How do I become an Airbnb host?
Becoming an Airbnb host requires preparation, but it’s a manageable process even for beginners. Once you’ve set up your space properly, decided on appropriate pricing, and crafted your house rules, you’re ready to get up and running.
1. List your space (for free!) using high-quality photos and descriptive language.
2. Set your property’s parameters—including available dates, specific pricing based on the time of the year, and requirements for guests.
3. Welcome your first guest!
Will I be protected as an Airbnb host?
Anyone opening their home to strangers wants to know how their property will be protected. Airbnb safeguards its hosts in a few specific ways.
- Airbnb’s Host Guarantee provides protection for up to $1 million in property damage for many types of property.
- Airbnb’s host protection insurance may also cover up to $1 million in the event someone injures themselves or damages their property during a stay.
- All guests are required to provide certain information before they can make a reservation, including phone number, email address, and a valid ID.

Helpful tips
Listing your short-term rental on Airbnb is a great first step—but optimizing it for maximum revenue potential and bookings requires some expertise. Learn from investors with Airbnb knowhow by checking out these articles.