Brooklyn Botanic Garden Florilegium Society
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden Florilegium Society, comprised of some of the country's most accomplished botanical artists, is reinvigorating the centuries-old form of illustrations which describe living collections of flowering plants. Established in 2000, the florilegium documents the Garden's living collections in watercolor, pen and ink, and other media and preserves the specimens in BBG's 250,000-specimen herbarium. Florilegium society artists and BBG botanists and gardeners collaborate in this perfect marriage of art and science.
This project would not be possible without the enthusiasm and generosity of BBG Florilegium Society fellows and members. The Garden is grateful for their participation in this exceptional effort.
Please click on the artists' names for short biographical sketches and contact information and to view works created for the florilegium.

Artist Profiles
- Francesca Anderson
- Bobbi Angell
- Mary C. Bauschelt
- Chiara Becchi
- Leslie Berge
- Diane Bouchier
- Wendy Brockman
- Harriet Carotenuto
- John Cody
- Christina Davis
- Monika E. de Vries Gohlke
- Nan Dedrick
- Kevin Duggan
- Jean Emmons
- Margaret Farr
- Susan T. Fisher
- Marilyn A. Garber
- Carol E. Hamilton
- Gertrude Hamilton
- Paul Harwood
- Wendy Hollender
- Gina Ingoglia
- Robin A. Jess
- Martha G. Kemp
- Patricia Kernan
- Judith K. Kunhardt
- Libby Kyer
- Dianne McElwain
- Kathie K. Miranda
- Angela Mirro
- Carol Ann Morley
- Adele Rossetti Morosini
- Dr. Peter K. Nelson
- Kate Nessler
- Derek Norman
- George Olson
- Rose Pellicano
- Kelly Leahy Radding
- Lynne Railsback
- Dick Rauh
- Eleanor L. Rohrbaugh
- Mary Ryniec
- Manabu Saito
- Constance Sayas
- Alice Tangerini
- Jessica Tcherepnine
- Virginia A. Tuttle
- Catherine Watters
- Carol Woodin
- Eleanor Wunderlich