Racist Quotes

Quotes tagged as "racist" Showing 1-30 of 119
Patricia Briggs
“Stefan: "Indian with a dot, not a feather.”
Patricia Briggs, Bone Crossed

Ijeoma Oluo
“Note: ‘people like you’ is a good warning that a conversation is about to head into pretty racist territory.”
Ijeoma Oluo, So You Want to Talk About Race

Stefan Molyneux
“Excessive praise arises from the same bigotry matrix as excessive criticism.”
Stefan Molyneux

Jack London
“I am first of all a white man, and only then a socialist.”
Jack London

Edgar Rice Burroughs
“[The little black boy] had seen Tarzan bring down a buck, just as Numa, the lion, might have done... Tibo had shuddered at the sight, but he had thrilled, too, and for the first time there entered his dull, Negroid mind a vague desire to emulate his savage foster parent. But Tibo, the little black boy, lacked the divine spark which had permitted Tarzan, the white boy, to benefit by his training in the ways of the fierce jungle. In imagination he was wanting, and imagination is but another name for super-intelligence.

Imagination it is which builds bridges, and cities, and empires. The beasts know it not, the blacks only a little, while to one in a hundred thousand of earth's dominant race it is given as a gift from heaven that man may not perish from the earth.”
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jungle Tales of Tarzan
tags: racist

“All of both (Native American) sexes go about naked…They (women) have another custom, very shameful
and beyond all human belief. For their women, being very lustful, cause the private parts
of their husbands to swell up to such a huge size that they appear deformed…They (men)
marry as many wives as they please; and son cohabits with mother, male cousin with
female, and any man with the first woman he meets. They dissolve their marriages as
often as they please…The women as I have said go about naked and are very libidinous,
yet they have tolerably beautiful bodies and cleanly…When they had the opportunity of
copulating with Christians, urged by excessive lust, they defiled and prostituted
Amerigo Vespucci

H.L. Mencken
“How far the gentlemen of dark complexion will get with their independence, now that they have declared it, I don’t know. There are serious difficulties in their way. The vast majority of people of their race are but two or three inches removed from gorillas: it will be a sheer impossibility, for a long, long while, to interest them in anything above pork-chops and bootleg gin.”
H.L. Mencken

John Howard Griffin
“Eventually, some black thinkers believe, this "separation" may be the shortest route to an authentic communication at some future date when blacks and whites can enter into encounters in which they truly speak as equals and in which the white man will no longer load every phrase with unconscious suggestions that he has something to "concede" to black men or that he wants to help black men "overcome" their blackness.”
John Howard Griffin, Black Like Me

Katrina Kwan
“Like, where's he really from?"
Eden crumples the napkin in her fist, her skin prickling. "Excuse me?"
"Oh, you know what I mean. Is he Korean or Japanese?"
A flicker of annoyance makes Eden work her jaw. "What's it matter?"
"He just looks so much like that guy from that K-pop group." She snaps her fingers, straining her two brain cells for a name. "Taehung? Or Mingyu? I guess it would be alright if he's Chinese, too, but..."
"You need to piss off," Eden snaps, slowly rising from her seat. "Right now."
"What's your problem?"
"Look, I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt here and say that you're clearly too sauced to be thinking straight, but what you're saying is... Yeah, just ew."
"I just want to know more about him."
"Then how about asking for his name first?"
"You're making this weird."
"You handled that all on your own when you asked where he was really from.”
Katrina Kwan, Knives, Seasoning, & A Dash of Love

Colleen Hoover
“What’s your favorite food?”

“Pad Thai,” he says. “Yours?”

“Sushi. They’re almost the same thing.”

“Not even close,” he says.

“They’re both Asian food.”
Colleen Hoover, November 9

Steven Magee
“USA white supremacists do not seem to realize they are probably of mixed race.”
Steven Magee

“Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz tweeted, "@TuckerCarlson is CORRECT about Replacement Theory as he explains what is happening to America. The ADL is a racist organization.”
Chadwick Moore, Tucker

Patricia Roberts-Miller
“Someone telling you that you've done something racist can be an act of respect and kindness. In a culture as racist as ours, and given the long history of racism, it's impossible not to say or do something racist from time to time. Someone pointing out our racism gives us a chance to do something useful about that culture and history.”
Patricia Roberts-Miller, Speaking of Race: How to Have Antiracist Conversations That Bring Us Together

Abhijit Naskar
“The problem is not that you see color, the problem is that you assume character from color.”
Abhijit Naskar, Karadeniz Chronicle: The Novel

Olawale Daniel
“To curb the ongoing racism against the black community, we all need to imagine "White Lives Matter" becoming a global trend where the blacks (mostly of African history) are ripping off the whites for no good reasons but racism. We are humans, we should treat ourselves like one.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“White supremacists should imagine if the reverse was the case. You hate black people but came to their land, distorted their development, culture, way of life, took their resources, and carted millions of them to work for you in Europe as your slaves. And yet, you still hating on them because they are still surviving.

