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High Impact Meetings: A Guide to Greater Productivity
High Impact Meetings: A Guide to Greater Productivity
High Impact Meetings: A Guide to Greater Productivity
Ebook40 pages30 minutes

High Impact Meetings: A Guide to Greater Productivity

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About this ebook

This book provides 46 immediate and proven strategies for moving your meetings from intolerable to invaluable. Whether you are conducting high-level board meetings, company offsite meetings, or the monthly gathering of your public or civic group, this book will give you the tools to increase productivity, and satisfaction, for all involved.

PublisherTodd Thomas
Release dateAug 12, 2012
High Impact Meetings: A Guide to Greater Productivity

Todd Thomas

Dr. L. Todd Thomas is a speaker, author, educator and coach who has provided seminars and presentations in over 20 countries. Dr. Thomas has coached and consulted with over 3000 leaders from 40 different countries spanning 4 continents. He is a member of the National Speakers Association, the International Federation of Speakers and the Les Brown Platinum Speakers Network. He has been featured on Fox Business News, CNBC's Squawk Box, the Wall Street Journal, the and other media and publications. Todd is an Associate Professor for the DeVos Graduate School of Management, Northwood University where he is Lead Faculty for the Leadership Curriculum. He has a Ph.D. in Human Communication and an M.S. in Educational Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington. He also holds an M.A. in Interpersonal Communication from Auburn University and a Bachelors from Morehead State University in Morehead, KY. He was a professor of organizational psychology at North Carolina State University and IU before leaving academics for the corporate arena. After 5 years at Rockwell Avionics, "Dr. Todd" joined Daimler Chrysler as the executive responsible for Organizational and Executive Development. He left after nearly nine years in the corporate world to form his own consulting and speaking business, IMPACT Development and Consulting where he is still president.

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    High Impact Meetings - Todd Thomas

    High Impact Meetings:

    A Guide for Greater Productivity

    Dr. Todd Thomas

    Copyright 2012 Todd Thomas

    Smashwords Edition

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    "Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything." John Kenneth Galbraith

    This is a short book. It was intended to be a short book. Who in their right mind would want to read a long book about meetings!! Unless of course you are in a meeting right now, reading this book to take your mind off the pain of sitting here. If that’s what you’re doing, there’s plenty of white space included so you can illustrate (a.k.a. doodle) this book on your own.

    What you do need however is a short book on meetings that has a long-term effect on both your effectiveness and your morale. If you and your colleagues can agree on nothing else, you will probably be unanimous in your feelings about meetings. There is hardly any other organizational function that brings about more frustration and personal agony than looking at a calendar and seeing that there is a meeting on the schedule. It gets even worse if there are multiple meetings which, of course, there almost always are.

    While this is the type of meeting with which many of us are familiar, high-impact meetings can be an amazing tool for greater efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. The opportunity to have all of the decision-makers at the table or to benefit from the different perspectives in a brainstorming session can produce tremendous results.

    The following tips are designed to help you turn your meetings from unproductive

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