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Daily Minimalism: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Simplicity and Clutter-Free Living: The Daily Learner, #4
Daily Minimalism: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Simplicity and Clutter-Free Living: The Daily Learner, #4
Daily Minimalism: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Simplicity and Clutter-Free Living: The Daily Learner, #4
Ebook78 pages1 hour

Daily Minimalism: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Simplicity and Clutter-Free Living: The Daily Learner, #4

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About this ebook

Minimalism is an indispensable tool that can help us eliminate clutter in our lives so that we create space for things that matter most to us.

Daily Minimalism is an attempt to distill life-changing ideas from the best resources on minimalism, simplicity, and clutter-free living in daily easy-to-read meditations. 

In this book, the wisdom of renowned authors and minimalists such as Joshua Becker, Leo Babauta, Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus, Francine Jay, Marie Kondo, Courtney Carver, and Fumio Sasaki has been distilled in a form that is easy to digest and consume (even if you're not a reader!). Every meditation has been crafted to give you either the essence and the formula, if you will, of the subject at hand, or a groundbreaking idea introduced by the respective author.

The fundamentals of attaining practical wisdom and living an intentional life with less will never change and that's why minimalism has proven to be such a vital instrument to learn the art of purposeful living. The condensed timeless knowledge in these meditations will not only assist you in navigating through the complexities that come with modern living but also help you in your quest to live a simple and conscious life.

PublisherParth Sawhney
Release dateAug 15, 2019
Daily Minimalism: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Simplicity and Clutter-Free Living: The Daily Learner, #4

Parth Sawhney

Parth Sawhney is an author and success mentor to high-achievers all around the world. Through his writing and other meaningful creations, Parth shares life-changing ideas, insights, and resources related to personal development, philosophy, success mindset, and the human condition. His recent books include The Daily Apple, Thriving in the New Normal, The Way of the Karma Yogi, and The Detachment Manifesto. When he is not working, Parth enjoys spending time in coffee shops and taking long walks.

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    Daily Minimalism - Parth Sawhney

    Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.

    ― Joshua Becker

    That’s been one of my mantras—focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.

    — Steve Jobs

    It’s often said that cleaning your house is like polishing yourself. I think that this is a golden rule. It isn’t just dust and dirt that accumulate in our homes. It’s also the shadows of our past selves that let that dust and dirt continue to build. Cleaning the grime is certainly unpleasant, but more than that, it’s the need to face our own past deeds that makes it so tough. But when we have fewer material possessions and cleaning becomes an easy habit, the shadows we now face will be of our daily accomplishments.

    ― Fumio Sasaki


    I’m immensely grateful to you for choosing this book. This particular volume of The Daily Learner series is an attempt to distill the life-changing ideas from the best books on minimalism and clutter-free living in daily easy-to-read meditations.

    So what exactly is minimalism? Everyone has come up with their own definitions of minimalism, and that’s the beauty of this lifestyle. It’s free-flowing and you can mould it based on what you value in your life the most.

    Minimalism is an indispensable tool that can help us eliminate clutter in our lives so that we create space for things that matter most to us. At its core, this lifestyle is all about living intentionally with clarity and purpose, hence keeping us on track to becoming a better version of ourselves and pursuing the path of constant improvement in all aspects of our life.

    There are mentions of minimalism throughout history. Many religions, be it Hinduism, Buddhism, or Christianity, have some teachings in their respective scriptures dedicated to renouncing material possessions in order to attain spiritual focus, wisdom, or enlightenment. Some extreme examples around us are Indian sages, Buddhist monks, and Catholic nuns. This illustrates that minimalism, although considered to be a modern movement that is gaining momentum around the world, has deep roots in history and humanity.

    In terms of usage, the word minimalism became popular in the 1950s and 1960s and it referred to simplistic tastes and trends, first in music and later branching into art and design. The sentiment was the same: to remove everything but the instrument or piece of creative work. Minimalism later became popular in home design and architecture and over the years has evolved into a common lifestyle today that has entered the mainstream culture in different parts of the world.

    Thanks to companies, retailers, and marketers, our modern society has bought into the lie that a good life is all about possessing as many things as possible. Accumulating stuff has become the new normal. The false belief that more is better and that happiness can be bought at a retail store has become rampant in our current times. And that’s where minimalism shines.

    Minimalism brings freedom from our unending satiation with regard to collecting accoutrements and stops us from stuffocating ourselves. As Joshua Becker writes in his blog Becoming Minimalist, It [Minimalism] steps off the treadmill of consumerism and dares to seek happiness elsewhere. It values relationships, experiences, and soul-care. And in doing so, it finds life.

    Minimalism helps us eliminate the constant rush and stress in our everyday life. It slows it down and frees us from the modern madness of living a faster life. It empowers us to create an alternate world for ourselves and to only keep the essentials letting go of the frivolous and the insignificant. Furthermore, it drives us to pursue those things, endeavors, and activities that bring joy and add value to our life.

    The best part about minimalism is its flexibility. Minimalism is not about following a set of strict rules and it does not promote a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s adaptable based on what we find essential and meaningful in our lives. There are numerous successful minimalists who live significantly different lives — Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus, Joshua Becker, Leo Babauta, Colin Wright, Courtney Carver, Matt D’Avella, Fumio Susaki, Tammy Strobel, and many others including yours truly.

    Whatever your goals are, minimalism can help you achieve them. It helps us shift our focus from stuff to life and helps us bring more enriching and meaningful experiences in our finite days on this planet. As Joshua Fields Millburn points out,

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