levram on the strength of Starscream's intelligence, and as a result the Decepticon base was destroyed. Espionage!!!!!
Find Your Fate Junior
Dinobots Strike Back
In one of many paths ending in an Autobot assault on the Decepticons' superfuel lab in Mount Lomas, Megatron was ready for them, and ordered his warrior jets into the air over Dolphin's Bay. Skywarp scored the first hit of the battle, dropping a heat-seeking missile on the water-bound Topspin. As the only other Autobot present with a boat alt-mode, Seaspray was enraged, and being a large destroyer at the time instead of a hovercraft, he retaliated with a barrage of lasers and missiles all directed at Skywarp. It's not clear if any of them hit, but when Powerglide and Tracks showed up to provide air support, the former's thermal beam did enough damage to the warrior jets in general to allow the Autobots to take the mountain, so Skywarp presumably didn't fare too well. At least he scored the only documented Autobot casualty! Dinobots Strike Back
Battle Drive
In one possible scenario, where Megatron and his troops had tracked down Sparkplug to a cave in the mountains, Skywarp was amongst the Decepticons present, ready to pounce on the human. Then a small squadron of Autobots arrived to rescue Sparkplug. In the event that Megatron was destroyed by Swoop, Skywarp, along with the rest of the Decepticons, were easily defeated by the Autobots. In the event that Swoop retreated, Skywarp was amongst the Decepticons who remained at the cave instead of pursuing the Dinobot. Skywarp stood next to Megatron in a military formation, along with Buzzsaw, Ransack, Shockwave, Frenzy and Thundercracker, while Megatron delivered his sanction to the Autobots in the cave; "Prepare to die!" The battle that ensued lasted for two full days before the Decepticons were ready to move in for the kill. In the event that Swoop returned in time with reinforcements, Skywarp and the rest of the Decepticons were forced to retreat.
In another possible scenario, Skywarp was likely part of a large Decepticon army that Megatron led once the Autobots had been lured out in the open farmland. Skywarp didn't perform any feats of note in the ensuing battle, however. Battle Drive
In one possible scenario, Skywarp encountered an Autobot raid team infiltrating the Decepticons’ newest secret base. Though he was backed up by Buzzsaw and Ramjet, the three of them were felled in one blow by Optimus Prime. Earthquake
Decepticon Poison
Skywarp was assigned grunt work at the Decepticons’ secret poison lab.
In one possible scenario, Laserbeak, Ramjet and Skywarp were hauling tanks of poison out of the lab when the Autobots returned, after having stolen the antidote to the Decepticon's poison from right under their noses.
One possible scenario saw the Autobots using Windcharger's magnetic abilities to levitate the drums of poison above Skywarp and company, and then ignite the poison over the Decepticons’ heads. The Decepticons were forced into a retreat as their lab was then destroyed by Warpath. Decepticon Poison
Project Brain Drain
Skywarp was stationed at the Decepticons’ lab, charged with guarding the Brain Drain device, with which the Decepticons planned to syphon away the Earthlings’ intelligence and transmute it into energy. In one possible scenario, he was one of the few Decepticons too afraid of Galvatron to desert his post when a squad of Autobots stormed the lab. He was unsuccessful in fending them off. Project Brain Drain
The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual
When Starscream returned to the Decepticons' headquarters with some exciting news, Skywarp was impatient to hear it, and threatened to teleport Starscream "somewhere more interesting" if he didn't spit it out quickly. The news, it turned out, was that the Autobots had discovered an ancient spaceship on Table Mountain in Africa that could take them back to Cybertron. Naturally, the Decepticons attacked right away to take it for themselves. Skywarp, Starscream and Ramjet buzzed the Autobots from above, distracting them from the approach of the Decepticons' ground forces as they scaled the mountain. The Decepticons thought they had won when the Autobots retreated, leaving the ship theirs for the taking. They realized they had been tricked when the vessel proved to be an Autobot trap that blasted them off into space uncontrollably. Day of the Decepticons
Beast Wars cartoon continuity
Beast Wars cartoon
When Megatron travelled back in time and entered the Ark with the intent of changing history, Skywarp's inert form was prominent among the deactivated Transformers that the Predacon leader flew past. The Agenda (Part III)
3H comics
In 2005, when Unicron rebuilt Skywarp into Cyclonus's Armada, Skywarp was also reprogrammed to obey Cyclonus. Even later, when Skywarp's original personality reasserted itself, that mental link remained. Wreckers: Finale Part II
After the Decepticons lost the Great War and Maximals and Predacons claimed the planet, another Megatron subjugated nearly every Transformer alive with a transformation-lock virus and an army of Vehicons. Skywarp was one of the handful of Transformers who had slipped through Megatron's fingers, and eventually he and Cyclonus joined up with the legendary strike team, the Wreckers. Given a mission by the Oracle, the Wreckers fought through an army of Vehicons (Cyclonus, Skywarp, and Rotorbolt took care of the Spy Streak drones) to steal an Autobot shuttle in order to get off-planet. Departure
Skywarp served as the shuttle's pilot, which served as a point of contention when the bounty hunter Devcon stowed away on board, who didn't like that the Wreckers apparently now included Decepticons and Predacons among their ranks. As the shuttle approached the Archa system, their given destination, Skywarp detected the homing beacon of the Sojourner's Passage, an exploration ship that was lost centuries ago. Since the Autobot shuttle had been damaged en route, once it had landed on Archa Nine, Skywarp helped repair it while others searched the surface. While Skywarp was occupied with this, Cyclonus revealed himself as a traitor, stealing the Divine Light, a mysterious artifact the Wreckers were sent by the Oracle to find. Betrayal
Though it's likely Skywarp didn't really care, the rest of the Wreckers were dealt a blow to morale after this betrayal. Regardless, the Wreckers set off for a new destination given by the Oracle, a desolate ice planet on which a search team found an exiled Quintesson scientist named Al-badur. While Al-badur was explaining the meaning of the Divine Light, an army of Sharkticons attacked both the search team and Skywarp and the others back at the shuttle. Skywarp was able to easily destroy their attackers. The search team returned to the shuttle, and Primal Prime told Skywarp that he'd be taking direction from the Quintesson. Al-badur asked Skywarp what compelled him to join this team of Autobots and Maximals; Skywarp told him it involved "returning a favor" and "Decepticon honor," things he wouldn't understand. Disclosure
After receiving an encrypted message, Skywarp flew the Wreckers back to Cybertron as quickly as possible. Cryotek and his Quintesson partners had invaded the planet. But on arrival to Cybertron, the Quintessons' attacks were so thick that they kept the shuttle from being able to land. Primal Prime ordered a few of the Wreckers off the ship to join the troops below, while Rodimus, Skywarp, and the remainder were to land elsewhere. The Wreckers: Finale Part 1
In the aftermath of Cyclonus's betrayal, the other Wreckers were understandably wary of Skywarp, though the Decepticon claimed he had no part or knowledge of his fellow Decepticon's actions. While circling overhead Cybertron, the Wreckers' shuttle was critically hit. Rodimus told everyone else to evacuate while he kept the ship level, but Skywarp chose this moment to strike. He knocked Rodimus away and told Tap-Out to help everyone else disembark; the Decepticon was going to guide the shuttle down. When it landed, taking out a large portion of the Sharkticon invading forces in a fantastic explosion, the Wreckers were shocked. Skywarp had sacrificed his life for them? As Rodimus began to give a regretful eulogy for the untrusted Decepticon, Skywarp appeared behind them, laughing about his sweet maneuver. He had, of course, used his warping power to leave the ship at the last moment. "Did you see that? I think I managed to shove the forward nacelle antennae right through the Quint Overseer!" Everyone grumbled.
