Relationships Quotes

Quotes tagged as "relationships" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 13,586
Mitta Xinindlu
“The purest gift is someone who wants to give you comfort for nothing in return.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Look at love!
Look at how love has danced
to merge two souls who were once
scattered and shattered
into pieces and ashes.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Ali Hazelwood
“There's something disarmingly, devastatingly self-confident about Jack. About the way he laid out all these facts without hesitating, as though owning his feelings is first and second nature. I study the glint of the lamp hitting his golden hair and wonder why this man would even bother thinking of me. He's figured out my entire game. I came to him empty-handed.”
Ali Hazelwood, Love, Theoretically

Olivie Blake
“Libby had known that about Ezra, the way he tended to want to save her from her anxieties instead of simply listening when she spoke. He wanted her to want to be rescued, and she had thought the occasional decision to indulge him was just something people did in relationships. Male ego or whatever. Things good girlfriends did in order to keep the peace.”
Olivie Blake, The Atlas Paradox

Mitta Xinindlu
“Choose a trusted person from whom you find your comfort. There is a direct relationship between trusted comfort and peace of mind.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Christine Grillo
“The most intimate relationship of my life would be my relationship with me--which was wildly unappealing. This is why people believe in gods, so we can have intimate relationships with them instead of ourselves.”
Christine Grillo, Hestia Strikes a Match

Christine Grillo
“Sooner or later you realize that dating is performative. You have to perform how interesting you are. Perform how kind you are. Perform what an emotional grown-up you are. And then--it gets worse. Because when your performances get his attention, well, then you've got his attention, and do you actually want all that attention? It's exhausting.”
Christine Grillo, Hestia Strikes a Match

“Ego is the worst enemy of relationships.”
Garima Soni - words world

“I, inside you! ( Part 1 )

It was quite and still,
Though she lay beside me,
The room did with a sense of coziness fill,
As I looked at her and she looked at me,
Even the winking of the eyes had ceased,
For it disturbed the rhyme of our feelings,
Love in our life had doubtlessly increased,
Inspite of times passing moments and their wanton stealings,
So, she did not wink and neither did I,
We lay there still, covered in the morning light,
I was glad that finally I could say, it was I who she loved, just I,
Not winking, hearts throbbing, in that embrace tight,
The warm sunbeams pierced through the curtain,
And lit the corners and walls of the room,
It was love, it was eternity, it was everything, it was romantic, of it I was now certain,
And then like a bright Summer rose her body and her feelings over mine did bloom,
I did not want to wink anymore,
Because I did not want to miss her beauty even for a split second,
She loved me, I loved her, she kissed me, I kissed her just like always and before,
She was silent, she was passionate, she was a beautiful woman in love with nothing to pretend,
And with every new beam of light invading the room,
She held me tighter and drew me closer,
It felt like Summer beauty was the bride and I was its sole groom,
And how loved I felt being with her,
Almost like the Autumn mist that spreads itself around everything,
She grew over me,
Till in this state of eternal everything I felt like nothing,
And it did not matter as long as she was kissing me,
Time was waiting at the door,
The destiny was knocking on the sunshine kissed walls,
Cupid was busy shooting arrows of absolute amour,
But now we were nowhere, because like the sunshine we hung everywhere in the room made of love walls,”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“I, inside you! ( Part 2 )

