Moments Of Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moments-of-life" Showing 1-30 of 99
Hafsah Faizal
“There were moments before moments, in which the world was framed in startling clarity, a defined before hurtling toward a horrible after. Moments in which the powerful were powerless, in which promises became failings.
This was such a moment.”
Hafsah Faizal, We Free the Stars

Sébastien Japrisot
“You were born on a moving train.
And even though it feels like you're standing still,
time is sweeping past you, right where you sit.
But once in a while you look up,
and actually feel the inertia,
and watch as the present turns into a memory
—as if some future you is already looking back on it.

Dès Vu.

One day you’ll remember this moment,
and it’ll mean something very different.
Maybe you’ll cringe and laugh,
or brim with pride, aching to return.
or notice some detail hidden in the scene,
a future landmark making its first appearance
or discreetly taking its final bow.

So you try to sense it ahead of time, looking for clues,
as if you’re walking through the memory while it’s still happening,
feeling for all the world like a time traveler.

The world around you is secretly strange:
some details are charming and dated,
others precious and irretrievable,
but all fade into the quaint texture of the day.

You try to read the faces around you,
each fretting about the day’s concerns,
not yet realizing that this world is already out of their hands.
That it doesn’t have to be this way, it just sort of happened,
and everything will soon be completely different.

Because you really are a time traveler,
leaping into the future in little tentative steps.
Just a kid stuck in a strange land without a map,
With nothing to do but soak in the moment
and take one last look before moving on.

But another part of you is already an old man,
looking back on things.
Waiting at the door for his granddaughter,
who’s trying to make her way home for a visit.
You are two people still separated by an ocean of time,
Part of you bursting to talk about what you saw,
Part of you longing to tell you what it means.”
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Todd Perelmuter
“Every moment is a choice. The more we do the right thing even when it’s hard, the more we are creating the habit to face adversity when it comes into our lives head-on with grace and elegance and peace and calm. We are training our minds to embrace the difficulty so that whatever comes at us in our lives, we are prepared for it and it will not disrupt our inner peace because we've trained for this and we can overcome anything.”
Todd Perelmuter

“There are millions of incredible moments in a day. Even if you lose 1000's, there are 100's of them still left. Make them yours.”
Hiral Nagda

“वक़्त की शाख़ पर
टिका है वो लम्हा
आज भी जस का तस ।।”
Pushpindra Chagti Bhandari, Wo Lamha

“The simplicity or complexity does not matter; I simply dream of us ritualizing and thus being transformed and offering transformation.”
Amy F. Davis Abdallah, Meaning in the Moment: How Rituals Help Us Move through Joy, Pain, and Everything in Between

“Focus on the moments that make you smile. Focus on the people who make give your best. That's the only way to get the best out of life.”
Kelly Iyogun

“The moment she were here, I was able to see her, the moment she’s not here, I am able to feel her, she is air, present in every touch of it ! Mother ❤️”

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Alice Tyszka
“We only get a few
In this life
We must live and love
them well”
Alice Tyszka

“The thing which hurts you; actually shakes you. The thing which breaks you; actually makes you.”
Wrushank Sorte

Gayle Forman
“He is feeding Allyson, which is what Broodje does with people he loves. Willem sees that Allyson has received a fast pass to his best friend’s heart.”
Gayle Forman, Just One Night

Aiyaz Uddin
“Take a moment, enjoy a moment and be a moment”
Aiyaz Uddin

“It is too late only with the signature of death. With this clarity, the responsibility for satisfaction can arrive at any moment.”

“थोड़ी सी खुश मैं हूं मैं, थोड़ा डर भी है
लम्होन से भरा सफर भी है
उलझन में हूं; जो देख रही हूं वो पहले देखा नहीं.
जो भी है, नया सा है; यह महसूस कभी किया नहीं
खुश तो हूं पर गम की हमें फिकर भी है”
- ऋधि (Ridhi)

“Life is made up of many moments. When you repeatedly botch those moments, eventually there is a price to pay”
Aegelis, Psycho Author: A dark comedy...or is it?

“A single present moment, when embraced with unwavering attentiveness, holds within it the essence of years. For in the depths of mindful observation, time expands, revealing the richness and profundity that can be found within a fleeting instant.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

Abhijit Naskar
“59. What is memory?
Memory is the fabric of time.
60. What is time?
Time is the meaning behind moments.
(from 100 Questions of Life)”
Abhijit Naskar, Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science

Sophfronia Scott
“I don't easily give up these moments of grace and joy. At fifty-one, I've experienced enough to know that when tragedy strikes, these moments evaporate with breathtaking speed in the bitter cold of loss, and I'm left grasping for them, my wounded spirit parched.”
Sophfronia Scott, On Being 40

Renee Carlino
“You can’t re-create the first time you promise to love someone or the
first time you feel loved by another. You cannot relive the sensation of fear,
admiration, self-consciousness, passion, and desire all mixed into one
because it never happens twice. You chase it like the first high for the rest
of your life. It doesn’t mean you can’t love another or move on; it just
means that the one spontaneous moment, the split second that you took
the leap, when your heart was racing and your mind was muddled withWhat ifs?—that moment—will never happen the same way again. It will
never feel as intense as the first time. At least, that’s the way I remember it.
That’s why my mother always said we memorialize our past. Everything
seems better in a memory.”
Renee Carlino, Before We Were Strangers

“The currency of life is not wealth but moments; spend them wisely.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Udayakumar D.S.
“Moments that make and moments that break. Eventually, the destructive ones tend to sum up our lives”
Udayakumar D.S., FT Legacy 1: Who is Frank Twine?

George Mann
“My last mission ended with me drifting for a hundred years in a warp storm.’
‘Well, we all have our moments.”
George Mann, Awakenings

Penelope Przekop
“Life is about creation, not destruction, and not management. Everything is created, including memories. The good news is that you'll have the opportunity to decide which moments you'd like to keep and which you'd like to recast.”
Penelope Przekop, Dust

“A moment is eternity in gratitude captured by the grace of one who recognizes the beauty in it.”
Sharky Rich

Sarah J. Maas
“a promise was law, a promise was currency, a promise was your bond.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

“Think about your smallest happiness and endure your miserable moments because happiness comes along every once in awhile.”
Zinny Ekechukwu

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