Instant Gratification Quotes

Quotes tagged as "instant-gratification" Showing 1-30 of 35
Jon Luvelli
“The worst temptation is instant gratification.”
Jon Luvelli

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Everlasting pain is often caused by the pursuit of fleeting pleasure.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Boniface Sagini
“We want instant lunch, instant cure, instant miracles, instant salary, instant success— instant everything. This instant civilization, we have obsessed with, has made us grow a tad too impatient in virtually everything about life. And, of course, that doesn’t serve us so well.”
Boniface Sagini

Sam Owen
“We’re becoming impatient and lazy and we’re allowing this to shape our approach to our relationships. But successful relationships aren’t handed over on a plate, or downloaded at the click of a button, or ours in twenty-four hours for just £9.99 extra. Relationships are up there with food, water, clothing and shelter and you can’t just buy them or trade them in for an upgrade.”
Sam Owen, Resilient Me: How to Worry Less and Achieve More

Monjyoti Bhattacharyya
“It's a choice to occasionally let go of the urge to feel good in an instant in favor of the long-term goal of shaping our internal state and character which will eventually translate into a good quality of life.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“Enslavement to God signifies liberation from all other forms of servitude, and although modern man may think that he is liberated, he is in fact a slave to his desires... He is ‘addicted’ to hoarding wealth, sex, violence, intoxicants and so on. But above all, he is often seduced by the capitalist system that tends to work through the invention of false needs, which he feels must be satisfied instantly.”
Donald W. Flood, The Best Way to Live and Die

“Messages of instant gratification leads to a corrupt society”
Sunday Adelaja

“Working hard denies oneself from instant gratification.”
Sunday Adelaja

“When you are rich, your past disappears. You get everything you want when you want it . . . Everyone wants to know you. Everyone wants to be your friend.”
Hannah Lillith Assadi, Sonora

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It is the restraint of patience that yields the magnificent in life.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Nitya Prakash
“Instant gratification is overrated. While it might seem exciting to be able to snap your fingers and have something you want materialize before your eyes, that won't give you the full appreciation or enjoyment that comes from envisioning your dream and making it happen with everything you've got. If there is something you want very much, and you are feeling pretty impatient about getting it, you should resolve to enjoy the process and not look forward only to the goal; you'll get much more out of it this way.”
Nitya Prakash

Monjyoti Bhattacharyya
“The trap of instant gratification is one of the greatest traps of humanity in modern times.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“Instant gratification is a deadly weapon. It kills so slowly and is deceitfully poisonous with its placebo effect. It is one of the annihilators of masculinity.”
Emmanuel Apetsi

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Never compromise the things that’ll matter most to you one day because you feel the urge to satisfy yourself today.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

“Our culture tells us to want sex, pleasure, and instant gratification. Every hit song raves about it. Consumerism tells us that we need it now. There are a thousand voices that will sell us on these things; they’ll tell you everything you want to hear, being sure only to leave in the good parts and leave out the bad. They’ll sell you 'til you’re hooked, then you’ll sell yourself. Heck, at that point, you’ll sell your soul.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“There are so many downsides to the message of instant gratification.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Miracle centered messages encourages instant gratification.”
Sunday Adelaja

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Eating seeds is at times a sign of shortsightedness or impatience.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Kevin Leman
“Unfortunately, we live in an instant Jell-O society, with everybody wanting microwaved success. So as you look at truth therapy to combat the lies you tell yourself, don't go overboard with your expectations.

Remember to lighten up and put your party hat on every now and then. Celebrate the little steps . . . as well as the significant milestones.”
Kevin Leman, What Your Childhood Memories Say about You . . . and What You Can Do about It

Andrena Sawyer
“Entrepreneurs should always aim to play the long game. Instant gratification cannot build a legacy.”
Andrena Sawyer

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Being poor or broke is made to seem worse than it is by the myth that we need to eat three meals a day.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Soroosh Shahrivar
“Worship nowadays comes in the form of
Self love is the only thing we know of
Instant happiness is what we think of
So everybody fits in a frame”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Letter 19

“I often say, sex speaks to the immediate (need for instant gratification—finite pleasure), but sensuality speaks to the ultimate (need for limitless pleasure).”
Lebo Grand

Corey Taylor
“The selfishness makes for a million "butts and farts" running around, convinced they'll never be happy unless they get precisely what they want. I don't know whether it's what personal freedom persuades us to think we need or it's just because, with so many things around us so readily available, like information and technology, we have developed an addition to instant gratification. Either way, we're all a bunch of spoiled brats wandering th galactic pebble, yelling and arguing when we don't get what we want.
Corey Taylor, You're Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left

“Most people give up on their dreams, goals, plans, give up in what they are doing, because they want instant gratification. Most people are in trouble, stressed, depressed, and have done wrong things or chosen bad life or path because of instant gratification. People don’t believe in hard work anymore and don’t have patience. Social media has made people believe you can have it all instantly which mostly is not true. Don’t too hard on yourself. I hope you don’t end up losing your way or give up on yourself or on what you are doing, because things are not happen right away. Sometimes good things take time. Sometimes the longer you wait the better the outcome or the results.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Kyle St Germain
“As the days began to feel like they were all bleeding into one another, the lines separating them becoming but a blurred gradient resembling lines not at all, with the world continuing to spin regardless of mortal toil, the tectonic plates shifting beneath our feet, and people growing everywhere around, for him, at least one thing remained constant: the aromatic scent of coffee tinging the air, kissing his nostrils. Some say that no true satisfaction could be found in instant gratification. Danny begged to differ as he moved to pour his first cup. Coffee, our way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self.
Sipping the hot bean water, he felt ready~”
Kyle St Germain, Dysfunction

“Instant success is the shortcut to the graveyard.”
Luckson T Mabade

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