................So time waited at the door and the destiny knocked too,
But the ones they had been sent for had become something else,
So time asked destiny,” if still it could do what it was meant to do?”
And it replied, “Only if they wink I can fulfil your wish. Until then there is nothing else I can do, nothing else!”
But for her kiss, for her embrace, for the rhythm of her heart beats, I never winked my eyes,
Even though many sunshines had passed and the walls had witnessed million moonlights,
The time waits there, the destiny is tired too, to be the joy of the Cupid who lives in the skies,
And had granted us the dreams made of lights,
So, there was no need to wink,
There was no need to wake up,
And time that steals moments whenever lovers blink,
Had become the Destiny’s Atlas, bearing our yoke, because we had poured ourselves into the depths of love cup,
Where time disappeared and never found its end,
There, there in the depths of the love cup, I love my darling Irma forever,
And for her smiles, her kisses, I had compelled the destiny to bend,
Because fate too favours the destiny of the wish, of a true lover,
And in the room of love walls, we lie submersed in the love cup,
She and I caught in the eternal embrace,
Where time waits, destiny waits too, and we neither wink nor look up,
Because I am caught in the moment of her eternal grace,
Her beauty, her heart beat and her face,
And I want to be in this place just with her,
Away from the disturbances of time, worries of destiny, just with her and her beautiful face,
Where she belongs to me and I belong to her,
So, let the time wait till the end of everything,
Then when time does not exist destiny would cease to be,
Then Irma, we shall arise from the state of nothing,
And the universe shall be just you, and me,
With no curtains, no walls, no time, no destiny,
Your heart beats, your beautiful face and our eternal embrace,
Then maybe we shall be the darlings of divinity,
Because in the wide and infinitely empty space, it shall be left with no choice, but to feed your grace,
Then as a lover I shall be truly jovial,
Because now, Irma, everything would lie at your feet,
Destiny, time, eternity, and that instinct original and primeval,
Where only you and I shall be destined to meet!
With the cup of love always full,
Of your beauty, your feelings, your smiles, and you,
Then I shall dive into it and let it cover me full,
And disappear forever somewhere inside you, only you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Mitta Xinindlu
“The arms of a trusted and safe person are the best gift for the full development of any person.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Not everyone who offers you some comfort is to be trusted.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Guy Mankowski
“I didn't appreciate at that age the different way women loved, using their bodies and their heart and their spirit and their soul. I didn't appreciate that they felt a part of someone when they were in love with them. I promised myself I would never tell a woman I loved them unless I simply couldn't bear not to. I told myself that relationships were not a game, no matter how much everyone wants you to join in.”
Guy Mankowski, "Dead Rock Stars"

“What if boundaries and boarders are actually the only way people can love each other equally and freely.
What if, without those boundaries, love becomes an act of humanitarian aid.”
CJ Hauser

“Sometimes the best reward for the love you give to someone is their hatred for you.”
Garima Soni - words world

Terri Cole
“You will never win with a Boundary Destroyer. Even if you have the best bullet-pointed argument in the world, the Boundary Destroyer is not going to acknowledge your truth. Convincing them of your perspective is a thankless, energy-zapping task... Just as it's pointless to win with a Boundary Destroyer, it's also a waste of your precious time and energy to convince people to see your point of view. Those who know the real you won't for a second doubt you or your intentions. Others may take the Boundary Destroyer's side, but you have to let go of caring what others think.”
Terri Cole, Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free

“Memories of love

She is the flower that blooms in every season,
For me she is the logic and my life’s every reason,
To serenade her for her beautiful ways,
During the cold Winter nights and during the warm Summer days,

When I lie vacant in my mind,
There is nothing to ponder on and nothing new to find,
And no thoughts pass by and everything seems unopposable,
I think of you, your beautiful face and your ways loveable,

Then something within me dies, something deep inside,
Maybe it is the sense of time, sense of existence that no more is willing to reside,
In this trepidation which brings grief,
To be a languid moment on the fringes of life with no relief,

And as this dead part of me buries itself within me,
Under the aegis of your sweet memories I now live and see,
Whatever life has to offer in its cyclic inventions of fate,
While I live, moving like the needles of the clock, and ah the endless wait,

So I reside in the hegemony of chance,
And in my memories we forever romance,
Which rise from the my half that is still alive,
Still hopeful, still in love, still romantic, and that is where you and your memories thrive,

They are the reason and that subtle force that makes my heart beat,
That alive part of my heart where every heart throb only your name does repeat,
And as I slide into the corner of my room,
I let your memories and smiles on the walls, on the floor, over the windows to bloom,