What would the plot twist look like?”
Olawale Daniel

Steven Magee
“The scumbag is where he belongs.”
Steven Magee

“Sharks, vampires and racists are conditioned to blood: for them, blood is the only source of life!

-To be tried as a Jew-”
Jeyhun Aliyev Silo

“Criticizing is a method of analyzing those exist. It is done by democrats.
Those does not exist cannot be criticized, because state of nonexistence cannot be judged. Any clear-headed person respects this principle.
It is only fascism that judges those which it pretends that exist, but in fact does not exist.

-To be tried as a Jew-”
Jeyhun Aliyev Silo

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“A racist has nothing else to offer the world except division.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Dan Desmarques
“Racist is a very strange phenomenon that requires more investigation and exposure, because as it is today, seen as politically incorrect, is basically just making people hide their thoughts while continuing to defend them. Three of the most interesting aspects related to racism that I have found correlate to intelligence, spiritual vibration, and eyesight. I say intelligence because a lot of people are really too stupid and don't know what it means having their genes altered through many generations of marriages between communities and tribes, long before there was the concept of country and nationality. Besides, many borders have changed over the centuries as the result of political agreements. As for what concerns the vibration of fear, it does seek for external validation, which is why the most paranoid tend to be the most racist. Their obsession with survival makes them seek for a group of people to blame. This is quite obvious in nations where locals hate immigrants but will go to other nations for better salaries. Then there is eyesight, which is surely associated with how the mind operates. Because for many people I look like a local citizen, while for many others I belong nowhere and they can't associate me with any country. Consequently, it is impossible to look at the topic of racism without looking at what it says about the spiritual level of someone. I have never seen racism among cats or dogs of different colors, so what makes humans inferior to animals is puzzling, especially when the most inferior among us think that this anomaly in their thinking makes them superior. That would be like a psychopath, unable to empathize with anyone, to believe he is superior to other humans, which actually is the case. Are racists then mentally ill? Quite certainly! Is xenophobia a mental illness? Most likely! We should look at both mental conditions in the same way we look at depression and anxiety, as self-destructive states.”
Dan Desmarques

Abhijit Naskar
“Between humans, nonsense like color,
creed, orientation do not matter.
It's only the animals that prioritize
divisive tradition over character.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

“Often, the performative ally professes allegiance in order to distance themselves from potential scrutiny.”
Carmen Morris

“Performative allyship does not engage on a complex level. It consists of low level, often ill-informed rhetorical statements that are usually obvious to Black and Brown employees and real allies, of the anti racist, racially inclusive agenda. It lacks genuine concern and does little to acknowledge the very behaviours that support structural and process driven racism.”
Carmen Morris

“Anti-Racism is Not a Performance Game”
Carmen Morris

Marc Levy
“En gång i världen var USA det förlovade landet i världen för invandrare som vi. Vi har slitit som djur av tvång och av tacksamhet, och se hur de behandlar oss nu! Utlänningar blir behandlade som kriminella, om det ska vara vår tids Amerika åker jag hellre tillbaka till Indien.”
Marc Levy

“Romans 12:8-21

Whether people know or see that you are racist or not. You know. Do the right thing and get rid of that evil heart and mind. Racism is not generic, but it is being taught. Most people who are racist are being groomed by bad parents to be racist. If being racist is a good thing, why are you publicly hiding that you are racist. You can comfort yourself by telling lies and believing lies you telling each other. Truth is you are not as good as you think you are if you are racist. You are not good person at”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Timothy Egan
“There are millions who have never joined, but who think and feel and, when called on, will fight with us," Evans wrote. "This is our real strength, and no one who ignores it can hope to understand America today.”
Timothy Egan, A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan's Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them

“There is a danger of becoming a racist when you argue with racists.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“Skin of a fascist, blood of a racist. Those who can't practice racism openly practice fascism. There is no law that prevents one from being a fascist, they say it is a part of their nature.”
Mecha Constantine

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