Market Finder
Easily identify your next market to invest in with the BiggerPockets Market Finder. Explore any US metropolitan statistical area (MSA) based on key investor metrics and access detailed insights for our Top 25 Recommended markets, hand selected by our experts.
Explore US Real Estate Markets
Explore the United States' metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) through the lens of crucial investor metrics: Appreciation (YoY Home Price Growth), Rent-to-Price (RTP) Ratio, Affordability (Household Income to Price), and more.
Recommended Markets
Here's our expert selection of the top 25 markets, curated for superior cashflow, growth appreciation, or hybrid performance:

One of the fastest-growing metros in the country, Atlanta offers a large population, booming industries, and high tourism rates.
Atlanta, GA has a median home value of $382,382, with a year-over-year home value growth of 4.03%. The average rent in Atlanta, GA is $1,919, with a year-over-year rent growth of 0.45%.

A robust real estate market for a growing population, an accredited school district, and an economically stable city for investors.
Augusta, GA has a median home value of $229,705, with a year-over-year home value growth of 3.39%. The average rent in Augusta, GA is $1,400, with a year-over-year rent growth of 3.39%.

A diverse market with affordable properties, large employers, and the excitement of SpaceX coming to town.
Brownsville, TX has a median home value of $189,684, with a year-over-year home value growth of 4.10%. The average rent in Brownsville, TX is $1,310, with a year-over-year rent growth of 4.75%.