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How to Make Good Coffee
How to Make Good Coffee
How to Make Good Coffee
Ebook86 pages58 minutes

How to Make Good Coffee

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How to make good coffee shows how to make fantastic tasting coffee from raw coffee beans. Italians know a lot about coffee, so let Elisabetta explain how to make coffee the real way, so that you get the best results at home. Learn how to choose and buy your beans, roast them and grind them. But most of all learn about all of the exciting ways to make real coffee at home.

Real coffee is very popular now. You only have to count all of the coffee shops in your local town. Drinking coffee is now an important part of our daily lives. Why is it then that we put up with all of that instant rubbish once we get home? Get this book to show you how to get that real coffee house taste at home. Elisabetta shows you how choose the best coffee beans, the best ways to buy them and then how to prepare the coffee itself. You too can have great tasting coffee whenever you want it.

The benefits of creating your own coffee at home are explained as are details of where coffee comes from and how it is farmed. These facts all help to explain where all the different tasting coffees come about. There are details about the equipment that you need to make fantastic tasting coffee and how you can make your experience even better by getting and using machines such as coffee grinders and roasters. There are a number of ways that you can prepare your coffee and the book explains how to use various coffee makers, including those for espresso coffee, filter coffee, French press, and Turkish coffee.

How to make good coffee gives details of the various methods of making coffee as well as how to decide which ones are best for you. There are a lot of different coffee recipes, provided in the book and includes all of those for making espresso coffee, which you would expect to find at your local coffee house. There are also recipes for other types of specialty coffee such as ones with alcohol and even iced coffee. Get this book so that you can better your life with great tasting real coffee.

Release dateJun 22, 2013
How to Make Good Coffee

Elisabetta Parisi

Elisabetta Parisi loves all forms of cooking and food preparation. She experimented over the years with so many different kinds of cooking, from across the world, that she thought it was time to share her knowledge with as many people as she could. The first book that she wrote was called 'Homemade Pasta Dough' and came about due to her passion for all forms of pasta. This book was a great success and she produced an expanded second edition which was also put out as a paperback. The book still enjoys great success to this day. Since success with the first book she has written several other books on cooking both Italian food and food from other parts of the world including Tapas and Kebab style food. Elisabetta likes to give good value, and as a result she always includes as many recipes as she can in each book. The recipes are easy to follow and include enough detail to ensure that you will get great results. If you like cooking food you should definitely invest in the books that Elisabetta has written. She is always looking for a different slant on the world of food, so you can look forward to many other new books being published on Smashwords in the near future.

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    Book preview

    How to Make Good Coffee - Elisabetta Parisi

    How to Make Good Coffee

    By Elisabetta Parisi

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 Elisabetta Parisi

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Disclaimer and Terms of Use: The Author and Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book, notwithstanding the fact that she does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of science and medicine. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author and Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of any results obtained. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment and seek professional medical advice about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly.

    Table of Contents


    The History of Coffee

    Beans for Coffee

    Where to Buy Your Beans

    Espresso beans

    Fair Trade and Beans

    Roast Your Own Coffee Beans

    Grind Your Own Coffee Beans

    Making Espresso

    Making Filter Coffee

    Using a French Press

    Stove Top Coffee

    Coffee Beans with Added Flavor

    Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans

    Special Coffee Recipes

    Coffee Recipes with Alcohol

    Iced Coffee

    Recipes for Iced Coffee

    Health Issues


    About the Author



    Most of us need a cup of coffee to get us going in the morning. It is easy just to grab that jar of instant or take whatever brew is in the office cappuccino machine. Basically if it is hot, smells like coffee and gives you the necessary buzz that is all you need. However, by just doing this you are missing out on a whole world of new tastes. With a little information and few gadgets you could be experiencing a whole new world of difference when it comes to fresh coffee.

    There are so many people that are into coffee these days that there is at least 1 Starbucks in most cities across the world. So, if you like to have a latte, cappuccino, espresso or even a flavored coffee such as hazelnut or vanilla, and whether you prefer your coffee surrounded by friends in a coffee shop or on your own at your place of work you should remember that coffee is certainly one of life’s little pleasures.

    Buying cups of coffee in these specialist cafes can work out expensive these days. However, now that you can buy your own roasters, grinders, coffee makers and espresso machines you can enjoy your favorite coffee in your own home for a faction of the cost in cafes. You can even make gourmet coffee after outlaying as little as $20 each for a coffee grinder and coffee maker.

    Real coffee has long been the preserve of a few fanatics who understand the value of freshness and rich aromas. In the past the majority of other people have put up with instant coffee because it has been marketed to them as being both convenient and slightly sophisticated, if not even sexy. Some countries have always taken fresh coffee to heart and it has become a part of their culture. You only have to look at the proliferation of coffee bars in such countries as Spain and Italy. Going to the coffee shop is part of a daily routine. In other countries such as the UK this culture hasn’t really existed up until recently. Now you will find coffee houses down many streets in towns and cities. At lot of these cafes have been provided by big shop chains, which have often come from the US. There are still, however, many independent coffee houses which provide a unique product and atmosphere. With this renewed interest in visiting coffee shops has also come a keen interest in different varieties of coffee as well as the vast amounts of different flavors and aromas that can be created.

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