Exploring Data with Power View Maps in Excel
Maps in Power View present your data from a geographical perspective. Power View maps employ Bing map tiles, so you can zoom and pan just like any other Bing map. To make maps function, Power View must transfer data to Bing through a secure online connection for geocoding, which is why it prompts you to enable content. Adding locations and fields causes dots to appear on the map. The greater the dot, the larger the value. When you add a multi-value series, pie charts appear on the map, with the size of the pie chart representing the total.
Map Visualization
To understand map visualization, consider using a dataset as an example. This is the major important dataset in this scenario.
Steps to Create a Power View Map
Step 1: To begin creating a map, start with a table. Select the following options: Country, and Events. A table with these fields appears in Power View.
Step 2: Now convert the table to a map. Choose the Table. Select the DESIGN tab. Select Map from the Switch Visualization group.
Step 3: As you can see, The Table has been changed to a map.
As you can see, Power View generates a map with a dot for each geographic place. The size of the dot corresponds to the value of the related numeric field, which in this situation is the events. When you move the mouse over a dot on the map, a box appears with the name of the geographic location and the matching number value. When you click on a dot on the map, it becomes highlighted.
Convert Dots to Pie Charts
Furthermore, the Geographic field will be in the Locations section of the Power View Fields list, and the Numeric field will be in the SIZE area. To convert dots to Pie Charts, you need to add another field to the map visualization as well. You could wish to display information about the seasons, such as Summer and Winter. You may accomplish this by doing the following:
Seasons from the Power View Fields list should be dragged to the COLOR area.
The dots are transformed into Pie charts. A Season display, depicting the seasons and their associated colors. In other words, each hue in the Pie chart indicates a season.
Now a map with Pie Chart appears with Events by Country and season. The size of a Pie chart refers to events, and the size of each slice in the Pie chart corresponds to seasons.