As their group joined the battle against Cryotek and Cyclonus within Cybertron, it seemed Skywarp may not have been so forthright after all. He violently silenced the overbearing Ramulus (muttering that he was surprised no one thanked him) and took his place at Cyclonus's side. Rodimus was understandably confused and hurt, but Skywarp told the Autobot that he'd more than paid him back recently and he no longer owed the Wreckers anything. Cyclonus laughed, and told the Wreckers of his mental link to Skywarp. But Skywarp muttered, having "always hated that," and attacked Cyclonus. He reappeared at the Wreckers' side again, noting that he'd only harmed Ramulus to get in Cyclonus's good graces long enough to deal the blow.
But Cyclonus had scores of Sharkticons at his disposal, and they quickly filled the chamber. Rodimus wanted to throttle Skywarp for what he'd done to Ramulus, but Skywarp shrewdly pointed out that they had bigger problems at the moment. But in the middle of the battle, a strange surge of energy passed through the subterranean chamber, flowing through Tap-Out and Skywarp, causing both to disappear in a flash of light. Wreckers: Finale Part II
Skywarp and Tap-Out had been abducted by Unicron and, under undisclosed circumstances, Skywarp joined Razorclaw's Minions of Unicron during the Universe conflict. During the final battle within the Pit, he was defeated by Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. Revelations Part 2
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Skywarp was one of Megatron's "inner circle" in the early days of war on Cybertron, with standing high enough that he was among those who stood at the Decepticon leader's side as he delivered speeches to his burgeoning army. The Route of All Evil
Some time into the war, on the eve of the appointment of the Autobots' new Prime, Skywarp and Thundercracker were sent to blow up a building full of pesky neutrals in Altihex. Skywarp confided to his partner that he had spent some time debating whether or not it was the right thing to do—not because it was morally wrong or anything, but because it was too easy—but had concluded that, hey, of course it was, and promply murdered the neutrals. The War Within #1 Some time later, the two came with Starscream when he tried to sway Grimlock into joining the Decepticons. Skywarp tried to stop Starscream from spilling the beans about the Seekers' next mission at Sector Zero-Six, but was told to shut up. When the trio later carried out said mission, they found that Grimlock had evacuated the area and placed a bomb to welcome them. Skywarp barely had time to teleport himself and his comrades away before the place went up in flames. The War Within Preview When Starscream decided to blame Megatron for what happened, Skywarp snapped and pointed out that it was all his fault for telling the enemy about their mission, then took off with Thundercracker back to Kolkular. The War Within #3
Following the disappearance of Megatron in a space bridge accident, the Decepticons split into several splinter groups, but Skywarp stayed with the main faction under the command of Shockwave. He participated in an attack on the minions of The Fallen in Protihex, where his teleporting power enabled him to get the best of Bludgeon and gun him down. Conflagration Skywarp was also present with the Decepticons at the peace treaty signing at Tyger Pax, which would have put an end to Cybertron's civil war if not for Megatron's dramatic return mid-ceremony. The Age of Wrath
Skywarp was part of the original crew of the Decepticon flagship the Nemesis who attacked and boarded the Autobots' Ark when it departed Cybertron on a quest for energy. The craft crashed on Earth, entombing all occupants for four million years, until they awoke in 1984 to continue their war. More than Meets the Eye #8 The war reached its climax in 1999, when the Autobots and their human allies defeated the Decepticons. Skywarp and the other prisoners were loaded aboard the spacecraft Ark II with the intent that they be returned to Cybertron, but the vessel had been sabotaged by arms dealer Adam "Lazarus" Rook, and exploded mid-flight. Lazarus recovered the bodies of Skywarp and the other Decepticons, and spent the next several years reprogramming them in order to sell them to foreign powers. Prime Directive #5

In 2002, Megatron was finally able to overcome Lazarus's programming, and proceeded to free his Decepticon subordinates in order to put forward his plans to infect Earth with a metallic virus. To pass the time while preparations for this plan were being put into motion, Skywarp, Starscream and Thundercracker occupied themselves by tearing apart the small Autobots that had also been captured by Lazarus. Prime Directive #3 Once the virus had been unleashed, Skywarp participated in Megatron's attack on San Francisco, where he and his fellow Seekers blew Superion into his component Aerialbots with a cluster bomb barrage. Prime Directive #4
When Megatron was kidnapped by the Keepers and Decepticon leadership was up for grabs, Skywarp began acting more serious and ambitious than his regular "lunatic prankster" persona would suggest. One of the few Decepticons who aggressively refused to follow Starscream in Megatron's absence, Skywarp teamed up with the Reflector trio in an attempt to seize power for himself. He lured Starscream into leaving his new kingdom in Las Vegas and travelling to Hoover Dam. Once there, Skywarp challenged Starscream directly for leadership of the Decepticons. He failed miserably, however; Starscream dealt Skywarp severe damage using his null bolts at close range, then tossed his former wingman over the falls. Skywarp was in stasis lock for some time thereafter, and he begrudgingly chose to serve under Starscream after his repair cycle aboard the Nemesis was completed. Hardwired
When Grimlock and his private army of humans attacked Las Vegas, along with Prowl and Bumblebee, Skywarp was among the Decepticons who charged out to meet them in battle along the Strip. As Thundercracker and Soundwave kept the rampaging Dinobot's attention, Skywarp prepared a delicious, underhanded sneak attack. Diving at Grimlock at full speed, Skywarp planned on unleashing his heat-seeking missiles at near point-blank range for maximum devastation. Luckily for Grimlock, the little Autobot Bumblebee was willing to sacrifice his functionality in order to keep the more powerful Autobot warrior in play and took the full impact of the missiles at the last second. Enraged, Grimlock struck Skywarp with enough force to send him flying miles away into the desert and out of the fight for the immediate future.
Curiously, Skywarp chose NOT to leave Las Vegas with Megatron once the former Decepticon leader returned to Earth. Damaged after his time with the Keepers, Megatron lost a fight with Starscream and was forced to relinquish his leadership to the Aerospace Commander. Still, Megatron refused to serve under Starscream, and he led a revolt of several Decepticons into exile. For whatever reason, Skywarp remained at Starscream's side until the Keepers attacked, possessing Starscream as a host body and caging the rest of the Decepticons still in Las Vegas inside a dome of impenetrable energy. Skywarp assumed command of the remaining Decepticons in Starscream's absence and directed the Constructicons into not attacking the dome directly as Devastator, but digging beneath the energy field to forge a tunnel they could exit through. He also made contact with Megatron's forces outside the city and agreed to wait patiently until the time was right for all the Transformers to assault the Keepers as one.
