Fishes have been in existence for more than 450 million years, and they have evolved to fit into almost every conceivable type of aquatic habitat, including both fresh and salt waters. Almost all natural bodies of water bear fish life, with the exception of very hot thermal ponds and extremely salt-alkaline lakes, such as the Dead Sea in Asia and the Great Salt Lake in North America. Although most fish species are cold-blooded, one especially contrarian species, the opah (Lampris guttatus), is warm-blooded.
Fish Encyclopedia Articles By Title
porcupine fish, any of the spiny, shallow-water fishes of the family Diodontidae, found in seas around the world,......
porgy, any of about 100 species of marine fishes of the family Sparidae (order Perciformes). Porgies, sometimes......
prickleback, any of numerous fishes constituting the family Stichaeidae (order Perciformes). All of the approximately......
protacanthopterygian, (superorder Protacanthopterygii), any member of a diverse and complex group of bony fishes......
Pteraspis, genus of extinct jawless fishlike vertebrates found as fossils in Early Devonian rocks (those 398 million......
puffer, any of about 90 species of fishes of the family Tetraodontidae, noted for their ability when disturbed......
pumpkinseed, popular food and sport fish and a species of sunfish...
Pycnodontiformes, order of extinct fishes of the class Actinopterygii, containing the genus Pycnodus, common in......
rabbitfish, any of about 25 species of fishes constituting the family Siganidae (order Perciformes), found in shallow......
ragfish, (genus Icosteus aenigmaticus), marine fish, the single species in the family Icosteidae (order Perciformes).......
rainbow trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss), game fish of the family Salmonidae noted for its spectacular leaps and hard......
rasbora, (genus Rasbora), any of a group of about 45 species of schooling freshwater tropical fishes in the carp......
ratfish, any of certain sharks of the chimaera (q.v.)...
ray, any of the cartilaginous fishes of the order Batoidei, related to sharks and placed with them in the class......
red-tailed black shark, fish of the carp family, Cyprinidae; a species of labeo...
redfish, (Sebastes norvegicus), commercially important food fish of the scorpionfish family, Scorpaenidae (order......
reedfish, (Erpetoichthys calabaricus), species of air-breathing eel-like African fishes classified in the family......
remora, (family Echeneidae), any of eight species of marine fishes of the family Echeneidae (order Perciformes)......
Rhipidistia, extinct group of lobe-finned bony fishes of the order Crossopterygii that included the ancestors of......
ribbonfish, any of several species of deep-sea, marine fishes constituting the family Trachipteridae (order Lampridiformes).......
roach, (Rutilus rutilus), common European sport fish of the carp family, Cyprinidae, widely distributed in lakes......
rohu, Indian fish, a species of labeo...
roosterfish, (Nematistius pectoralis), popular game fish of the family Nematistiidae, related to the jack (q.v.)......
rudd, (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), stout-bodied freshwater sport fish of the carp family, Cyprinidae, similar......
runner, any of certain species of fishes in the family Carangidae (order Perciformes), which also includes the......
sailfish, (genus Istiophorus), (genus ), valued food and game fish of the family Istiophoridae (order Perciformes)......
Salmo, fish genus that includes the popular food and sport fishes known as Atlantic salmon and brown trout. See......
salmon, originally, the large fish now usually called the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), though more recently the......
salmon shark, (Lamna ditropis), species of mackerel shark (Lamnidae) whose geographic range spans the entirety......
sand lance, any of about 18 species of marine fishes of the family Ammodytidae (order Perciformes). Sand lances......
sand shark, any of three species of sharks of the genera Carcharias and Odontaspis in the family Odontaspididae.......
sand tiger shark, any of three species of sharks classified in the genera Carcharias and Odontaspis in family Odontaspididae......
sanddab, any of certain edible, American Pacific flatfishes of the genus Citharichthys (family Paralichthyidae).......
sandfish, any of several unrelated marine fishes found along sandy shores. Sandfishes, or beaked salmon, of the......
sardine, any of certain food fishes of the herring family, Clupeidae, especially members of the genera Sardina,......
sauger, North American game and food fish related to the pikeperch...
saury, any of four species of long, slim marine fishes of the family Scomberesocidae (order Atheriniformes). Sauries......
saw shark, (order Pristiophoriformes), any of about nine species of long-snouted marine sharks belonging to the......
sawfish, (family Pristidae), any of five species of sharklike rays forming the genera Pristis and Anoxypristis......
scad, any of several species of fishes in the family Carangidae (order Perciformes), which also includes the jacks,......
scalare, any of several popular aquarium fishes of the angelfish (q.v.)...
scaleless dragonfish, any of the more than 180 species of marine fishes constituting the subfamily Melanostomiinae......
scat, in biology, any of four species of fishes constituting the family Scatophagidae (order Perciformes). The......
scorpaeniform, (order Scorpaeniformes), any one of a group of bony fishes that are characterized by a plate of......
scorpionfish, any of the numerous bottom-living marine fish of the family Scorpaenidae, especially those of the......
sculpin, any of the numerous, usually small fish of the family Cottidae (order Scorpaeniformes), found in both......
sea bass, (family Serranidae), any of the numerous fishes of the family Serranidae (order Perciformes), most of......
sea dragon, any of three species of small slow-moving bony fishes classified in the genera Phyllopteryx and Phycodurus......
sea hen, fish, a species of lumpsucker...
sea lamprey, (Petromyzon marinus), eel-like, jawless species of fish native to the North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of......
sea robin, any of the slim bottom-dwelling fish of the family Triglidae, found in warm and temperate seas of the......
seahorse, (genus Hippocampus), any of about 50 species of marine fishes allied to pipefishes in the family Syngnathidae......
shad, any of several saltwater food fishes of the herring family (Clupeidae) that swim up rivers to spawn. Shad......
shark, any of numerous species of cartilaginous fishes of predatory habit that constitute the order Selachii (class......
sheepshead, (Archosargus probatocephalus), popular edible sport fish in the family Sparidae (order Perciformes),......
shiner, any of several small North American fishes of the minnow (q.v.)...
shrimpfish, any of four species of small, tropical marine fishes of the family Centriscidae (order Gasterosteiformes),......
