Incrementalism Quotes
Quotes tagged as "incrementalism"
Showing 1-28 of 28

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

“Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,...Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.”
― The Screwtape Letters
― The Screwtape Letters

“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

“Live each day as if it's your last', that was the conventional advice, but really, who had the energy for that? What if it rained or you felt a bit glandy? It just wasn't practical. Better by far to simply try and be good and courageous and bold and to make a difference. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around you. Go out there with your passion and your electric typewriter and work hard at...something. Change lives through art maybe. Cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and well. Experience new things. Love and be loved, if you ever get the chance.”
― One Day
― One Day

“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.”

“Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.”

“Better by far to be good and courageous and bold and to make difference. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around you.”
― One Day
― One Day

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”

“Life is like crossing a river. If you take a huge step-aim for too bigger dreams-then the current will knock you off your feet and carry you away.
The way to do it is small steps, you will take hold of life. You will get there in the end.”
The way to do it is small steps, you will take hold of life. You will get there in the end.”

“Patience is not waiting; it is a quality of waiting.”
― ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
― ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change

“By failing to take note of the gifts of modernity, social critics poison voters against responsible custodians and incremental reformers who can consolidate the tremendous progress we have enjoyed and strengthen the conditions that will bring us more.”
― Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
― Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

“Stop Being Incremental! If your system no longer delivers the results you want, don’t go for incremental changes, instead go for complete transformation.”
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
“Much as participatory design and placemaking was a reaction to the lack of citizen involvement in the planning process, the history of incremental city design was a reaction to the utopian master plan that dictated whole scale redevelopment in favor of an incremental approach that gradually affected the status quo. As a theory of policymaking, incrementalism was first introduced by Charles Lindblom in the 1950s.”
― Solving Critical Design Problems: Theory and Practice
― Solving Critical Design Problems: Theory and Practice

“Incrementalism never allows innovation to flourish.”
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era

“Businesses around the world are reaching the edges of incremental change. For future success, constant small improvements may no longer be enough. This is the time to re-create!”
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era

“Small changes or stretching a bit more on your tested models may not help you sustain the success you enjoyed in the past.”
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era

“At times the original model may be at fault given the new set of environmental factors that are in place.”
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era

“I put the question to my class of graduate students at Georgetown: “Can a Fascist movement establish a significant foothold in the United States?” Immediately, one young man responded, “Yes, it can. Why? Because we’re so sure it can’t.” His argument is that Americans have so much faith in the resilience of our democratic institutions that we will ignore for too long the incremental erosion that is taking place in them. Instead of mobilizing, we will proceed merrily along, expecting all to turn out for the best, until one morning we open our eyes, draw back the curtains, and find ourselves in a quasi-Fascist state.”
― Fascism: A Warning
― Fascism: A Warning
“Does moral progress occur incrementally? Or is it the result of sudden, punctuated social change? Given that cultural evolution, unlike biological evolution, can be guided by deliberate human innovation, both incrementalism and punctuation would seem to be live options.
... incrementalism does not mean embracing a stultifying conservatism that favors tradition over reform. Incremental, progressive moral evolution can be relatively fast and even quite groundbreaking. That is, positive moral revolutions do take place—such as the gay rights revolution ... Typically, large-scale moral progress begins with small-scale “experiments in living.” Instead of trying to re-design the culture of a society as a whole, small groups of people use moral reasoning to re-design the sub-culture of their local tribes. If the results of experiments are positive, then they can be adapted elsewhere and scaled up for larger and larger portions of society.
That being said, it’s possible that incremental moral change will not be sufficient to deal with the most serious threats to human survival. For example, perhaps something quite different—a moral black swan—is needed to address the problem of anthropogenic climate change. For this reason, we cannot be too confident that strategies that have worked in the past will also work in the future.”
― A Better Ape: The Evolution of the Moral Mind and How it Made us Human
... incrementalism does not mean embracing a stultifying conservatism that favors tradition over reform. Incremental, progressive moral evolution can be relatively fast and even quite groundbreaking. That is, positive moral revolutions do take place—such as the gay rights revolution ... Typically, large-scale moral progress begins with small-scale “experiments in living.” Instead of trying to re-design the culture of a society as a whole, small groups of people use moral reasoning to re-design the sub-culture of their local tribes. If the results of experiments are positive, then they can be adapted elsewhere and scaled up for larger and larger portions of society.
That being said, it’s possible that incremental moral change will not be sufficient to deal with the most serious threats to human survival. For example, perhaps something quite different—a moral black swan—is needed to address the problem of anthropogenic climate change. For this reason, we cannot be too confident that strategies that have worked in the past will also work in the future.”
― A Better Ape: The Evolution of the Moral Mind and How it Made us Human
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