blow fly
- Also spelled:
- blowfly
blow fly, (family Calliphoridae), any member in a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are metallic blue, green, or black in colour and are noisy in flight. With an average size of 8–10 mm (0.3–0.4 inch), they are slightly larger than houseflies but resemble them in habits. Among the important members of this group are the screwworm, bluebottle fly, greenbottle fly, and cluster fly.
Adult blow flies feed on a variety of materials, but the larvae of most species are scavengers that live on carrion or dung. The adults lay their eggs on the carcasses of dead animals, and the larvae (maggots) feed on the decaying flesh. The larvae of some species (e.g., Calliphora, Cochliomyia) also sometimes infest open wounds of living animals. Although these larvae may assist in preventing infection by cleaning away dead flesh and by producing allantoin, some species may also destroy healthy tissue. There are numerous reports of the use during times of war of sterile blow fly larvae in open wounds to remove decaying tissue and to prevent bacterial growth.
Screwworm is the name for the larvae of several North and South American blow fly species, so called because of the screwlike appearance of the body, which is ringed with small spines. These larvae attack livestock and other animals, including humans. The true screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax; formerly, Callitroga americana) and the secondary screwworm (Callitroga macellaria) develop in decaying flesh in surface wounds of domestic animals and occasionally of humans, and the larvae may attack living tissue as well. Each female deposits about 200 to 400 eggs near an open wound. The larvae burrow into the tissue, drop to the ground when mature, and pupate before emerging as adults. Severe infestations (myiasis) may lead to the death of the animal affected. The sterilization of male flies has been successfully used in attempts to control screwworms.

Greenbottle (Lucilia) and bluebottle (Calliphora) flies are distinguished by their distinctive coloration and loud buzzing flight. These flies commonly infest carrion or excrement, and the larvae of some species infest and may even kill sheep. The black blow fly (Phormia regina) is another widely distributed species with similar habits. Chrysomyia megacephala, which breeds in excrement and decaying material in Pacific and East Asian regions, is an important carrier not only of dysentery but also possibly of jaundice and anthrax. Protocalliphora sucks blood from nestling birds.
The adult cluster fly (Pollenia rudis) of Europe and North America is sluggish and dark in colour. The larvae of this species are parasites of earthworms. In autumn, huge buzzing clusters of the adults gather in attics or other sheltered places to hibernate; they return outdoors in the spring.