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The Easy Way to Mindfulness: Free your mind from worry and anxiety
The Easy Way to Mindfulness: Free your mind from worry and anxiety
The Easy Way to Mindfulness: Free your mind from worry and anxiety
Ebook255 pages4 hours

The Easy Way to Mindfulness: Free your mind from worry and anxiety

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About this ebook

Do you want to free yourself from worry and anxiety?

Allen Carr's Easyway method has brilliantly transformed lives all over the world, setting out a wonderful practical pathway to help free millions from a whole variety of addictions.

It strips away the illusions that leave us prey to negative thoughts and behaviours, showing us how to gain clarity and control if we focus on who we truly are rather than being distracted by those things that harm and trouble us. The key to peace of mind lies within.

Mindfulness lies at the heart of Allen Carr's philosophy and this book shares the proven principles of mindfulness with a wider audience in simple accessible terms that apply to real life and provide a tangible, practical outcome: YOUR HAPPINESS.

What people say about Allen Carr's Easyway method:

"The Allen Carr program was nothing short of a miracle."
Anjelica Huston

"It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction."
Sir Anthony Hopkins

"His skill is in removing the psychological dependence."
The Sunday Times

Release dateOct 15, 2017

Allen Carr

Allen Carr (1934-2006) was a chain-smoker for over 30 years. In 1983, after countless failed attempts to quit, he went from 100 cigarettes a day to zero without suffering withdrawal pangs, without using willpower and without gaining weight. He realised that he had discovered what the world had been waiting for - the Easy Way to Stop Smoking - and embarked on a mission to help cure the world's smokers. Easyway has grown to become a global phenomenon with seminar centres in 150+ cities in more than 50 countries around the world. Allen Carr's Easyway books, online video programmes, and live group seminars have helped an estimated 50 million smokers worldwide. A vast majority of those happy non-smokers became aware of the method as a result of personal recommendation from their friends, family, and colleagues. Allen Carr is now recognised as the world's leading expert on helping smokers to quit and has sold over 16 million books on the topic. His Easyway method has been successfully applied to a host of issues including weight control, alcohol and other addictions and fears. In 2006, Allen was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away that November handing responsibility for Easyway over to his closest and most trusted colleagues.

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    Book preview

    The Easy Way to Mindfulness - Allen Carr

    The Easy Way to Mindfulness

    Free your mind from worry and anxiety

    Allen Carr

    To Sam Carroll, our candle in the wind

    And to Emma Hudson, not only a fabulous member of our brilliant Easyway therapist team who have saved hundreds of thousands of smokers’ lives, but also a truly inspirational sage of mindfulness

    With editorial contributions from Tim Glynne-Jones


    Allen Carr was a chain-smoker for over 30 years. In 1983, after countless failed attempts to quit, he went from 60–100 cigarettes a day to zero without suffering withdrawal pangs, without using willpower, and without putting on weight. He realized that he had discovered what the world had been waiting for, the easy way to stop smoking, and embarked on a mission to help cure the world’s smokers.

    As a result of the phenomenal success of his method, he gained an international reputation as the world’s leading expert on stopping smoking and his network of clinics now spans the globe. His first book, Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking, has sold over 12 million copies, remains a global bestseller, and has been published in more than 40 different languages. Hundreds of thousands of smokers have successfully quit at Allen Carr’s Easyway clinics where, with a success rate of over 90 per cent, he guarantees you’ll find it easy to stop or your money back.

    Allen Carr’s Easyway method has been successfully applied to a host of issues including weight control, alcohol, debt, and other addictions. A list of Allen Carr clinics appears at the back of this book. Should you require any assistance or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your nearest clinic.

    For more information about Allen Carr’s Easyway, please visit

    Allen Carr’s Easyway

    The key that will set you free


    List of exercises





    MINDFUL walking

    Observing your thoughts


    By John Dicey, Worldwide CEO & Senior Therapist, Allen Carr’s Easyway

    Life-changing moments don’t come around very often, do they? In truth, we don’t tend to go looking for them. While we bemoan the boredom and monotony of life and the repeat behaviour that leads us to despair, we tend to be sceptical towards any significant change – anything that requires us to alter our way of thinking. We assume that if wonderful life changes were out there, we would have found them by now. And so we end up leaving our happiness, peace of mind, and mental health to chance.

    I was lucky. Back in 1997 I attended Allen Carr’s clinic in London to see if he could help me quit my 80-a-day smoking addiction. I did so under duress. I had agreed to go, at the request of my wife, on the understanding that when I walked out of the clinic still a confirmed smoker she would leave it at least 12 months before hassling me about stopping again. No one was more surprised than me, or perhaps my wife, that Allen Carr’s Easyway method set me free.

    If I had been more open-minded, it would not have surprised me. By the time I went along, Allen had already helped millions of people to quit through his clinics and books. The evidence was plain to see but, being a nicotine addict, I couldn’t see it. In hindsight, I can say that part of me didn’t want to see it. It took my own personal, life-changing experience to convince me.

