[Thelkar *, Vol.5 (Iss.6): June 2018]
ISSN: 2454-1907
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1304404
Dr. Vishal Thelkar *1
Associate Professor, Indira school of Business Studies, Tathwade, Pune, India
Computer and video game has gain enough popularity among teenagers also in children which
is alarming and raised concern about the impact it may have on the youngsters. The games have
violent themes, coupled with their interactive nature, have led to accusations that they may be
worse than televised violence in affecting children's antisocial behaviour. Addiction is one of
the reason it might hamper the effect on health. Other allegations are that they have an addictive
quality and that excessive playing results in a diminished social contact and poorer school
performance. But how bad are video games? There are strong methodological reasons for not
accepting the evidence for video games effects at face value
This research focuses on what are the views of people towards the computer gaming and to
identify the actual effects of computer games on high school students. This paper covers earlier
studies on the same topic and their findings in literature survey To reach to the objective,
responses from significant no of people taken with systematic design of questionnaire. At the
end it covers and conclude the relation of different variables & the effect of games on students.
Keywords: Video Game; Sociological; Psycological; Effect on Health; Positive Impact; Learning.
Cite This Article: Dr. Vishal Thelkar. (2018). “IMPACT OF COMPUTER GAMES ON
STUDENTS.” International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research,
5(6), 24-29. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1304404.
1. Introduction
Computer games are the most popular entertainments in modern societies and they target a variety
of people in different ages. The addiction to the rivalry and excitements of the games make them
the most common recreational programs for today's teenagers, so that they do anything to reach a
higher level of the game, they immerse in the game so much that they completely separate from
their surroundings. Challenging with the obstacles and reaching a higher level in the game, make
the players excited and losing the game make them anxious.
As we know that education is an important part of today’s life and it will affect human economic
growth. There are many new type of mass media produced like film, media, television, computer
games and internet. Out of all of this we can call computer games as fast growing product. Playing
video games is popular in children’s lives today. Computer games are played by 95% of 12 to17
year old teens. It is also played 17 to 25 year old boys but in less manner. 43% of children do the
games less than 1 hour and 27% as 2 to 6 hour a day. This habit is affecting the students education
and learning. It will also affect the mental health of student.
Http://www.ijetmr.com©International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
[Thelkar *, Vol.5 (Iss.6): June 2018]
ISSN: 2454-1907
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1304404
Computer games also have some good impact on student. There are many games that will help
student in learning. Computer games provide the opportunity to communicate with student ,the
most important part of this computer game is, its help to problems solving activities And team
work in team game like dota2 (war craft), Counter strike (C S) this games are team game as well
as strategic games etc.
2. Review of Literature
Computer games provide an opportunity to communicate with students in a language they choose
to use with their own peers. This literature review explores how playing games can impact student
learning. To begin, the research will define different types of games: physical games, board games,
and video games.
3. Games Defined
A game is a competitive activity which often includes a set of rules or guidelines. There are a
variety of types of games that can be played by an individual or between two or more people. Most
games are governed by a set of rules, and gamers progress to a final goal. The rules are set to
provide structure so the playing field is level for all participants. Although rules might provide
structure to the game, a gamer’s individual creativity and imaginations dictate his or her level of
success and proficiency. There are physical games, like tag and hopscotch; board games, such as
Monopoly; and many types of video games. Regardless of the type of game, most are chosen for
the level of enjoyment or the opportunity to learn new skills.
4. Games Have a Positive Impact on Learning
“When people participate in playful activities, such as digital games, they are more likely to enjoy
the learning process resulting in more time, effort, and concentration put into an activity”. This
section explores how video games have a positive impact on learning. Games are fun for the
participants, helping to create a motivating and positive learning environment. However, the fun
and entertainment value is not the primary reason for using games as a learning tool. Video games
help students establish a sense of self. In addition, video games are compelling, incorporate
problem solving, encourage participation in learning communities, and develop cognitive skills.
5. Help Establish a Sense of Self
Computer games can help players establish a sense of self. Players might enter worlds where they
experience different reactions, feelings, emotions, thoughts, and even identities.
• To analyze the effect of computer games on students education in positive and negative
• To analyze whether computer games is good or bad for the students.
