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Shahenshah Hafeez Khan Shahenshah Hafeez Khan > Quotes


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“If you reach out to your phone every few minutes, it isn't the urgency you are catering to but your need to be needed by others, you are seeking attention while battling loneliness”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Things taken for granted are the things, if not granted, causes us the biggest discomfort. Very often it's the neglected small things which forms the biggest of shadows while walking away.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“A new year always comes with a new hope for a new beginning, but new beginning is not only starting something new, it is more about improving upon things not going right or went wrong last year. After all, it is a just a new date, the journey continues!”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“If you are ashamed of others knowing about your failures, the best way is to fight your failures & not the people, your success will change people’s opinion but only the efforts will convert failures into success.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“When the world around us changes for the worse, it’s not just the snap of fingers which will bring it back to the earlier position, it will take courage, thinking, team-work & the sacrifices to bring normalcy to the chaos.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The Crowd Follower: I don’t believe it?

The Risk Taker: What exactly you don’t believe? The completion of the project or the process of completion.

The Crowd Follower: I don’t believe this can be done this way. No one ever thought of such method, it is beyond my belief.

The Risk Taker: Exactly! Your belief was in the failure, you believed its impossible, & when the work progressed, you started questioning the process?

The Crowd Follower: I need to know how they made it possible?

The Risk Taker: It’s very simple, unlike you. They started with a clean thought process & a missing ingredient, you know what was missing? The belief that it is impossible.

They believed it’s possible, & they kept trying & improvising during the process. The absence of a dis-belief resulted in a new method.

They discussed the set-backs/failures in a positive manner on making it more effective, and not to declare the project as failure & stop work.

It’s the thought process which provides a positive or negative result, when you start negatively you are already working towards proving your point that it’s impossible, didn’t I tell you so? However positive thoughts generates a positive energy that produces improvisation & innovation required to succeed”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“What we have is always less desirable than what we don’t.

Today, the glorification of the word FREEDOM has made it impossible for people to sincerely believe a man can truly be content in social isolation or within the confines of home, but the fact remains that most of us anyways spend our entire life time chained to our thought process and being confined to our belief palaces.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Turning our backs & running away isn’t a good idea unless there is a certainty of an escape door; running scared drains us mentally & physically, making it easy for the problems to overpower us without any struggle; March forward, fight the problem head-on with the intensity that will make the problems runaway.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Convince yourselves before convincing others, if you struggle to explain what is meant to be easily explained than the explanation won't make any sense, realize its time for a self-explanation.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“When an apology provides a substitute for low quality work, people drastically improve apology tendering skills, leaving behind the urge or necessity to improve work related skills.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“We feel that we can hide or run from problems, but we fail to understand that it isn't the problem we hide or run from, but our capacity to handle that problem. Problems regularly attack due to our vulnerability to the problem; we often look at situation giving us the stress & consider stress as the problem, but stress isn't the problem, it's our feeling or understanding of that situation which causes the stress.

We move away, try meditation, take medication & indulge in activities which rejuvenate the brain. hence, the stress goes away. We continue with our lives and after a while the merry feeling goes away too, and we start getting stressed again.

Problems are most vulnerable when it’s in the seed stage, but we water them with our ignorance or lack of attention and one day they become bigger than our expectation & imagination. We can still fight it, but we underestimate our capabilities & keep running away, that process gives it more nutrition to grow even bigger, and since we run away without solving them, they keep following us in new disguises; finally, one day we run out of places to run to and are left with stress, depression, and anxiety.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Insecurity is a funny thing not only it stops us from trusting other people, but also our own abilities.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“We grow—up on fairy tales & stories, where the hero always wins & everything becomes Okay at the end, similarly our goals / dreams in life forms a story & we become the hero’s, which we control up to some extent and when we don’t get the desired results we quit, not realizing that we are quitting the story too soon, things would have definitely been Okay had we waited till the end.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“We set a limit to our actions, our mind fabricates its limits to something seen and experienced, hence, we continue performing the similar tasks by taking the similar approach, a loss makes us plan the excuses, but an analysis on a wrong approach never cross our mind, because we make experiencing the unseen off-limits.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“It’s better to be called Stupid initially while trying something different rather than being termed stupid for not taking any initiative.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“We are never afraid of trying new approach; we are afraid of the old approach coming to an end. It’s the loss of addiction which frightens us, not the cure.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“When life becomes heavy, it guides us to accept a pause, keep it down for a while, take a breather than pick it up again and carry on with new strength and energy.

