Things That Matter In Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "things-that-matter-in-life" Showing 1-30 of 42
Todd Perelmuter
“Being materially wealthy but spiritually poor is not worth anything.
It’s much better to be happy than rich. Many rich people commit suicide. What good was their wealth? I wish both riches and joy for you, but giving up your joy in exchange for wealth is not worth it. Luckily you don’t have to give up your wealth to obtain joy and you don’t have to give up your joy to obtain wealth. You simply need to reconnect with the vibrant energy in and all around you. He who is happiest is the richest person in the world. Our culture is so obsessed with materiality, but I promise you, we’re focused on the wrong thing. All the matter in the universe only makes up 4% of all the stuff in the universe. Energy is what really matters and it’s what we’re really made of. Without it you’re just a decaying lump of skin and bones.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“A lot of people in our modern materialistic world think that success equals happiness.That if they just get this position, or this raise, or this bonus, they'll be happy. But, personal experience as well as scientific studies have shown that once people's basic needs are met, more money, more success, and bigger titles do not make us happier.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“We get attached to certain people and forms and things and situations. The truth is, nothing lasts. Things will always change. There is nothing we forget more than this.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“We all know that feeling of wanting something so bad and then finally getting it. You feel this rush of dopamine, and then very soon after you crash and you need something else to give you that hit of dopamine. This is the vicious cycle that emerges from the empty promise of capitalism – that happiness comes from acquiring material possessions.

The Native Americans have one of the most beautiful concepts in the world. They have 10,000 different languages and all these tribes and none of them have a word for ownership or possession. They know that they are just temporary stewards of the earth; no one can truly own anything.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Every single thing we do stems from the quality of our mind. Our lives are reflections of our state of mind. Minds can be chaotic and stressful, or peaceful and grateful. It’s a simple choice we make in every single moment.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“When you see others, see their light. See their energizing, animating energy. You can do this. See what it is that makes this person different than if you were looking at their lifeless corps. See your inner light in them.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Understanding impermanence is about enjoying the good times while they're here, but knowing they won't last. Then when the bad times come, we’re OK too because we know they won't last either and good times are always just around the corner.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Movies always have a beginning and end. But in any movie you see, something always happened before the movie began. We just don't see it. And so we fall for this illusion that things have this beginning and end.

For a long time, physics believed that there was a beginning to the universe, and only now they're beginning to say there might have been something before the Big Bang. But from a spiritual perspective, of course there was no beginning. Beginnings and endings are merely illusions.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Things only look chaotic up close. If you take a step back, you’ll see everything is in perfect balance just as it should be.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Do you think there are smartphones in the afterlife? Because if not, lots of people are going to be very miserable in heaven.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“We can choose our beliefs. We can choose to believe in ourselves. We can choose to believe in any higher power or powers we want. We can choose to believe it will all work out. We just have to believe that we can believe.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“It’s important to learn to quiet the mind since all the best ideas seem to come out of nowhere.

All the great minds working on big problems have all spoken about how creative discoveries always come during breaks and rests from thinking and seemingly from someplace other than themselves, like a bolt of lightning or a seed being planted in their brain.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Who are you? The personality you've constructed, and that other people have told you you are? Your name, your class, your religion? A sexuality or gender or nationality? This physical body is your house, you are the inhabitant, but the true you can only be the life force energy, the conscious awareness, the non-physical.

When we focus on these lables and identify with a temporary experience, we don’t see our true selves. We see people as labels instead of infinite beings of potential. That then allows for dehumanizing each other.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Instead of avoiding pain and uncomfortable feelings, sit with them. The fear of negative feelings is always worse than the feelings themselves.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

“Sometimes, you may take a step backwards only to realize that a step forward could have been the best choice. Sometimes, you may take a step forward only to notice that a step backwards could have been better; and sometimes, you may only come to a later understanding that stepping aside could have been a great choice, but in all, before you take a step, ponder! The footprint of whatever step is what matter and it must be distinctive”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Don't search for perfection in all aspects of your life. Some things bloom better in their mediocrity”
Zaishah, Fragrance Of A Dead Rose: A Reminder of Hope

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Never compromise the things that’ll matter most to you one day because you feel the urge to satisfy yourself today.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

Frank  Sonnenberg
“If you don’t pay attention to things that matter, you’ll ultimately pay the price.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others

Christina Baker Kline
“The things that matter stay with you, seep into your skin”
Christina Baker Kline, Orphan Train

“Make things happen, Don't let things happen to you.”
Syed Sharukh

“Research makes you discover a lot of things and all must draw you closer to God.”
kingsley Ofosu-Ampong

“There is no such thing as a thing.”
Arif Naseem

“The only value that truly matters is the one you give yourself. - The Mother of All Values”
Lamine Pearlheart, Awakening

“Five major things to protect at any cost include our very life, health, relationships, properties, and freedom. If it is God-given then it should be protected.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“When People, Places, and or Things in Life Gives You Shit, Use It As Fertilizer For Your Garden ”
Constance Delores Burrellrrell

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