    For a third of a century, Allen had chain-smoked 60 to 100 cigarettes a day. He’d tried countless conventional and unconventional methods to quit without success. Eventually he gave up even trying to quit, believing: Once a smoker, always a smoker. Then he discovered something that motivated him to try again.

    As he describes it, I went overnight from 100 cigarettes a day to zero – without any bad temper or sense of loss, void or depression. On the contrary, I actually enjoyed the process. I knew I was already a non-smoker even before I had extinguished my final cigarette and I’ve never had the slightest urge to smoke since.

    It didn’t take Allen long to realize that he had discovered a method of quitting that would enable any smoker to quit:





    After using his smoking friends and relatives as guinea pigs, he gave up his lucrative profession as a qualified accountant and set up a clinic to help other smokers to quit. He called his method EASYWAY and so successful has it been that there are now Allen Carr’s Easyway clinics in more than 150 cities in 50 countries worldwide. Bestselling books based on his method are now translated into over 40 languages, with more being added each year.

    It quickly became clear to Allen that his method could be applied to any drug. The method has helped tens of millions of people to quit smoking, alcohol, other drugs and sugar, as well as to stop gambling, overeating, and overspending.

    I was so inspired by Allen that I hassled and harangued him and Robin Hayley (now chairman of Allen Carr’s Easyway) to let me get involved in their quest to cure the world of smoking. To my good fortune, I succeeded in convincing them. Being trained by Allen and Robin was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. To be able to count Allen as not only my coach and mentor but also my friend was an amazing honour and privilege.

    I went on to treat more than 30,000 smokers myself at Allen’s original London clinic and became part of the team that has taken his method from Berlin to Bogota, New Zealand to New York, Sydney to Santiago.

    Tasked by Allen with ensuring that his legacy achieves its full potential, we’ve taken Allen Carr’s Easyway from videos to DVD, from clinics to apps, from computer games to audio books, to online programmes and beyond.

    This book is an exciting, natural next step for us, in that it takes Allen’s method beyond the realms of specific addictions out into the wider world – a world struggling to find a solution to the stress, anxiety, and pressure of modern life.

    Allen always said his method was really about helping people to find happiness.

    Addiction is a miserable experience. You feel trapped, helpless, foolish, a slave – caught up in an endless cycle of craving satisfaction but never quite achieving it, pulled this way and that between guilt, desire, and fear. Ring any bells?

    Mindfulness has gained tremendous popularity as a method for coping with stress, anxiety, and depression. It is a broad term for an approach that can be applied and practised in numerous ways but, in essence, it is a method that echoes the principles of Easyway. Both work by unravelling the misconceptions that keep us trapped in a negative, harmful way of thinking. Both help us to see that there is more to us than our thoughts and beliefs, that our beliefs can be questioned, that body and mind are components of an incredible machine and, by developing a closer connection to our sensory system, we can maintain focus on the present and see things as they really are. Understanding is like bright sunshine that, rather than banishing negative thoughts and feelings, helps us to examine them, question their value, observe them, and let them go. When we are able to not trust our negative thoughts, to appreciate that we are not defined by them, it leads to a clearer, more positive mindset, reversing the vicious circle of negativity and setting in motion a new cycle of health and happiness.

    Mankind has always been absorbed in the pursuit of happiness. The trouble is, the more we pursue it, the more it seems to elude our grasp. Why? Because we believe that control has to come through struggle. Our approach to stress is the same – and as a consequence life becomes a constant struggle. Allen discovered that it’s the struggle that actually makes it hard, if not impossible, to quit smoking and other addictions. His mindful method provided a different approach, one in which we let go of the struggle and, in doing so, find we are better able to take control.

    For people new to mindfulness and Easyway, this principle can be hard to grasp. That’s because we grow up brainwashed into a way of thinking that simply cannot comprehend how letting go can give us control; how willpower can be counterproductive; how we can push ourselves further with kindness and new understanding than with force.

    Easyway has brilliantly transformed lives all over the world. The message to addicts is: you don’t need a crutch; you don’t need alcohol; you don’t need cigarettes; you don’t need refined sugar: you are fine as you are. You are perfect as you are.

    At the heart of each of us is something that remains as pure and natural as the day we were born, but we live in a world that makes us fractious, anxious, agitated, and trapped. We have fixed ideas of how things are and are always looking around for something to make us feel better. But as our instincts are overridden by our intellect, it takes us further away from contentment rather than closer to it.

    We all want to discover a better way of living, which makes us calm and contented. The key to happiness lies within; you don’t need to cling to external pleasures – false pleasures that come with their own negative baggage. When you leave them behind, you’re not giving anything up; you are only making gains.

    Easyway has already set out a wonderfully practical pathway to help us free ourselves from our problems and addictions. It melts away the illusions that leave us prey to negative thoughts and desires. It shows us how we can gain clarity and control if we focus on who we truly are rather than being distracted by those things that harm and trouble us.

    Mindfulness lies at the heart of Allen Carr’s philosophy. The core principles of Easyway are those of mindfulness. Easyway has proved itself the world’s number one method for overcoming addictions. It can also take us to a gateway – one that leads to a mindful existence.