When the time came, Skywarp "allowed" his Decepticons to join forces with Megatron's, because it was the only "logical" thing to do. During the fight, he blasted the Bluestreak-Keeper with an explosive gamma radiation blast. The attack was effective, but proved moot when the Bluestreak-Keeper fused with the Starscream-Keeper, creating one massive and deformed robotic god figure. In the end, it was Optimus Prime and the power of the Matrix which finally ended the war with the Keepers, diverting the force of a nuclear missile launched by the American government. In the aftermath, Starscream's scrap was salvaged and rebuilt, but Megatron chose to make Skywarp his new second-in-command for a time, mostly just to piss Starscream off. Still, Skywarp certainly saw it as the most "logical" thing to do. Annihilation
In Washington D.C., Megatron and the Decepticons stormed the White House to show their displeasure to the President for trying to wipe them out with a nuclear strike. Megatron assigned Skywarp to deal with the SWAT teams in the streets, then sent him into the skies to join Starscream in shooting down the air support called in by the military. Final tally—Starscream: 12, Skywarp: 5. Sometime later, Skywarp was present in the Nevada desert when the Autobots and Decepticons confronted the United States military. Thanks to their airborne tactics, Thundercracker and Skywarp did significant injury to the troops and survived the deconstructionite assault virtually unscathed. After the Keepers were finally defeated and Starscream had been restored to his normal, irascible self, Megatron chose to restore the status quo and replaced Skywarp with Starscream as his second-in-command yet again. Fusion
When the Decepticons clashed with the Autobots over a crashed Autobot vessel discovered in the Arctic, Skywarp engaged Ironhide, dodging the old Autobot's blasts with his teleporting ability and shooting him in the back. This battle was soon interrupted by the arrival of Shockwave and his army of Triple Changers, who had come from Cybertron to bring the planet's errant sons home. He quickly disposed of Megatron and demanded that Skywarp and the others submit to him. New World Order The Decepticons somewhat begrudgingly assented to return to Cybertron, but upon arrival Skywarp and Thundercracker were amazed at what Shockwave had accomplished in their absence. While relaxing in an energon bath, they debated how to proceed; Thundercracker believed it would not be long before Shockwave demanded they pledge themselves to his cause, but Skywarp didn't care much, advocating they do what they always did and pick the side with the biggest guns. Brothers' Burden
Their tune soon changed, however, when Shockwave's dark schemes were uncovered by Optimus Prime; the two Seekers tried to shut the blast door to the command centre before the Autobot leader could make it through, but they failed, and Prime throttled Skywarp until he coughed up Shockwave's location. Countdown to Extinction Skywarp and Thundercracker then both played possum to avoid fighting further. Starscream passed them on his way to the shuttle bay, intending to escape the planet and return to Earth, and he ordered Skywarp and Thundercracker to accompany him. They complied, and helped him load up the inactive Combaticons aboard a shuttle they hijacked. Revelation
Back on Earth, the Decepticons made it back to the Nemesis and set about scavenging parts to restore the ship to working order. Black Sunshine To this end, Skywarp was part of Starscream's initial salvo against the Autobot base, a decoy to be deliberately taken prisoner in order to draw out the remaining Autobots where the newly reformatted Combaticons could get at them. Night of the Combaticons After decimating the Autobots' ranks, Bruticus freed the fallen Decepticons, and they were about ready to terminate their opponents when the awe-inspiring clone known as Sunstorm emerged from fold-space, looking to have words with Starscream. Sunstorm's "purifying light" induced an energon overload in the Decepticons' systems, knocking them into stasis lock. Black Sunshine Skywarp and the others remained Autobot prisoners until Starscream negotiated a deal for their release in exchange for his aid against Sunstorm. Skyfire
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
Skywarp was one of the Transformers reprogrammed to serve the terrorist organization Cobra and was, along with Thundercracker, rebuilt to transform into a Rattler aircraft in the process. Their first mission was to show off Cobra's power by assaulting a peace ceremony in Washington, D.C., and either Skywarp or Thundercracker was the first to reveal his robot mode to the shocked Air Force before wrecking Ace's jet with a single punch. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #1
When Wheeljack undid Cobra's reprogramming of the Transformers, Skywarp waited on the runway in Rattler mode until Major Bludd, unaware of the plane's true identity, decided to use him as his ticket off Cobra Island. After causing Bludd some stress by refusing to start his engines, Skywarp revealed himself and told him that he'd rather walk, then transformed, crushing the human to death with his moving innards in the process. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4 He then joined Thundercracker in fighting Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Cliffjumper, who had also been freed from Cobra's control. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5 Unfortunately, the two Seekers were later caught in the SPS Satellite's rain of energy beams and deactivated. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6
Transformers/G.I. Joe
Skywarp was among the Decepticons revived by Cobra in 1938. He may have been one of the Seekers driven back by the Aerialbots in the battle of the Fera Islands. Trial by Fire Later, during the Autobots' attack on the Terrordrome, Skywarp was lounging about when he overheard some Cobra troopers talking dirt about the Decepticons. Picking one of the humans up, Skywarp suggested that he be a little grateful that the Decepticons were helping them conquer their filthy mudball of a planet. Before he could finish insulting them, however, Optimus Prime burst out of the ground and beat him up. The Iron Fist
Transformers Legends anthology
Enraged at Swindle for selling off Decepticon weapons on the black market, Megatron commanded Skywarp to bring the Combaticon in—in pieces of necessary. Two for the Price of One
The Beast Within
Skywarp participated in a savage all-out Decepticon offensive against the Autobots. With the Decepticons maintaining the advantage throughout the battle, Skywarp was amongst those who approached a crippled Optimus Prime, ready to dispatch the Autobot leader. Before they could deliver the finishing blow, the Dinobots combined into The Beast, shifting the Decepticons’ priorities. Skywarp joined several other flying Decepticons in a direct assault against The Beast, to little avail. The Beast then killed him. The Beast Within
His corpse would later be one of many that littered the battlefield as Autobot survivors tried to escape The Beast. The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences
Lil Formers
Skywarp watched "Snakes on a Plane" with Thrust and Thundercracker, and was startled by Cobra Commander popping up to ask if the Decepticons wanted to do a cross-over.
At a later time, Skywarp was interviewed and claimed, to put all debates to rest, that it was indeed him who became Cyclonus after being reformatted by Unicron. Bombshell made exactly the same claim.
