Christianity Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "christianity-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 150
Mouloud Benzadi
“When I hear them say "God answers all prayers", I can't help wondering, "Why can't prayers save the 10 million people who die from cancer every year?”
Mouloud Benzadi

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Has an atheist ever knocked on your door in the middle of the day to tell you "the good news" ... that all that stuff you learned about Jesus curing lepers and rising from the dead is just a bunch of bullshit??? Has an atheist ever tried to force a pamphlet on you at a bus stop? Have you ever seen an atheist carrying a sign declaring that Jesus "isn't" coming soon? Do atheists get tax exemptions?

Why do religious fanatics always insist that they're the ones being victimized? "IN GOD WE TRUST" is printed on our currency. The birthday of your "savior" is a national holiday celebrated ad nauseum. What more would you like??? If your faith is so tenuous that it can't withstand criticism or even mockery, what does it say about your faith? About you? If you're truly a person of faith, why do you care so much about the opinion of others?”
Quentin R. Bufogle

“God is able to do the impossible, exceedingly, abundantly far above all you can ever think or imagine but HE doesn’t want to do that outside of a relationship with you. Biblical prayer is not communication without a relationship.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“Growth happens in secret but exploits happen in public. Seek God in secret and He will reward you in the open.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“Whatever You Focus On, You Make Room For”
Eric D Cooper

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The real founder of Christianity was Paul and not Jesus. The Oscar should go to Paul and the Grammy award to Luke, for spreading Christianity to the Gentiles; which was forbidden by Jesus himself.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mitta Xinindlu
“Why did the god of the Western Bible get annoyed when the people were united, speaking the same language, and building a high tower together — and with zero hatred?

The god of the Western Bible divided the people and caused confusion among them ...dividing them into small tribes or groups. Just like how the West did to the African continent and its people.

History is mind-blowing.”
Mitta Xinindlu

R.J. Intindola
“Those having no conscience of guilt after the imposition of cruelty and brutality, have no claim to the biblical gospels as set forth in Christianity; for they ordain the necessity, to cloth, feed, and shelter the despondent.”
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2018: Matthew 25:35-40

Abhijit Naskar
“Becoming christian and converting to christianity are two different things. Converting to christianity means having the paperwork that says you are christian. Becoming christian means becoming christ-like in every aspect of life, no matter the paperwork.”
Abhijit Naskar, Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love

“Satan profits from the prayerlessness of the saints”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Lance Lambert
“Whenever you and I catch a glimpse of Christ, if we are children of God, there is a deep yearning within. Now, I know this from my experience, and I know I have seen it again and again in others. The surest sign a person is born of God is that though they may be the most hopeless case in every single way, when they catch a glimpse of Christ, when somehow there is a season where the Lord, as it were, reveals Himself, there is a yearning in them. You want to be changed. You see, you are beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord.”
Lance Lambert, The Glory of God: Reflections from Exodus 33

“10,000 sunsets, 10,000 sunrises, 10,000 rainbows yet none is more beautiful than JESUS CHRIST. 10,000 buddhas, 10,000muhammads, and 10,000 other gods piled up will never come near to the SAVING POWER OF JESUS CHRIST. To compare CHRIST to other gods is to compare the brightness of the sun to candlelight.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“There is the light that shines as darkness, there is a peace that brings anxiety, there is a joy that ends in sorrow and there is the freedom that only becomes bondage. The paradox of the world!”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“We are up to the hilt advocates for peace, and we earnestly war against war. I wish that Christian men would insist more and more on the unrighteousness of war, believing that Christianity means no sword, no cannon, no bloodshed, and that, if a nation is driven to fight in its own defence, Christianity stands by to weep and to intervene as soon as possible, and not to join in the cruel shouts which celebrate an enemy’s slaughter. . . . Today, then, my brethren, I beg you to join with me in seeking renewal.”
Charles Spurgeon

“My God, this is staggering, Woah! Immense. This epiphany quivers me as I write. How powerful, nonpareil, & superordinary is your Word. The BEATITUDES for instance, is a saintly archetype of direct investment, --seed planting & a sure-way harvest.

May I liken it a bit to a spiritual trading --one in which, to get this-- you do this. Simple, practical & yet so effective. The only ingredient required for this is aBsOluTe OBEDIENCE.

Meanwhile, all of humanity-- everyone actively, passively, knowingly or otherwise is a trader at this heavenly market of life. --©Bright Heaven's”
Bright Heaven's

“Some Christians may only realize there was nothing to fear in death after they have died. They missed the breaking news of the resurrection morning: "ONE DAY DEATH TASTED LIFE AND DIED FOREVER”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Nahna James
“Although I adore Christ, I have zero tolerance for Christians because they do not even somewhat resemble him.”
Nahna James, Since 2004: An Anthology of Christian Poetry in Nigeria

“It is not an unrighteous thing to suffer for doing the right thing. If you have the friends of Job you surely do not need enemies.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“The darkness of evil may have its hour, but the eternal day of goodness will always prevail.”
John Lars Zwerenz , The Mystery of Wycliff Manor

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Today, our religious foundations boil down to the future imagination of a coming saviour. This is enough to demonstrate how weak we have become on all planes.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“The sorrow of Good Friday's sacrifice to the joy of Easter's dawn of victory is a timeless testament to life's journey from despair to hope, from darkness to light, from trial to triumph.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Study well so that you can build a better world for others to live in. Be the blessing others are waiting for.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

Paul Uponi
“To reject God is to untether the Earth from its orbit around the sun. To drift aimlessly in the hollow void of endless space.”
Paul Uponi, Muscular Christianity: A Case for Spiritual and Physical Fitness

Ron Acosta
“The antidote for emotional and psychological scarring is not in the performance of more religious acts, more volunteering, or doing more church, as much as it is not in having the right spouse, more success, more money, or material gain. The formula is just too simple: I must come clean in order to get clean—no matter what side of the issue or hurt that I’m on.”
Ron Acosta, Unstoppable Grace: A Memoir

IyanuOluwa Olorode
“That’s how it is with our feelings and the truth of God’s word. Our feelings are emotional reactions to maladies in our thinking or perspective, but our reality is God’s word which is truth. The truth remains constant. Lagos can be like Mercury, but with your fever, you cover up yourself with a duvet and are still not warm enough. We’re spirit beings. We do not react based on our emotions. We react to God’s word. If God says you’re forgiven, then you are. Regardless of how and what you feel.”
IyanuOluwa Olorode, Love's Direction

Allene vanOirschot
“Gratitude is the balm for bitterness, the healing wand of all life’s miseries.”
Allene vanOirschot, The Fasting Weigh: Breaking the Chains of Addiction

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“To understand Islam we must go back to Christianity, and to understand the Christian faith we must go back to Judaism, and to understand the religion of Moses we must go back to Hinduism and Egyptology.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Prayer is subversive activity. It involves a more or less open act of defiance against any claim by the current regime. . . .”
Eugene Peterson

“No matter how good we may look on the surface, no matter how balanced we may seem, it's what lies below that really counts.”
Joanna Weaver (Author)

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