I am back at zero it’s only going to be higher from now on.
I can use the pause to fool my inabilities in believing that they are the most able and become able.
I still have what I fear losing, so it’s a perfect time to start.
I can think, I can innovate and I can achieve what I desire to.
I’ am reinvented, I can cross boundaries, I can leap to increased heights seemed higher earlier”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Start every day all over again, leaving aside our knowledge & ignorance, failure & success; pain & gain; misery & happiness, it all comes back to learning, thinking fresh & trying again. Yesterday’s baggage — either good or bad can slow us down.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Don’t fight, you're already injured, live to fight another day. It’s a lost battle anyways. Just quit.
No, the battle isn't over. Although I am injured, but if I quit now, these injuries will always work as a benchmark to quit, today I ain't fighting the enemy I am fighting myself. If I win this battle today, I will get myself an invincible will and that no enemy can defeat.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Sometimes we get lost due to the habit of asking directions from people around us, rather than asking someone who invited you to walk the path.
In doing so, we not only lose the right path, but also the trust that one day we too can become the guide to others”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“be colorful but wear your true colors, do not run after the popular choice, the choices are bound to change someday, leaving you with no color of your own.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“It's OK! There will always be a next time, is a good self-comforting advice, but make sure to guard your thoughts against its addiction.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Time moves fast for people who move with time. Time is nothing but moments, yesterday, today & tomorrow - all are filled with moments, some spent as we liked and some as the time demanded, We all live in moments so spend it well, remember each day a day goes by — better make it a day to remember.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“To appear intelligent, we pretend to understand everything which is taught; but gets exposed when practicality demands testing of our learning. Remember! We become intelligent by understanding what we don’t understand, but should understand to make things better.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Anyone can perform the magic if they have some tricks under their sleeves.
The trick is to learn the tricks / skills. A salesperson like the magician sells the belief, by creating an illusion that whatever is visible to viewers/buyers is real.
But in reality the only real thing is the skill which creates that illusion.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Everybody contributes an additional effort to something they believe; it’s not important if it’s a self-belief or external motivation, important is to have a self-belief that we will never be the reason for our team’s loss.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“We start the day demotivated & tired due to our inability to bring joy & excitement to our working environment. Most of the days are exact reflection of previous days, & we become slaves to our routines. We do whatever is necessary, keep following the old successful formula - think for today & to justify our actions, surround ourselves with yes-men, block every new idea which challenges our intellect & avoid every action which requires a change in our routine. Soon our approach to work becomes so stationary that catching-up with growth becomes an impossible task”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Keep Trying” is forever, because the arrival time for success is uncertain. So, giving a time-frame to success is an invitation to the feeling of uncertainty, success arrives early to people who are scared of failures, they keep trying to be better at the job and in the process end-up avoiding failures.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The amount of time & creativity spent on scripting our excuses on failures & lack of efforts, is much higher than genuinely making positive efforts.
The problem starts when we start believing in the script written only for pleasing the audience”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Looking at the sky from the bottom of the deep hole, below the visible surface & away from the superior heights once conquered, the traveler realized how he reached the rock-bottom! It all started with avoiding the issues by digging holes & hiding like the ostrich, thinking they would pass, but didn’t realize that issues multiplied and so did the depth of the hole.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

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