Later still, Skywarp had a teleportation accident, and appeared as only a head attached to an arm. Lil Formers
2005 IDW continuity
In a world where some Decepticons' loyalty to the cause has changed in the wake of modern sociopolitical developments, Skywarp had long remained the Decepticons' loyal resident teleporter. However, after being forced into a revelation regarding his loyalties to Galvatron and with his teleportation power lost for the moment, he would end up joining the human group known as G.I. Joe. After learning that the Joes would not be following through on their promise to restore his teleportation abilities, he betrayed them, recruiting their rogue operatives to help him heal himself. Somehow succeeding, his teleportation powers were quickly called into action when Unicron attacked. Though the plan called for Skywarp to teleport the necrotic Talisman directly into the heart of Unicron, he was wounded saving Thundercracker from the Maximals. Carried back to Earth by his former comrade, Skywarp was forced to admit that Thundercracker was a true Seeker and that sonic booms were cool.
Hearts of Steel
Skywarp was one of the Decepticons who woke up on mid-19th century Earth, where he took on the form of a spiky airplane with three propellers. In the Decepticons' desert headquarters, Starscream told him about the plans to conquer Earth, and ordered him to fly ahead of the Astrotrain, leading the way towards New York City. Skywarp was concerned that the Autobots might interfere, but Starscream assured him their enemies had not yet awoken. Hearts of Steel #1 Hearts of Steel #2 He was later present when Starscream learned that he was mistaken. Hearts of Steel #3
Q-Robo Transformer
Mini Mayhem!
Skywarp participated in an infiltration of BotCon to track down next year's toy designs, and use them to conquer the Autobots once and for all! Mini Mayhem!
Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga
Several Decepticon jets, including Skywarp, staged an attack on a human power plant and met against the Autobots during their raid. Among the Decepticon forces was Skyfire, being mind-controlled by a helmet Starscream had given him. Skyfire broke free of Starscream's control during the attack and joined the Autobots, forcing the remaining Decepticons to retreat. Henkei! Henkei! #4
Some time later, Skywarp, Ramjet, and Thundercracker had their alternate modes graffitied by a little kid. Flaming mad, they went after the kid, who was being sped to safety by Sunstreaker. The jets were able to catch up to them when Prowl pulled Sunstreaker over for speeding, but once he understood the situation, the 'cop-bot helped his fellow Autobot send the Decepticons packing. Henkei! Henkei! volume 5
Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-
A Skywarp from an unspecified universal stream was selected by Megatron to become part of his Questor forces. Granted a portion of the hyperdimensional powers that his leader had obtained from the monstrous Hytherion, Skywarp was given a new body with an uncharacteristic sports car alternate mode, a Timaeus drive that granted him the ability to travel through dimensions, and a massively enhanced teleportation power that actually allowed him to warp the fabric of space and time around him. About the only thing that didn't change was his characteristic lack of intelligence and initiative; coupled with the brain-bending complexities of higher-dimensional life and battle, this meant that Skywarp was left still relying on Megatron's specific orders for and when to use his powers.
Skywarp proved his worth when he succeeded in his mission to scour the year 2010 all across the dimensions for a trace of the two-dimensional world of the Planicrons. Precisely what Megatron needed the Planicrons for, Skywarp didn't know, but he recalled a rumor among the Questors that they were key to the destruction of the Alternity, and smirked with excitement to himself as he informed Megatron of his discovery. Hunt for the Planicrons Using Skywarp's information and a magical tablet his other agents had obtained for him, Megatron took control of the Planicrons from his base on Menonia and used them to attack the Alternity. Skywarp was at his side during these events, and was first to notice when Thundercracker, under cover of a distraction provided when Starscream made another fruitless grab for power, deactivated the tablet and freed the Planicrons. Alternation
Robot Heroes
Skywarp was one of the Decepticons who traveled to Earth to start trouble. He discovered some energon, but when he got his comrades to follow him to his find, they ran afoul of the Autobots. Skywarp was knocked out of the air by Ratchet. I Am Optimus Prime
Kre-O cartoon
Skywarp acted as the ring 'bot for a tag battle pitting Optimus Prime and Bumblebee against Megatron and Starscream. Last Bot Standing He was also a spectator for a dance competition between Autobots and Decepticons. Bot Stars
Skywarp, Soundwave, and Shockwave enjoyed a picnic by the side of a road. When Bumblebee and Megatron raced by them, the picnickers waved them by. The Big Race
Skywarp was among the minions who passed Megatron his presents during the holiday season. A Gift For Megatron
Skywarp helped Megatron get back into shape after a string of humiliating defeats by standing on top of him while the Decepticon leader did some push-ups, and holding on to his weights while he did some reps. Megatron's Revenge
Transformers: All Spark
Angry Birds comic
Skywarp was part of a group of Decepticons who attacked an Autobot shuttle in a failed attempt to steal the AllSpark. Angry Birds Transformers #1
Beast Wars: Uprising
In 1984, Sky Warp was part of Starscream's attack on the British Museum to steal the statue of Amenhotep III, rumoured to have magical powers. When the Autobot minibots arrived, Sky Warp fired a shot at Bumblebee. In retaliation, Brawn picked up some worthless hunk of rock and hurled it into Sky Warp's cockpit, lodging it deep into his internals. When Soundwave endangered several humans, the Decepticons made their retreat back to the Victory where Hook extracted the stone. Sky Warp tried to make sense of the dead languages on the stone but dismissed it as nonsense. At a later meeting of high officers in the war room, Sky Warp used the stone as a paperweight for tacto-film when the Space Bridge threatened to blow them away. In the era of Maximals and Predacons, the stone became known as "The Stone of Sky Warp" and was placed within the Kaon Museum of Decepticon Heritage. Cultural Appropriation
Two Skywarps were some of the many offworlders in Axiom Nexus's Under City. They were part of a crowd in Seeker-Shinai that C-81 attempted to disperse through intimidation. Unfortunately, all the Seekers present were too stunned to see a "Megatron" in Axiom Nexus to budge. Cybertron's Most Wanted
Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe
Skywarp followed Megatron to Earth in his pursuit of the Allspark. His specialty amongst the Seekers was stealth. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe
Q-Transformers: Mystery of Convoy cartoon
- Voice actor: Kentarō Itō (Japanese)
Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons
The Mistress of Flame ordered Skywarp and the other members of the Elite Air Resistance Squadron to attack Trypticon, but they were all completely overwhelmed by the Titan. Our Heroes Respond
Bumblebee graphic novels
Skywarp joined Starscream as the Decepticons battled for control of a volatile Cybertonium meteorite. After first tangling with Sideswipe, he and Thundercracker chased Windblade through the sky until the impending meteor explosion forced both of them to retreat. Go for the Gold
Star Trek vs. Transformers
When World War III consumed Earth, the Decepticons fled the blighted planet aboard Trypticon, trailing the Autobots aboard Fortress Maximus. When the two Titans reached Cygnus Seven, the Decepticons attacked, the battle sending Maximus hurtling into the planet and causing everyone to fall into stasis lock. Eventually, the Federation moved onto Cygnus Seven with a survey team accidentally rousing Maximus's autonomic systems. By random chance, the repair beam first struck Megatron who proceeded to revive the other Decepticons and lead an attack on the surface. Prime's Directive, Part Two Skywarp joined his fellow Seekers in attacking the mining colony before the Decepticons were scared away by a photon torpedo barrage from the USS Enterprise. Prime's Directive, Part One
