Loving Someone Quotes
Quotes tagged as "loving-someone"
Showing 1-30 of 161

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
― The Secret of Staying in Love
― The Secret of Staying in Love

“They say a good love is one that sits you down, gives you a drink of water, and pats you on top of the head. But I say a good love is one that casts you into the wind, sets you ablaze, makes you burn through the skies and ignite the night like a phoenix; the kind that cuts you loose like a wildfire and you can't stop running simply because you keep on burning everything that you touch! I say that's a good love; one that burns and flies, and you run with it!”

“Ô, Wanderess, Wanderess
When did you feel your
most euphoric kiss?
Was I the source
of your greatest bliss?”
When did you feel your
most euphoric kiss?
Was I the source
of your greatest bliss?”

“There are better people in the world, do not let the worst do the worst to you, you deserve the best in life.”

“You know when you think you know someone? More than anyone in the world? You know you know them, because you've seen them, like, for real. And then you reach out, and suddenly they are just... gone. You though you belonged together. You thought they were yours, but they're not. You want to protect them, but you can't.”
― Love Letters to the Dead
― Love Letters to the Dead

“If you don't love yourself, you won't be happy with yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. You can't give the love you do not have. You can't make anyone love you without loving yourself first.”

“Loving someone can be hard at times. You risk a lot when you love - your heart and soul, at the least. Love is the most important and most rewarding investment you can make in another person.”
― A Secret of the Heart
― A Secret of the Heart

“Even when it seems that there is no one else, always remember there's one person who never ceased to love you - yourself.”

“But I know your blood doesn't define you. What defines you is the choices you make. If I've learned anything this year, it's that. And I also know that loving someone--even when it's scary, even when there are consequences--is never the wrong thing to do. Loving someone is the opposite of hurting her.”
― Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
― Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

“Perhaps we never stop loving someone. We just learn to move forward. To live without them because of them. Perhaps we let go to hold on.”
― Dearest Josephine
― Dearest Josephine

“It's so easy to love someone at their best; to be happy when everything is going right. The true test is loving them and understanding them at their worst; because that's when they need you most. If they can't love you through the bad times, they don't deserve you through the good ones.”
― Astounding Facts About Complicated Cats
― Astounding Facts About Complicated Cats

“I need a day with you, then another. I need an infinite amount of last days with you because none of them, no matter what we do, will be good enough to encapsulate how much I love you.”
― Dearest Josephine
― Dearest Josephine

“This little pumpkin pie,
beauty she personify,
had my heart beat like the wings on a dragonfly I won't deny —
The girl was breathtaking! Had me bob my head against a wall like I'm praying.”
― Letter 19
The girl was breathtaking! Had me bob my head against a wall like I'm praying.”
― Letter 19

“Loving someone is like getting addicted to alcohol; you don’t start consuming it because you want to, but because you need to. Once you begin, it’s tough to stop, and by the time you stop, you aren’t the same as before.”
― Blanks & Blues
― Blanks & Blues
“But, you know, if you choose to be with someone you should feel good with them, otherwise it doesn't make sense... How do you say in Italian? "Love's no fun without a good fight"? Don't believe it, love is no fun when it's no good! C'est facile!”
― Per sempre
― Per sempre

“If it's love it will exist without expectation.
If it exists only by fulfilling the expectations, never mind, its not love, but an assumption”
― My Quest For Happy Life
If it exists only by fulfilling the expectations, never mind, its not love, but an assumption”
― My Quest For Happy Life

“I loved you too early, and you loved me too late. If only our hearts had met in the middle, we might have found a perfect place.”
― Echoes of a Silent Heart: A Poetry Collection
― Echoes of a Silent Heart: A Poetry Collection

“He thought that she looked like Winter; meaning both the girl he had once known and the season. He had always believed that winter's beauty deepened further into the season, when the memory of fall and the promise of spring were stripped away and there was nothing to do but accept the day-in, day-out reality of what winter entailed. This was what he thought when he looked at her: that the embattled woman before him was a wonder to behold, and, as much as he wished he might have spared her the pain of the last eleven years, it contributed to her spellbinding presence.”
― Many Savage Moons
― Many Savage Moons
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