Community Greening - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Community Greening

Community Greening

Brooklyn Botanic Garden promotes urban greening through education, conservation, and creative partnerships. By working with block associations, community gardens, and other service groups, the Garden is building a vibrant network of people, places, and projects dedicated to making Brooklyn a greener place.

For more information, contact or call 718-623-7250.

Gardening Tip Sheets



Brooklyn Botanic Garden gratefully acknowledges support for its Community Greening programs from Brooklyn Community Foundation, National Grid, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, the NYS Assembly and NYS Senate, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, the NYC Department of Sanitation, Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso, and the NYC Council.

Leadership Support, Community Greening Programs
Logo: NY Culture. Department of Cultural Affairs.

Major Sponsor, Greenest Block in Brooklyn
Logo: National Grid