When the Decepticons invaded Kronos, Skywarp was part of the invasion force only to later be taken into custody by the Klingon Empire after they'd been defeated. Prime's Directive, Part Five
Mazinger Z versus Transformers
Skywarp was among the Decepticons transported to an alternate-universe Japan by a malfunctioning space bridge, and watched as the dimensionally-displaced Autobots battled Kōji Kabuto's' Mazinger Z super robot to defend the Photonic Power Laboratory. Eventually, Megatron formed an alliance with Doctor Hell, and launched their own attack on the newly founded Autobot-Mazinger alliance. In the ensuing battle, Skywarp tried to teleport behind the giant robot to take its pilot by surprise, but Optimus Prime was quicker on the draw and shot him in the face. The duo took part in the three-way battle to take down the monstrous "Hellscream" when the Air Commander went rogue, and Hellscream's eventual destruction opened a second dimensional breach that sent the remaining Cybertronians back home. Mazinger Z versus Transformers
War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
On Cybertron, Skywarp was an Air Force Black Ops Sergeant, whose function was a Seeker, and the highest-ranking member of the Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron. After countless attacks had been made on several of the Autobot resistance's positions by the Skywarp and the rest of the Phantomstrike Squadron, the Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce was called into action. Final Strike Figure Series marketing material[1] Dispatched to the outer edge of the Sea of Rust, inside an underground base, Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files Alphastrike analyzed the Phantomstrike Squadron's attack patterns, anticipating their next strike. Final Strike Figure Series marketing material[1]
While the Phantomstrike Squadron was stationed in Darkmount, south-east of Alphastrike's position,[2] Greenlight—who had been tracking them from her drop point in a nearby deserted Decepticon zone—attempted to transmit the all-clear for the attack to commence, but the Phantomstrike Squadron discovered her transmission and corrupted its signal. Teletraan-1 attempted to retrieve the full transmission from the Decepticons to gather the location data needed to assess the threat. Following this, a battle ensued between both strike teams. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files
With Cybertron's fate sealed and the Autobots gone, the Decepticons followed them closely through space aboard the Nemesis in pursuit of the AllSpark. Earthrise webpage[3] At this time, Skywarp was a member of the Seeker Elite team alongside Thundercracker. WFC-E29 Skywarp & Thundercracker packaging
In the future, Skywarp, Bombshell, both, or neither of them were reformatted into the Herald of Unicron Cyclonus.Kingdom Cyclonus product description[4]
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
- Voice actor: Mark Whitten (English), Yusuke Sasaki (Japanese), Jörg Pintsch (German), Rodrigo Antas (Portuguese), Roberto González (Castilian Spanish), Juan Carlos González (Latin-American Spanish)
Skywarp served as one of Megatron's Seekers. On a particular patrol, he failed to detect the Autobot Wheeljack and the energon scavenger Bumblebee, both in hiding. However, Skywarp was later part of the team who caught the pair, under the command of Jetfire. A heated debate over how to proceed led to a scuffle between Starscream and Jetfire, with Skywarp taking Starscream's side in attacking Jetfire. However, this brief duel was cut short when Megatron arrived. At their leader's command, Skywarp and the others prepared to execute Wheeljack and Bumblebee; however, the arrival of Optimus Prime and an attack by Elita-1 prevented this. Skywarp was sent in pursuit of the fleeing Autobots, but they escaped. Siege episode 1
Skywarp stood at Megatron's side when the Decepticon leader spoke to the masses and passed along the news that a visitor, soon revealed as Ultra Magnus had arrived. Though Skywarp was ready to shoot Magnus, Megatron ordered the Seekers to hold fire before Magnus surrendered himself for good faith negotiations. Siege episode 2
After Megatron had announced a plan to use the Allspark to reformat the Autobots into Decepticons, Skywarp was part of the crowd that listened to Starscream's speech condemning this course of action before Megatron and Jetfire arrived, breaking up the rally and sending the Seekers back on patrol. Patrolling alongside Jetfire, Skywarp detected the comm signal of the believed to be deceased Impactor. Arriving at the coordinates, the two found Impactor's discarded communicator and Autobot Command. Though Skywarp was eager to report this and call in reinforcements with which to slaughter the rebels, Jetfire felt that annihilation should not be the price of peace and that the Autobots should be given the chance to surrender. Scoffing that Starscream had been right about their commander, Skywarp began his report only for Jetfire to shoot him in the back.
Though critically wounded, Skywarp managed to revert to jet mode, cursing Jetfire as a traitor. Managing to limp back to Decepticon territory, crash landing near Starscream, Skywarp passed on the news of Jetfire's betrayal but perished before he could reveal the location of Autobot Command. Siege episode 3 Starscream later outed Jetfire as a traitor to Megatron after his execution of Ultra Magnus, citing how Jetfire had murdered Skywarp. Siege episode 4 Jetfire later stated his altercation with Skywarp to the Autobots, though Prowl doubted Jetfire's goodwill intentions. Siege episode 5
When the AllSpark was returned to the Temple of the Allspark on Cybertron by Bumblebee, Skywarp (or another Seeker) was among the Transformer spirits who witnessed Elita-1 strike down Galvatron and Nemesis Prime before finally reuniting with the Allspark. Kingdom episode 6
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Transformers #15
Skywarp was born a prodigy, one of two known Cybertronians with a natural teleportation ability. Nautica: Home During the War of the Threefold Spark, the self-styled "Lord of Misrule" willingly joined Exarchon. Exarchon and Shockwave tried to clone him in the hopes that an army of teleporting warriors would give them total control over Cybertron; although the ensuing legion of Skywarp drones lacked their progenitor's teleportation powers, they remained formidable fighters, and the original Skywarp developed a predilection for leading his army from the front. After one particular battle at Yuss, Skywarp saved Exarchon from an attack by Strika's Heavies. The Change In Your Nature Part Three
When the tides of war began to turn against Exarchon, Skywarp deserted his master; after the end of the war, he was one of the many collaborators whom Nominus Prime banished from Cybertron in the interest of preventing any further violence. Eventually, Skywarp grew tired of exile, but when he tried to jump home to Cybertron he somehow wound up stranded in unspace for many megacycles. Sea of Rust I After seeing Jumpstream blast past him Test Flight I twice as a result of her own teleportation powers being overcharged, Skywarp piggybacked on her teleport trail and materialized back on Cybertron, boldly announcing that he'd returned. Test Flight II
After robbing Windsweeper for an energon cube at an energon transmission station just outiside of Iacon, Skywarp teleported around Cybertron and discovered that the planet again teetered on the brink of planetary civil war. Quickly realizing that the newly founded Decepticons appeared to be the winning side, Skywarp accosted Offroad at a security checkpoint and asked to speak to the Decepticon leader. Swindle's II
Meeting Megatron, Skywarp impishly offered his service before Soundwave announced that the Decepticons were working with Shockwave. Eager to cause chaos, Skywarp teleported away to reunite with his former colleague. Sea of Rust I Upon locating Shockwave in the wilderness, however, the Decepticon scientist had no interest in another collaboration with his old partner. When Shockwave mentioned the Enigma of Combination, Skywarp promptly teleported away. Sea of Rust II