And I stare at this permanent Summer bliss,
And these beautiful sights grow over me like a permanent kiss,
Where I breathe you and you breathe me,
And in the flowers hanging on the walls, sprouting from the floor, growing on the windows, your wonder I see,

Then I spread the blanket of your memories,
And I sleep with your smiles, with your kisses, and my silent mind unto the land of love ferries,
Time may have neutralised my mind,
But it has failed to prevent me from my heart’s desire to find,

You in everything, in the skies, in the stars in the light and in the dark,
And ah its pain, for from memories it has failed to remove any mark,
For time that is the unruly mercenary of fate,
Killed a part of me and thought now it is my final and insensate state,

And as it galloped to erase my memories too,
My dying heart beat said, “Irma I love you!”
And the horse of time stumbled and fell,
How, why maybe nobody can tell,

And thus I ceased my moment and ran away with your memories,
And now the chariot of time me and you together carries,
Ahead of the time that chases me still and maybe forever,
But it's fall granted me a lead of few moments newer,

And when I tread on the highway of time,
You and I my love, are always ahead of the weary horse of Worldly time,
So let me spread the blanket of memories and let me sleep now,
For I have to be with you, in the land where it is always now,

And for the weary moments of worldly time let the circle around the walls of my room,
Never to know that lovers live in a zone where it is a permanent summer, in its everlasting beauty’s bloom!
The horse of time is worn out but my memories are as fresh as today,
And my love Irma, it shall be so everyday!”
Javid Ahmad Tak

“Memories of love

She is the flower that blooms in every season,
For me she is the logic and my life’s every reason,
To serenade her for her beautiful ways,
During the cold Winter nights and during the warm Summer days,

When I lie vacant in my mind,
There is nothing to ponder on and nothing new to find,
And no thoughts pass by and everything seems unopposable,
I think of you, your beautiful face and your ways loveable,

Then something within me dies, something deep inside,
Maybe it is the sense of time, sense of existence that no more is willing to reside,
In this trepidation which brings grief,
To be a languid moment cast on the fringes of life with no relief,

And as this dead part of me buries itself within me,
Under the aegis of your sweet memories I now live and see,
Whatever life has to offer in its cyclic inventions of fate,
While I live, moving like the needles of the clock, and ah the endless wait,

So I reside in the hegemony of chance,
Yet in my memories we forever romance,
Which arise from my half that is still alive,
Still hopeful, still in love, still romantic, and that is where you and your memories thrive,

They are the reason and that subtle force that makes my heart beat,
That alive part of my heart where every heart throb only your name does repeat,
And as I slide into the corner of my room,
I let your memories and smiles on the walls, on the floor, over the windows to bloom,

And I stare at this permanent Summer bliss,
And these beautiful sights grow over me like a permanent kiss,
Where I breathe you and you breathe me,
And in the flowers hanging on the walls, sprouting from the floor, growing on the windows, your true wonder I see,

Then I spread the blanket of your memories,
And I sleep with your smiles, your kisses, and my silent mind unto the land of love ferries,
Time may have neutralised my mind,
But it has failed to prevent me from my heart’s desire to find,

You in everything, in the skies, in the stars in the light and in the dark,
And ah its pain, for from memories it has failed to remove any mark,
For time that is the unruly mercenary of fate,
Killed a part of me and thought now it is my final and insensate state,

And as it galloped to erase my memories too,
My dying heart beat said, “Irma I love you!”
And the horse of time stumbled and fell,
How, why, maybe nobody can tell,

But I ceased my moment and ran away with your memories,
And now the chariot of time both of us carries,
Ahead of the time that chases me still and maybe forever,
But it's fall granted me a lead of few moments newer,

And when I tread on the highway of time,
You and I my love, are always ahead of the weary horse of Worldly time,
So let me spread the blanket of memories and let me sleep now,
For I have to be with you, in the land where it is always now,

And for the weary moments of worldly time let them circle around the walls of my room,
Never to know that lovers live in a zone where it is a permanent summer, in its everlasting beauty’s bloom!
The horse of time is worn out but my memories are as fresh as today,
And my love Irma, it shall be so everyday!”
Javid Ahmad Tak

Mitta Xinindlu
“Comfort is not love. But love can be comfort.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Agar zubaan hoti kasmo ki..
Toh tum batao kaha jaake muh chupaate?”

