Computers And Humanity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "computers-and-humanity" Showing 1-30 of 33
Germany Kent
“Before you post online ask yourself two crucial questions: Does my content add to the space; or, is it just clouding the feed?”
Germany Kent

Michio Kaku
“So the future of the computer is to eventually enter stage IV, where it disappears and gets resurrected as a fashion statement. We will decorate our world with computers The very word computer will gradually disappear from the English language. In the future, the largest component of urban waste will not be paper but chips. The future of the computer is to disappear and become a utility, sold like electricity and water. Computer chips will gradually disappear as computation is done "in the clouds".”
Michio Kaku, Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100

“As computers replace textbooks, students will become more computer literate and more book illiterate. They'll be exploring virtual worlds, watching dancing triangles, downloading the latest web sites. But they won't be reading books.”
Clifford Stoll, High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“The OFF button was connected to nothing. It was installed at the insistence of Martian mental-health experts, who said that human beings were always happier with machinery they thought they could turn off.”
Kurt Vonnegut Jr., The Sirens of Titan

Richard Dawkins
“Personally I rather look forward to a computer program winning the world championship. Humanitiy needs a lesson in humility.”
Richard Dawkins

“We should therefore welcome with open arms computers that are vastly more powerful than our brains, safe in the knowledge that our job is exponentially easier than theirs. They have to solve the problems; we just have to check that they did so to our satisfaction. AIs will think fast what we think slow, and the world will be the better for it. I, for one, welcome our new robot underlings.”
Pedro Domingos, The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World

Germany Kent
“Stop looking for others to validate or verify you. You were already somebody before your social media account was created.”
Germany Kent

Abhijit Naskar
“Leaving society to algorithms will be like leaving healthcare to stethoscopes.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Germany Kent
“The truth is we will be forever haunted by traceable communications manifested in the digital world. ”
Germany Kent

James Hauenstein
“I have so much information stored up inside my brain that to add more I need to clean out my mind's cache once in awhile.”
James Hauenstein

Abhijit Naskar
“The only way to make sure that you don't lose your job with the arrival of AI, is to do something that AI cannot do, and the only thing that artificial intelligence cannot do but a human can, is being original. So, do something original and no AI can ever replace you.”
Abhijit Naskar

Arthur C. Clarke
“La vision, le goût, l'esprit visionnaire, l'invention véritable et le talent sont des qualités que peut aider, mais que ne remplacera jamais la plus intelligente des machines pensantes jamais conçues par l'homme.”
Arthur C. Clarke, 20 de julio de 2019. La vida en el siglo XXI

“Formal schooling tends to demand that humans use their memories the way computers do, rather than the way humans do. This, too, can make people seem stupid.”
James Paul Gee, The Anti-Education Era: Creating Smarter Students through Digital Learning

Germany Kent
“The whole word is familiar with Zoom now.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“I'm still not sure why they call it social media. It robs us of genuine social interaction because we're forced to communicate through a device.”
Germany Kent

“It's easy to mistake familiarity with computers for intelligence, but computer literate certainly doesn't equal smart. And computer illiterate sure doesn't mean stupid.
Which do we need more: computer literacy or literacy?”
Clifford Stoll, High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian

“As much as I love computers, I can't imagine getting an excellent education from any multimedia system. Rather than augmenting the teacher, these machines steal limited class time and direct attention away from scholarship and toward pretty graphics.”
Clifford Stoll, High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian

“I've just about stopped using the computer in class, because the kids are so distracted by the computers themselves," Ms. Valentine concludes. "I think it's the corporate world manipulating the public school system. It's a big show.”
Clifford Stoll, High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian

“Weaned on educational games and multimedia encyclopedias, kids naturally seek out the trivial when forced to read books. While visiting a school librarian, I listened to a high school senior seek help with an assignment: "I'm writing a report about Napoleon," he said. "Can you find me a thin book with lots of pictures?”
Clifford Stoll, High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian

“Computers deliver an abundance of symbols yet offer an impoverishment of experience. Do our children need to see more icons, corporate logos, and glitzy fonts... or do they need more time climbing, running, and figuring out how to get along with each other?”
Clifford Stoll, High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian

“Don't forget that computer programming teaches students to think," says a friend of mine who's a computer jock in Silicon valley. He's deeply invested in technology and has no kids. "Programming is a logical system that rewards clear reasoning."
Uh, sure. Nineteenth-century schoolmasters used the same reasoning to justify teaching ancient languages. According to computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum, "There is, so far as I know, no more evidence that programming is good for the mind than Latin is.”
Clifford Stoll, High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian

Sidney Sheldon
“Nothing was sacred, nothing was safe. Privacy in today's civilization was a delusion, a myth. Every citizen was exposed, his deepest secrets laid bare, waiting to be read.
If one knew where to look, and if one was patient, all the facts were available.”
Sidney Sheldon, Bloodline

Germany Kent
“The World Wide Web can be a helpful place for statistics and facts, helpful hacks, and tips, but the digital world is also a place where security measures should be put in place, especially for youth.”
Germany Kent

Abhijit Naskar
“Coding Sonnet

One of the most powerful tools of science is coding,
A string of illegible characters can make or break a society.
145,000 lines of code landed Armstrong 'n Aldrin on the moon,
And 2 billion of them are working to satisfy everyday curiosity.
But this awesome force is still used mostly to generate revenue,
Welfare of humanity isn't a priority here, but a mere suggestion.
That's why the coding marvel that set out to connect the world,
Has become a playground for conspiracy, bigotry and division.
Learn from the horrific blunders of society's founding coders,
Make humanity the primary command of every code you write.
A code that doesn't lift the society is nothing but a hideous bug,
Zeros and Ones know no good or bad, unless by you it is defined.
Uncle Ben once said, with great power comes great responsibility.
I say to you today, a humane code facilitates a humane society.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gentalist: There's No Social Work, Only Family Work

Abhijit Naskar
“In a technologically advanced world, the most powerful nation is not the one with nuclear power, but the one with coding power.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Reformist or Terrorist: If You Are Terror I Am Your Grandfather

Germany Kent
“Use social media for your increase, not your decrease. Be mindful of what you post, use socials for good, and be proud of what you share.”
Germany Kent

Steven Magee
“The maturing internet is my apprentice.”
Steven Magee

Abhijit Naskar
“Declutter is the sensible way forward,
So I moved from Windows to Chrome OS.
Less cluttered in mind and machine,
More you shall find the peaceful pace.”
Abhijit Naskar, Insan Himalayanoğlu: It's Time to Defect

“eXtended Reality (XR) and spatial computing are inherently familiar to humans, with the potential to reshape not only our social interactions but also human-computer interaction.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

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