Skywarp arrived in the middle of a battle for the artifact, and teleported inside Termagax's House to retrieve the Enigma. Skywarp avoided Optimus Prime and his fellow teleporter Jumpstream to keep ahold of his new toy. His bragging left him distracted, though, as Sky Lynx snared him from behind, crushing Skywarp between his massive jaws, and delivering a blast of flame breath for good measure. Gravely wounded, Skywarp barely managed to teleport away, Enigmatic subsequently being tended to by Shockwave. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Three
After being sufficiently repaired, Skywarp was informed by Shockwave that Exarchon still lived and their former master addressed them wearing Flatline's body. Once the Combaticons and Soundblaster had been called in, Exarchon outlined his plans for resumed conquest. Unwilling to throw his lot in with the Threefold Spark once again, Skywarp promptly teleported away before anyone could stop him. War's End Part One Materializing in Decepticon Headquarters, Skywarp informed Starscream and Soundwave of Exarchon's return which they then passed along to Megatron. War's End Part Two Megatron later went to confront Exarchon, bringing Skywarp and the Rainmakers as his bodyguards. After the Threefold Spark's body had been melted by Sunstorm, Megatron sent Skywarp to the Sonic Canyons to discover its secrets and bring them to the Decepticons. War's End Part Three
Making for the Sonic Canyons, Skywarp initially materialized in the middle of a battle before he teleported into the fortress. Finding it empty, Skywarp helped himself to Exarchon's imploder, teleporting out with it just as Pointblank's team of Autobots returned to the surface. War's End Part Four Setting the timer for one second, Fate of Cybertron Skywarp teleported in front of Optimus Prime's convoy and used the threat of the imploder to hold them in place until the rest of the Decepticons arrived. End of Time
Upon arrival, Megatron demanded Optimus surrender the Matrix of Leadership to him, bringing the two leaders to blows, Skywarp waving his imploder in the face of any Autobots who tried to interfere. When Computron arrived, Skywarp lowered his guard, allowing Jumpstream to tackle him and teleport both away. Rematerializing in unspace, Skywarp found himself atomically intermingled with the imploder and his energon vented. As Jumpstream left for the universe, she warned him that if he somehow managed to return to normal space, the imploder would detonate. Adrift in unspace once again, Skywarp cursed his fate. Fate of Cybertron
Transformers vs. The Terminator
The first Transformer to be reactivated when the Ark rebooted, Skywarp reactivated his master and the remainder of the Decepticon army. Let loose on an unsuspecting world, the Decepticons launched a brutal war against humanity's Skywatch, devastating the Earth. After the humans had been defeated, their AI, Skynet continued to fight on. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two In 2029, Skywarp was part of the final attack on Skynet's last stronghold, destroying its HK-Tanks before he was tackled by a T-8000 whose head he promptly blew off. Enemy of My Enemy Part One
To avert the Decepticon threat, a lone T-800 travelled back to 1984 to try and destroy them before they conquered the world. In this new timeline, Skywarp harassed the T-800 with his cannons when it made itself known before it struck him with a discarded Cybertronian weapon. After the Decepticons had fallen back to scout the alien world, they launched an attack on Cyberdyne Systems for its energy production capabilities. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two
After thoroughly conquering the facility, Skywarp was dispatched to do a perimeter sweep for any resistance. Though initially finding nothing, he soon spied Bumblebee spying on them, teleporting directly behind the Autobot only for his dramatic entrance to alert the scout enough that he managed to revert to vehicle mode. Using himself as bait, Bumblebee tried to have Skywarp crash into Megatron only for the Seeker to teleport back before he could collide with his leader. Before he could resume fire on Bumblebee, he was shot down by the other Autobots. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three
Skywarp had recovered in time to join his fellows in cornering Bumblebee, Arcee and Velocity before Starscream betrayed the Decepticons by shooting Soundwave in the back, a distraction Arcee took advantage of to knock Skywarp into Thundercracker and take both out of the fight. When Megatron was felled, Skywarp was taken into custody by the Autobots only for the Cybertronians to find that the T-800 had remotely detonated Mount St. Hilary and destroyed the Ark. Though Skywarp indulged in some gallows humour, he ultimately agreed to Optimus Prime's proposal of a truce. Enemy of My Enemy Part Four
My Little Pony/Transformers
Skywarp was one of several Decepticons who battled for control of a malfunctioning spacebridge, only to be teleported to Equestria as a result of Queen Chrysalis's magic interfering with the machine. Transformation Is Magic While Megatron had gone off with the changeling queen, Skywarp remained with Starscream and Thundercracker, the three quickly conquering the city of Manehattan. Though initially sent to do rounds, Skywarp was called back into battle by Starscream when Arcee arrived. After Thundercracker had been shot down, Arcee forced Skywarp and Starscream into each other's airspace allowing Rarity to use her magic to tangle them with Starscream's would-be conquering cape. With both jets caught in the fabric, Skywarp simply teleported away, leaving Starscream to make an out of control crash. Shine Like a Diamond
After returning to Cybertron, Skywarp was present when the Decepticons' attempt to obtain Equestrian magic led to the revival of King Sombra. The Magic of Cybertron He, Starscream and Thundercracker formed an alliance with Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts, during which they were attacked by Sombra's forces. Along with Thundercracker, he disagreed with the idea of destroying the attackers, highlighting they would need their fellow Decepticons freed to retake Cybertron. To his indignation, Rainbow and Spitfire used his wings as a shield from the attacks as Rainbow explained her plan. As the Wonderbolts distracted the possessed bots, the Seekers incapacitated them with net bombs. When Thundercracker suggested finishing off the captured Autobots, Skywarp noted they would need expendable soldiers in the coming battle before the two, much to Starscream's disbelief, joined the Wonderbolts in cheering Rainbow Dash for her plan. Stunt Flying
Energon Universe
Plot details for Transformers (2023) issue 17 follow. |
As the Ark hurdled towards Earth, Skywarp was one of the Decepticons who took part in the battle with its Autobot occupants, throwing Beachcomber through a hole in the ship's hull. Transformers #10 Upon the Ark's discovery and subsequent reactivation, Skywarp was reconstructed by Teletraan One as Starscream fought Optimus Prime and Ratchet, and was ordered by his commander to drag the other Decepticons closer to the supercomputer so they could be reconstructed first. Teletraan only managed to bring Soundwave back online before Optimus Prime chose to cut his losses, shoot Teletraan One, and escape with Ratchet, the bodies of his fellow Autobots, and two humans who had stumbled into the conflict. Starscream and Skywarp gave chase, the pair landing a fatal blow on Jetfire when he tried to interfere with their hunt, but they were forced to abandon the pursuit when Skywarp's energon reserves ran dangerously low. Returning to the Ark, he watched as Soundwave talked Starscream into going and acquiring more energon for them to enact repairs. Transformers #1
Skywarp accompanied his fellow Decepticons in an attack on a power plant Starscream discovered, reveling in the amount of energy being collected and violence inflicted onto the humans before being warned by Soundwave of a falling jet. Transformers #2 When the Decepticons brought their ill-gotten gains back to the Ark, Skywarp was content to simply sip energy from an extra canister, leaving him free to be ordered by Starscream to investigate Laserbeak's priority message to Soundwave about an Autobot. Arriving, Skywarp found Cliffjumper under fire from some humans at a downtown bar. Touching down, Skywarp quickly overpowered Cliffjumper, while shrugging off the humans' bullets, Skywarp touched down and punched Cliffjumper before harassing the humans whose bullets he shrugged off. As the humans scrambled to get more firepower, Skywarp prepared to finish off Cliffjumper, halting only to have a laugh as Carly attempted to protect the Autobot.