    I know from happy experience that the benefits of following this method can be life-changing. This book is the natural next step in Allen Carr’s legacy, one that he mapped out himself.

    It’s my humble honour and responsibility to add a light editorial touch to Allen’s work, to contemporize the anecdotes, examples, and subject matter for today’s reader. Yet the method, the essence, remains the same – pure Easyway. This book shares the proven principles of mindfulness and the proven principles of Easyway with a wider audience in simple, accessible terms that apply to real life and provide a tangible, practical outcome:


    And now without further fuss, it’s with pleasure that I pass you into the safest of hands. Over to Allen Carr.

    Chapter 1: What is mindfulness?


    The origins of mindfulness • Modern Mindfulness in different forms • Myths and mysticism • The role of meditation • Mindfulness in a nutshell • All the rage • Exercise: mindful berry eating • Mindfulness and Easyway

    Imagine you could find a way to reduce the stress in your life, free yourself from anxiety, depression, and regret, and enjoy increased happiness and more peaceful relationships, while remaining calm and in control. Now imagine that, by achieving that happier mental state, you became less susceptible to sickness, injury, tiredness, and pain. If I told you that you have the power to achieve this happy state quickly, easily, and without making any sacrifices, how would you feel?


    What if I told you that millions of people have achieved their own state of happiness by following the method I am about to take you through?

    If you’re sceptical, doesn’t it strike you as strange that you should regard happiness as such a difficult thing to achieve? For such a sophisticated creation as humankind, wouldn’t you expect happiness to be the default condition? As children, do we spend most of our time feeling unhappy?

    Isn’t it the case that life is more simple when we’re very young, that we tend to live in the moment and leave the worries to our parents? It’s only as we grow older and take on responsibilities that we start to feel the stresses of life and spend our nights wracked with anxieties that won’t let us sleep. Of course, some youngsters are born into extraordinarily tragic and challenging environments, but it’s only with age that these truly take their toll.

    As adults, we tell ourselves we shouldn’t worry so much, yet we feel helpless to stop. It’s all easier said than done. In fact, telling ourselves not to worry often makes us worry more! We are so stuck in our way of thinking and responding to what life throws at us that we simply don’t know how to change. We become blinded to the options available to us, especially the option of being happy.

    That’s right, happiness is an option. It’s not a consequence of things that happen in life beyond your control. It’s how you respond to the changing circumstances of life that determines whether you can be happy or not. And you can choose how you respond – all you need is a simple set of instructions to enable you to see that you have a choice.


    Mindfulness is a practice by which you enable yourself to see things more clearly, including the options that are available to you – in other words, to see things as they really are. The term has come to represent a meditative practice that dates back 2,500 years to the first days of Buddhism, and beyond that to the earliest yoga teachings thousands of years before.

    The word mindfulness itself is an English interpretation of the word sati from the Pali language, in which early Buddhist texts were written. Sati is the first of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment in Buddhism.

    Whether you consider Buddhism to be a religion, a philosophy, a way of life, or all of the above, it serves the purpose of offering a meaning to life and a template for living in a way that leads to enlightenment.

    However, in Buddhism there is no god, and for this reason its teachings have captured the imagination of millions of people who seek a purpose but struggle with the concept of a supreme being. With Buddhism, the emphasis is not on pleasing God or some other deity but on sorting out the workings of your own mind.

    Don’t panic – I’m not going to suggest that you convert to Buddhism; it’s just a way of explaining where the practice of mindfulness comes from and some of the history of the search for contentment. This is as old as mankind. Of course, all creatures – the lion, the tiger, the deer, the elephant, the gorilla – exist in a natural state of contentment without unnecessary stress and anxiety. That is, of course, aside from the thing that keeps them safe, fed, and alive: instinct.

    Our modern understanding of mindfulness was pioneered by an American professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, called Jon Kabat-Zinn. He was a scientist who believed that by embracing some of the principles of yoga and Buddhism and combining them with modern science, he could help people who were suffering from illnesses related to stress and anxiety.

    In 1979, Kabat-Zinn launched his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program and began to produce remarkable results. Today, the idea that stress, anxiety, pain, and even illness can be alleviated through mental reconditioning is generally accepted, and practices like yoga, tai-chi, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) are all common disciplines that take account of the power of the mind with regard to the wellbeing of the body.

    Mindfulness takes that principle for treating maladies and applies it to everyday life, as a form of prevention as well as cure. The aim is to free yourself from the pointless, counter-productive, un-instinctive anxieties of life and enjoy a more relaxed, positive frame of mind, which in turn leads to better overall health.


    Yoga and meditation lie at the heart of modern mindfulness, but they are not exclusively connected to Buddhist principles. Not at all. The ideas that the Buddha expounded were a development of something that we all experience from time to time, perhaps without realizing it, or stopping to fully appreciate it.

    In the hurly-burly of modern life there are precious few occasions when we stop, do nothing, step away from the anxieties and regrets that race in and out of our minds, and tune in to the present. But

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