Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Quotes

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Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare
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Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Quotes Showing 1-30 of 135
“You are the flame that cannot be put out. You are the star that cannot be lost. You are who you always have been, and that is enough and more than enough. Anyone who looks at you and sees darkness is blind.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“We all change the world, with every day of living in it," Magnus said. "You just have to decide HOW you want to change the world.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“I think sometimes it's too hard to believe in yourself. You just do the things you're not sure you can do. You just act, in spite of not being certain. I don't believe I can change the world--it sounds stupid to even talk about it--but I'm going to try.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“I love you. I love you without the memories. I love you right now."
Isabelle said in a calm voice, "I know."
Simon stared at her. "Was that...," he said slowly. "Was that a Star Wars reference? Because if it was, I would like to declare my love all over again.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“We are all our past have made us. The accumulation of thousands of daily choices. We can change ourselves, but never erase what we've been. Forgetting those choices doesn't unmake them.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“But I know your blood doesn't define you. What defines you is the choices you make. If I've learned anything this year, it's that. And I also know that loving someone--even when it's scary, even when there are consequences--is never the wrong thing to do. Loving someone is the opposite of hurting her.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Pulvis et umbra sumus," said James once, out loud in class, after hearing too many whispers. "My father says that sometimes. We are but dust and shadows. Maybe I'm just -getting a head start on all of you.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Little James Herondale, age two, was in fact holding a dagger quite well. He stabbed it into a sofa cushion, sending out a burst of feathers.
"Ducks," he said, pointing at the feathers.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“But what about Isabelle?" Simon asked. "What do I do?"
"I have no idea," said Jace.
"So you just came here to torture me and talk about yourself?" Simon demanded.
"Oh, Simon, Simon, Simon," said Jace. "You may not remember, but that's kind of our thing.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“It’s hard to believe how much light you can find in the darkness, when you have someone who loves you.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Mundanes can be heroes too," said James. "You should know that better than I. Your mother was a mundane! My father told me about all she did before she Ascended. Everyone here knows people who were mundanes. Why should we isolate people who are brave enough to try to become like us -who want to help people? Why should we treat them as if they're less than us, until they prove their worthiness or die? I won't do it.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Ah, there you are," said Scarsbury. "George Lovelace was beside himself. He wanted to assemble a search party for you." Simon regretted his spiteful thoughts about George's horsemanship. "Let me guess," said Simon. "Everyone else said 'Nah, being left for dead builds character.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“In books and movies, people were either whisked away to a magical land in the clothes they were standing up in, or they glossed over the packing part entirely. Simon now felt he had been robbed of critical information by the media. Should he be putting the kitchen knives in his bag? Should he bring the toaster and rig it up as a weapon?”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Simon opened the door and was not surprised to find Jace standing outside of it.
“Here,” Simon said, handing him the letter.
“Took you long enough,” Jace said.
“Now we’re even,” said Simon. “Go party in the Herondale house with your weird family.”
“I plan to,” said Jace, and smiled a sudden, strangely endearing smile. He had a chipped tooth. The smile made him seem like he was Simon’s age, and maybe they were friends after all. “Good night, Wiggles.”
“Yes, Wiggles. Your nickname? It’s what you always made us call you. I almost forgot your name was Simon, I’m so used to calling you Wiggles.”
Wiggles? What does that . . . even mean?”
“You would never explain,” Jace said with a shrug. “It was the big mystery about you. As I said, good night, Wiggles. I’ll take care of this.”
He held up the letter and used it to make a salute.
Simon shut the door. He knew most people on the hall had probably done everything they could to make sure they heard that exchange. He knew that in the morning he would be called Wiggles and there was nothing he would ever be able to do about it.
But it was a small price to pay to get a letter to Isabelle.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Sometimes people get taken away from you whether you want it or not. And sometimes that hurts so much, it might be easier to forget.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“I love you unconditionally,' his mom had said, once or twice, when he was younger. 'That's how parents love. I love you no matter what.' People said thing like that, without thinking of potential nightmare scenarios or horrific conditions, the whole changing and love slipping away. None of them ever dreamed love would be tested, and fail.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“People are afraid of anybody who is different: It makes them worry everyone else is different too, and just pretending to be all the same.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Love, real love, is being seen. Being known. Knowing the ugliest part of someone, and loving them anyway”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
tags: love
“Izzy -I don't know why you'd wait for me, but if you do, I promise to make myself worth that wait. Or I'll try. I can promise I am going to try.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Sed lex, dura lex," said Balogh. The latin phrase had been hammered into them from the first day of the Academy, and Simon was comming to hate the sound of it -so often was it used as an excuse for acting like monsters.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero, in fact, until the morning light. And she's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon - because I have been kidnapped by evil faeries - and she's gotta be larger than life”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Why should we isolate people who are brave enough to try to become like us--who want to help people? Why should we treat them as if they're less than us, until they prove their worthiness or die? I won't do it.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“James wanted friends, but he had not wanted to be the kind of friend who people settled for, because they could not get any better. Except he was, as he had always secretly feared, tedious and poor company. He did not know why books had not taught him how to talk so other people wanted to listen.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Life at the Shadowunter Academy was lacking in a lot of things Simon once belived he couldn't live without: computers, music, comic books, indoor plumbing. Over the past couple of months, he'd gotten mostly used to doing without, but there was one glaring absence he still couldn't wrap his head around. Shadowhunter Academy had no nerds.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“I have just come from the East End,” he said. “Something about the stories disturbed me, for more than the obvious reasons. I went there to have a look about for myself. And what happened last night proves my theory. There have been many murders recently—all of women, women who . . .”
“Prostitutes,” Tessa said.
“Quite,” Gabriel said.
“Tessa has such an extensive vocabulary,” Will said. “It is one of the most attractive things about her. Shame about yours, Gabriel.”
“Will, listen to me.” Gabriel allowed himself a long sigh.
“Spoon!” James said, running at his uncle Gabriel and jabbing him in the thigh. Gabriel mussed the boy’s hair affectionately.
“You’re such a good boy,” he said. “I often wonder how you could possibly be Will’s.”
“Spoon,” James said, leaning against his uncle’s leg lovingly.
“No, Jamie,” Will urged. “Your honorable father has been impugned. Attack, attack!”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“The Academy days were half physical activity. It was like half the day was gym. Stabby, stabby gym.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Choosing what's right for you, maybe that's the bravest thing you can do.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“Loving someone doesn't mean you're never going to make mistakes," he said. "I.'ve made more than my share. I know that. And some of them I will never have the chance to make up for. But I'm trying my best with your brother. He knows how much I love him. How proud I am of him. I need you to know it too. You kids, you're the one thing I'm certain of, the one thing I'll always be certain of. Not the Clave. Not, unfortunately, my marriage. You. And if I have to, I'll spend the rest of my life trying to prove to you that you can be certain of me.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“He waved good-bye to all these people he barely knew, and somehow loved anyway, and he hoped they could not tell how relived he was to be going.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
“They shared a small moment of bizarre, companionable silence -they boy who'd forgotten everything about his history, and the boy who'd never known it.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

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