That delay was long enough for Optimus Prime to arrive and ram into Skywarp. Using his teleportation powers, Skywarp initially caught the Autobot leader off-guard but was quickly overpowered, being saved when the humans returned with a rocket launcher that damaged Optimus's right arm. Taking the change, Skywarp fired directly into the wound, as the humans futilely fired more bullets at the Cybertronians. When one of the deflected bullets hit one of the humans, Skywarp paused to flick the organic to death only to allow Prime an opening. Pinning Skywarp down, Optimus ripped off his damaged arm and used it to beat Skywarp senseless. Transformers #3
Left alone, Skywarp was found by Starscream. After telling Starscream that Optimus had headed east, Starscream flew off to complete the kill. When that plan fell through, the Decepticons returned to the Ark, Soundwave carrying Skywarp. As Starscream raged about the lack of progress on repairs, Soundwave reminded their leader that they needed Cybertronian technology, noticing that Skywarp was an ample source of it. Despite Skywarp's pleas, his leaders tore him apart him for the technology they needed and integrated him into Teletraan One. Transformers #4
One of the Decepticons revived by Skywarp's "sacrifice" was Thundercracker, who was shocked to learn what had become of his fellow Seeker, but a less-than-sympathetic Starscream assured him that Skywarp had "volunteered his life" for the cause. Thundercracker would later vow to avenge his fallen brother-in-arms while partaking in an attack against the Autobots. Transformers #5
Later, the Autobots managed to retake the Ark, but Skywarp's presence as part of Teletraan One inhibited their plans to repair and revive their numbers, as Wheeljack accidentally revived what was left of Skywarp's neural cortex. This allowed the near-brain-dead Seeker to lock the Autobots out of Teletraan One's repair functions, forcing them to rebuild their troops manually. Transformers #7 Wheeljack kept trying to no avail, theorizing that Soundwave might have set this up deliberately in case the Autobots retook the Ark. At Prime's suggestion, they looked over a video log of Skywarp's dismemberment, which prompted Optimus to wonder if Skywarp could be convinced to allow the Autobots to be rebuilt. Carly proposed that if Skywarp was only going to be a hindrance, then they should just destroy him, and prepared to do so herself with an RPG. Prime tried to talk her out of it, but Carly accidentally fired the RPG anyway. Arcee blocked the projectile with her body. This display prompted Skywarp to allow Teletraan One to rebuild Wheeljack's legs. Transformers #8 After Jazz and Cliffjumper were captured by Shockwave and imprisoned aboard the Nemesis, Wheeljack was able to tap into Skywarp's teleportation power, allowing them to quickly jump in and out of the ship. Transformers #11
While the Autobots and their human allies were away, Thundercracker, having just deserted Soundwave's Decepticon faction, sneaked into the Ark and tried to separate Skywarp from Teletraan I. Skywarp told him to stop, pointing out that doing so would kill him. Thundercracker relented, but vowed that one way or another, Skywarp would be free. Transformers #17
Commercial appearances
Skywarp appeared in numerous television commercials. Those with original footage of Skywarp include:
- Soon after the Transformers awakening on Earth, Skywarp joined Starscream and Thundercracker in approaching a human power plant from the air. Jazz, Sideswipe, and Prowl rolled out to oppose them, and the three jets transformed to robot mode and joined their comrades on the ground to fight back. The Transformers #1 commercial
- Skywarp and his fellow Seekers had a rematch with Jazz, Sideswipe, and Prowl when they strafed them on a desert road, then transformed to grapple with them in robot mode. Decepticon jets & Autobot cars commercial
- Skywarp and Starscream had Optimus Prime pinned down in a firefight in a rocky landscape until new Autobots Hot Rod, Kup, and Blurr joined the fight. Skywarp was bowled over by Blurr's speed, but Decepticon reinforcements soon arrived in the form of Cyclonus and Scourge. Hot Rod, Kup, Blurr, Cyclonus, Scourge, and Rodimus Prime commercial
- When the Seekers attacked the Autobots' launch site, Skywarp had the ignominious distinction of being dramatically blasted out of the air in one shot by Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus commercial
- Skywarp flew into battle alongside Galvatron, and was harried by laser fire from Tracks and Jazz. Ultra Magnus and Galvatron commercial
- Few Decepticons could stand up to the Dinobots, as was proven when the prehistoric Autobots trampled Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Starscream. Skywarp couldn't hold back a charge from an angry Slag. Predacons commercial
He has also appeared in some online promotional videos:
- After Megatron learned about BotCon 2009 from Optimus Prime, he led a small group of Decepticon representatives to the convention, including Skywarp. BotCon 2009!
Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons
When Optimus embarked on his mission to rescue the Autobots' Minicar troops from the Decepticons, Skywarp could interfere with Optimus Prime's progress, by teleporting him back to the beginning of the Decepticons' maze-like base. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game
Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
Skywarp was among the Decepticon troops who sought to destroy Ultra Magnus on his journey, confronting him in the Temple Ruins... in theory. Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
The Transformers (Commodore 64)
Skywarp was among the Decepticons who tried to prevent the Autobots from recovering the scattered pieces of their Energon cubes. Created by the power of Robo-Cloning, innumerable duplicates of Skywarp bedevilled the Autobots on their quest. The Transformers
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)
In one of several possible timelines, the time-traveling Predacon Ravage broke into the Ark while its occupants were still in stasis and downloaded protoform cloning data from Skywarp, among several others. He then returned to his future, planning to revive the Decepticons in new clone bodies and begin their conquest anew. Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)
The Transformers (PS2)
Skywarp was one of the Decepticons who joined the battle on the planet Zel Samine over the powerful Zel Quartz, where he defended the Monogan Hydroelectric Power Station and ELTA against Autobot incursion. The Transformers
3D Battle-Card Game
Skywarp serves under Megatron as one of his Decepticon soldiers, battling Optimus Primal's many Autobot allies in what might possibly have been an inter-universe battle. Energon Wars Expansion Set
Transformers G1: Awakening
Skywarp was among the Decepticons who pursued and boarded the Autobot Ark. When the ship crashed on Earth, all inside were sent into stasis, but the Decepticons woke up four million years later and resumed their conquering ways. Picking up Jetfire, whom they tricked into becoming a Decepticon, Skywarp took part in an attack on Dyson Dam. He and the other Seekers picked a fight with Grimlock and were soundly trounced by the Dinobot. He also took part in a disastrous assault on the Ark, which ended with the Decepticons in retreat. Transformers G1: Awakening
Bot Shots Battle Game!
