Find the Right Properties
Quickly find new properties aligned to your investing goals through advanced, investor-focused filtering.
Set standard metrics for your buy boxes like sale price, basic property details and more. Plus, investor focused criteria including:
- Underpriced homes
- Market Health
- Rental Estimate
- Rental Yield %
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Understand Property Potential
Get detailed insights for any property on the market, including in-depth explanations for key metrics or projections.
Then, use your learnings to level up your property analysis. Deal Finder shows you:
- Estimated Property Value
- Rental Estimate
- Mortgage Payment Calculation
- Comparable Properties
- And more
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Save Time Searching
Stop spending hours on the MLS to find your next perfect investment property.
Deal Finder allows you to create and save custom buy boxes. Get email notifications anytime a new listing meets your buy box criteria.
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