Project Green Reach - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Project Green Reach

Project Green Reach

Project Green Reach (PGR) is Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s (BBG) outreach program for K–8 teachers and their classes from Brooklyn’s Title I schools. PGR works with two cohorts of teachers and their classes every school year (fall and spring). Every spring PGR also holds a school-garden-based program for fourth- and fifth-grade classes, Garden Lab, and every other winter, PGR holds an Alumni Workshop for teachers who have participated in PGR before.


Project Green Reach (PGR) is BBG’s semester-long outreach program for teachers and their classes from K–8 Title I (public and nonpublic) schools in Brooklyn.

What Students Receive

  • Guided tour of the Garden in small groups (buses provided by BBG)
  • In-classroom hands-on, inquiry-based science lesson provided by BBG staff
  • Plant for each student to care for and observe
  • Opportunity for students to share their botanical knowledge through a project that benefits their school’s immediate community (school, senior center, firehouse, etc.)

What Teachers Receive

  • In-class modeling of an inquiry-based science lesson by BBG staff
  • Classroom plants
  • Resources and lesson plans for inquiry-based instruction that support Next Generation Science Standards
  • Two 2 1⁄2-hour training sessions at BBG
  • Plant supplies and staff support for each class to complete a community project

Teachers must apply for acceptance into PGR. Two teachers and their classes must apply from each school; however, both teachers do not have to teach the same grade level. The fee for this program is $200 total for both classes.

The application period for the fall semester (October–January) is every September and for the spring semester (February–May) is December through early January.

Spring 2025 applications open December 3. Application deadline: Friday, January 17, 2025


PGR Curriculum Options


PGR’s Garden Lab is a spring-semester program that brings inquiry-based science learning to public and nonpublic Title I schools with access to an outdoor, raised-based garden. We work with two fourth- or fifth-grade classes and their teachers per school every spring. Teachers who have already participated in Project Green Reach may apply to Garden Lab!

What Garden Lab Offers

  • Two 3-hour professional development teacher workshops at BBG
  • Three 2-hour in-classroom and in-garden lessons at your school
  • One 1-hour guided tour of BBG
  • A plant for each student, as well as classroom and school garden plants

What Teachers Commit To

  • Facilitating additional in-class plant science observations and investigations
  • Tending the garden with their classes (watering, weeding) from March through June
  • Sharing lessons and activities with peer teachers at a BBG workshop
  • Planning, organizing, and leading a harvest-day salad fest with their classes

Teachers must apply for acceptance into Garden Lab. Two teachers and their classes must apply from each school; however, both teachers do not have to teach the same grade level (e.g., one fourth- and one fifth-grade class). The fee for this program is $200 total for both classes.

Spring 2025 applications open December 3. Application deadline: Friday, January 17, 2025



PGR Alumni Workshops are open only to teachers who have already participated in Project Green Reach. These full-day professional development programs provide teachers with resources and materials to support a plant-inquiry unit. The PGR Teacher/Alumni Workshop is offered every other year.


Project Green Reach and BBG’s classes for teachers and school groups support the Next Generation Science Standards that developed from the National Research Council’s 2012 Framework for K–12 Science Education. The framework calls for knowledge and practice to be intertwined so that students “actively engage in scientific and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the core ideas in these fields.” This approach aligns with BBG’s longstanding educational philosophy of learning by doing. Our educational programs are grounded in inquiry-based, hands-on experiences to encourage life-long learning about plants, science, and the environment.


Major Supporter
National Grid

Additional Support

William C. Bullitt Foundation
Green Charitable Foundation
Sarah B. Weir and Family
Ronald J. Weiss and Catherine W. Weiss

Image, top of page: Michael Stewart