Http://www.ijetmr.com©International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
[Thelkar *, Vol.5 (Iss.6): June 2018]
ISSN: 2454-1907
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1304404
6. Research Methodology
The study has followed descriptive research based on survey method. Like other researchers in
this study the following steps have been done:
Data Collection
To reach out to more number of students in this research paper we have used descriptive research
design and for that we have designed the questionnaire. We have used the convenient platform that
is web surveys to reach out to the people.
Data collection tool
Google form is used to take the responses
A convenience sampling is used for sample under 25 years of age
Questionnaire Design Process
In this study to different factors were identified by studies of literatures and experts’ opinion,
judgement and confirmation. Considering all other parameters a questionnaire which links to the
objective of study was prepared for further use.
Chi-square Test
A chi-square test for independence compares two variables in a contingency table to see, if they
are related. In a more general sense, it tests to see whether distributions of categorical
variables differ from each another. We have used chi- square test in this research paper to test the
independency of the two variables.
So we have used two variables and framed hypothesis and applied chi-square test of independence.
Data Analysis
Hypothesis and calculation
Null hypothesis
Ho: Age group and playing computer games are independent variable.
Alternative Hypothesis
H1: Age group and playing computer games are dependent variable.
Level of significance
α = 5% = 0.05
Actual Frequency Table
Age grp
yes no total
below -15 23 14 37
16 to 20
4 9
21 to 25
54 28 82
82 46 128
Http://www.ijetmr.com©International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
[Thelkar *, Vol.5 (Iss.6): June 2018]
ISSN: 2454-1907
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1304404
Expected Frequency Table
Age grp
below -15 23.7 13.3
16 to 20
5.77 3.23
21 to 25
52.53 29.47
Chi-square Test Frequency Table
fo - fe (fo - fe)² (fo - fe)²/fe
23.7 -0.7
13.3 0.7
5.77 -0.77 0.5929
3.23 0.77
52.53 1.47
29.47 -1.47 2.1609
Degree of freedom 2
Table value @ 5% level of significance 5.99
Chi-square calculated value < Table value.
So here we accept the Null hypothesis (Ho).
Ho: Age group and playing computer games are independent variable.
Null hypothesis
Ho: There is no relation between health problems in student & number
of hours of playing game.
Alternative Hypothesis
H1: There is significant relation between health problems in student & number
of hours of playing game.
Level of significance
α = 5% = 0.05
No of hours
who plays 1 -2 hr
who plays 4 or more
Total column
Actual Frequency Table
Health problems No health problems
Total Row
Http://www.ijetmr.com©International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
[Thelkar *, Vol.5 (Iss.6): June 2018]
ISSN: 2454-1907
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1304404
Expected Frequency Table
No of hours
Health problems No health problems
who plays 1 -2 hr
who plays 4 or more 47.8125
Chi-square Test Frequency Table
fo - fe
(fo - fe)² (fo - fe)²/fe
42.18 -2.1875 4.7851
17.81 2.1875 4.7851
47.81 -2.1875 4.7851
20.18 2.1875 4.7851
Degree of freedom 1
Table value @ 5% level of significance is 3.84
Chi-square calculated value < Table value.
So here we accept the Null hypothesis (Ho).
Ho: There is norelation between health problem in student and number of hours of playing
computer game.
7. Conclusion
Out of total sample 93% student play computer games, out of which 73% believe that it has no bad
effect, where as 62% says that it will hamper studies. Out of 62%, 52% says that the changes are
According to our research we conclude that there is no significant relation between age group and
playing computer games. As first hypothesis says age group and playing computer games are
independent variables. From second hypothesis we conclude there is no significant relation
between health problems in student and number of hours of playing computer games, we fail to
reject the null hypothesis.
This may be due to the small sample size and the age group of the students. The segment of games
such as brain games memory games and analytical games are to be studied individually and the
result will then be interpreted.
Scope for Further Research
The research can further be carried out in finding the behavioural change which seem to be good
but in a complete sense.
Http://www.ijetmr.com©International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
[Thelkar *, Vol.5 (Iss.6): June 2018]
ISSN: 2454-1907
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1304404
Http://www.ijetmr.com©International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research