Siamese fighting fish, (Betta splendens), freshwater tropical fish of the family Osphronemidae (order Perciformes),......
silversides, any of several species of small slim schooling fish of the family Atherinidae (order Atheriniformes),......
skate, (order Rajiformes), in zoology, any of numerous flat-bodied cartilaginous fishes constituting the order......
sleeper, any of the marine and freshwater fishes of the family Eleotridae of the suborder Gobioidei (order Perciformes).......
slickhead, any of several deep-sea fishes, family Alepocephalidae (order Salmoniformes), found in almost all oceans......
slipmouth, any of certain fishes (order Perciformes) that are characterized by slimy bodies with small scales and......
smelt, any of certain silvery, chiefly marine food fishes, family Osmeridae, closely related to salmon and trout......
smooth hound, any of a number of small sharks of the family Triakidae, among them the well-known smooth dogfish.......
snail darter, Rare species (Percina tanasi) of darter that originally was found only in the Little Tennessee River......
snailfish, any of about 115 species of marine fish often placed with the lumpsuckers in the family Cyclopteridae,......
snake eel, any of numerous marine fishes in the family Ophichthidae (order Anguilliformes). Representatives of......
snakehead, any of a number of species of freshwater fish of the family Channidae, found in Africa and Asia. Snakeheads,......
snapper, any of about 105 species of fishes of the family Lutjanidae (order Perciformes). Snappers are found, often......
snipefish, any of about 18 species of marine fishes of the family Centriscidae (order Gasterosteiformes) found......
snook, any of about eight species of marine fishes constituting the genus Centropomus and the family Centropomidae......
soapfish, any of about 24 species of marine fishes constituting the tribe Grammistini (family Serranidae; order......
sockeye salmon, (Oncorhynchus nerka), North Pacific food fish of the family Salmonidae that lacks distinct spots......
sole, any of a variety of flatfishes, but, more strictly, those of the family Soleidae (order Pleuronectiformes).......
soupfin shark, (Galeorhinus galeus), shark species of the family Triakidae inhabiting temperate and subtropical......
spadefish, (family Ephippidae), any of about 17 species of marine fishes (order Perciformes), predominantly tropical......
spearfish, any of certain marine fishes of the genus Tetrapterus, family Istiophoridae (order Perciformes). Spearfishes......
spiny eel, any of two groups of fishes, those of the freshwater family Mastacembelidae (order Perciformes) and......
spiny shark, any of a group of more than 150 species of small extinct fishes traditionally classified in the class......
spiny-finned fish, any member of the superorder Acanthopterygii, including four orders of marine and freshwater......
spookfish, any of about 11 species of small marine fishes constituting the family Opisthoproctidae (order Salmoniformes),......
squawfish, any of several edible fishes of the genus Ptychocheilus found in the rivers of western North America.......
squirrelfish, any of about 70 species of large-eyed, colourful, tropical reef fish of the family Holocentridae......
stargazer, fish of two related families, Uranoscopidae (electric stargazers) and Dactyloscopidae (sand stargazers),......
steelhead, saltwater form of rainbow trout...
stickleback, any of about eight species of fishes in five genera of the family Gasterosteidae (order Gasterosteiformes)......
stingray, any of a number of flat-bodied rays noted for the long, sharp spines on their tails. They are sometimes......
stonefish, (Synanceia), any of certain species of venomous marine fish of the genus Synanceia and the family Synanceiidae,......
sturgeon, (family Acipenseridae), any of about 29 species of fishes of the family Acipenseridae (subclass Chondrostei),......
sucker, (family Catostomidae), any of the freshwater fishes constituting the family Catostomidae, similar to and......
sunfish, any of numerous species of North American freshwater fishes placed with the crappies and black basses......
surfperch, any of 23 species of fishes of the family Embiotocidae (order Perciformes). Surfperches are found in......
surgeonfish, any of about 75 species of thin, deep-bodied, tropical marine fishes of the family Acanthuridae (order......
swamp eel, any of about 15 species of slim, eel-like fish comprising the order Synbranchiformes. Swamp eels, unrelated......
sweeper, any of the fishes of the genera Parapriacanthus or Pempheris, in the family Pempheridae (order Perciformes),......
sweetfish, delicately flavoured marine fish that migrates upstream to spawn in clear waters. It is found in East......
swim bladder, buoyancy organ possessed by most bony fish. The swim bladder is located in the body cavity and is......
swordfish, (Xiphias gladius), prized food and game fish, probably the single species constituting the family Xiphiidae......
swordtail, (Xiphophorus hellerii), popular tropical fish of the live-bearer family Poeciliidae (order Atheriniformes).......