Skywarp participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!
Transformers Legends
Skywarp rescued Megatron from the planet Junk after the Decepticon leader became stranded there. Wreckage Skywarp was among the Seekers who went on a worldwide rampage, until they were thwarted by the Autobots. Robots in the Sky During a major battle at Autobot City, Skywarp used his teleportation power to confuse the Dinobots, but when he called them dumb, he was downed by an enraged Grimlock. S.O.S. Dinobots
Skywarp was amongst the Decepticons who coated themselves with Electrum after Thrust had discovered a lagoon full of the stuff. Invulnerable to Autobot firepower thanks to the substance's properties, the Decepticons were able to defeat Omega Supreme. They found themselves at a disadvantage when the Autobots also gained access to the Electrum, and the Decepticon's own invulnerability wore off first. The Golden Lagoon Skywarp and Thrust encountered Autobot X, a patchwork beast with the mind of Spike, and managed to convince him that the Autobots were his enemy. The alliance lasted until Spike's father was injured in battle, at which point Spike turned on the Decepticons and drove them off. Autobot X
Skywarp was among the Transformers who attempted to make contact with the Necrotitan, and subsequently had to battle it. Dark Cybertron
Angry Birds Transformers
Skywarp appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by a Minion Pig. Angry Birds Transformers
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Skywarp participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in multiple different bodies:
- Skywarp — This Uncommon character could be recruited by collecting 105 units of Cybermetal, and 48 units of Transmetal.
- Skywarp — This Super Rare character could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, 50 exclusive cores and 5 cores of this character.
- Skywarp (Gen) This Epic character could be recruited by collecting 650 units of Cybermetal, 350 units of Transmetal, 150 exclusive cores, and 50 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Devastation
- Voice actor: Scott Whyte
Skywarp and Thundercracker fought the Autobots aboard the Proudstar when they attempted to reach the Ferrotaxis. Skywarp began the battle by proclaiming that he was now leader of the Seekers, thanks to Starscream's defeat. After he too was defeated by the Autobots, he asked if anyone else wanted to be in charge. Transformers: Devastation
Transformers: Frontiers
Transformers: Earth Wars

Skywarp had a few dogfights with the Autobots' acid bomber, Skydive. He joined Starscream and Thundercracker during the battle for the Codex Key.
At one point, Skywarp commented on how Nemesis Prime looked like a black Optimus Prime out of the wash. Nemesis Prime Research
- Class: Aerial
- Lowest Star Rating: 1 star
- Weapons: Like Starscream, Skywarp shoots targets with his null-rays at a constant rate.
- Ability: Acid Bombs - Drops 6 acid bombs on a target building dealing very high damage over time. Useful for taking out deadly defenses like Mortars and Missile Launchers!
- Cost: 4 ability points, +3 for reuses.
Skywarp at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Skywarp Nightraven
Skywarp is accompanied this time with Storm Shadow.
- Class: Aerial
- Lowest Star Rating: 2 stars
- Ability: Ninja Strike - Fire 4 powerful rockets at a target building dealing damage. You also fire 16 missiles dealing damage in an area. In flight mode, the Night Raven is invisible to the enemies.
- Cost: 5 ability points, +2 for reuses.
Skywarp Nightraven at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers: Forged to Fight
Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Skywarp stands watch at the twenty-first Decepticon base to be attacked by the Autobots. Players may fight him once they reach 235,000,000 points. Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Transformers: Heavy Metal
Skywarp was among the Decepticons under Starscream's command who invaded Earth in search of Energon. Transformers: Heavy Metal
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Skywarp was a mischievous but dim-witted Seeker whose spark had naturally evolved the ability to teleport. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Shortly after awakening on Earth, he and the other Seekers attacked Hoover Dam in an attempt to generate more energon for themselves. However, a team of Autobots were able to keep the Decepticons at bay long enough for the human engineers to open the release valves, which prevented the dam from collapsing and forced the Decepticons to retreat with less energon than they’d hoped. Troubled Waters
Shockwave was attempting to reverse-engineer Skywarp's teleportation powers when he accidentally tapped into a well of interdimensional energy, triggering a freak accident that merged him, Doctor Mindbender, and Lord Zedd into Lord MindWaveZ. Worlds Collide: Battle for the Multiverse

- Skywarp's one-line characterization in the original Transformers production bible was "sneaky but dumb". Hee hee. [1] In a more peculiar note, his longer write-up in the production bible noted that he was colored olive drab. [2] This error isn't as unusual as one might first think, as Skywarp was the only first-year jet whose colors didn't originate in Diaclone—thus, they simply may not have been decided upon when the production bible was written.
- A handful of Marvel Books coloring books (among them Decepticon Patrol) depict Skywarp and Thundercracker with original head designs. It's possible these were developed so kids could tell the characters apart in black and white, but the numerous character model oddities in these books make any kind of certain judgment difficult.
- Stories written by Simon Furman (including The War Within, Regeneration One, and his contributions to 2005 IDW continuity) usually depict Skywarp's teleportation as the opening of a distinct portal in space through which he and others can then travel. Other creators opt—following the lead of the original The Transformers cartoon—to present the power as Nightcrawler-like self-teleportation, with Skywarp disappearing in a flash of light.
- Character bios written by unknown persons for the Australian (Madman) DVD release of The Transformers: The Movie definitely claim that Skywarp became Cyclonus. Basically, nobody considers that weighty "evidence".
Foreign names
- Japanese: Skywarp (スカイワープ Sukaiwāpu)
- Czech: Drtič ("Grinder")
- French: Fraudeur (Canada, "Fraudster")
- Hebrew: Shohék Sh'hakim (שוחק שחקים, "Sky Wearer")
- Hungarian: Égretörő ("Sky-springer")
- Italian: Corvo ("Crow")
- Portuguese: Espião Celeste (Portugal comics, "Celestial Spy"), Viajante (Brazil comics, "Traveller")
- Mandarin: Tīen Wān (Taiwan, 天彎, "Sky Warp"), Nao Fan Tian (China, 闹翻天, "Extreme Ruckus")
- Russian: Deformer (Деформер)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron on Amazon
- ↑ Map of Cybertron released as part of the online Siege bonus content.
- ↑ Earthrise website
- ↑ Hasbro Pulse product description states "Cyclonus, a Herald of Unicron, first appears in the 1986 movie when Bombshell/Skywarp/both/neither was reformatted into the second-in-command of Galvatron."
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