Ann Aguirre
“Clem had her own conflicted feelings about monogamy, but she did know one couldn't simply decide fidelity was for chumps without having a conversation with their partner first. If a relationship stopped meeting someone's needs, they should end it if a new normal couldn't be negotiated.”
Ann Aguirre, Boss Witch

“Clear misunderstandings before they permanently damage your relationships.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Our love

Many moments, many of them,
Sometimes I look at her and often at them,
Like these moments of time , everywhere she is,
Here she is, there she is, wherever I maybe there she is,
She lives in these moments of time,
Sometimes walking unto me like the memories of time,
No matter where I might be,
She always finds me via these moments of time, and that is how she wants it to be,
Her beauty lying seeded in moments of time,
Until she herself becomes an inseparable part of time,
Then she can anywhere be,
To be my endless joy, For I shall then only behold her wherever I might see,
And what a tragedy for the poor mirror it shall be,
Casting my reflection, but in the mirror too only her, just her I see,
Then what might become of life as it circles around her,
Because by now time too has come to love her,
Time is wherever she is,
And I am wherever she is,
Life waits longingly and for her time has no moments to spare,
It has lent all its moments to her, that for life it was meant to spare,
So her beauty grows and glows everyday,
As time renews her every atom of beauty everyday,
And as in this wonder of beauty she grows,
My mind in her fondness grows,
Today time has spent its entire reserve of moments,
Now it has nothing left, no seconds, no minutes, no hours, no days, and no moments,
So I hold her hand and bring her to the mirror,
And together we stand before this well glazed mirror,
And now it is the mirror, both of us in it, and time frozen forever,
We continue to live in the mirror but time and everything else have lost their virtues forever,
For when time gifted her spare moments, actually meant to renew life and its forms,
It created a parallel universe of time, where her beauty and my love are the only life’s forms,
And this is how it shall be my love,
To love and live in these moments filled with the memories of our love.”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Time traveller

He calls himself a time traveller,
He travels anywhere and anytime,
He is a very adept traveller,
Who knows how to bypass time,

We once met suddenly,
When the traveller was travelling the highway of life,
He was pacing very efficiently,
And that day I happened to be on the same highway of life,

As I was about to cross a junction,
He stopped there too,
And enquired if I knew how this highway of life did function?
“I may not know that better than you,”

Was my polite and slow answer,
“Ah haa, you appear to be a stranger on this highway,
Come let me introduce you to few tricks old and quite a few newer,
So, come let us go this way.”

Said the traveller as we both stepped on the highway,
And paced towards a destination of his choosing,
It was a beautiful experience anyway,
Though his few ways were very amusing,

Then we stopped at a far away corner,
And he pulled something from his bag,
He was smart but this thing seemed smarter,
He opened it and removed the safety tag,

Now he turned to me and said,
“Look at the sky, what do you see?”
And I without being reticent said,
“The sky, the Sun, that is all I see,”

Looking at me he replied, “I thought so, and here is the fact,
You see the sky and just the Sun,
But you miss the real act,
Time invested cannot be undone,

You see I am a time traveller and I travel with it,
Today on this highway, tomorrow on another,
But I never miss the destination even by a bit,
And as we were walking together,

I asked you what you see when you look at the sky,
You should have said, nothing, I have no time for it,
Because the Sun will be there, so will be the sky,
Being the time travellers we are not allowed to sit,

We have to keep on moving and always seeking,
Until we reach our destiny,
Now this for you is my lesson worth heeding,
If you are to find your final destiny,

So let the Sun be, let the stars shine, and let the sky spread its magical blue,
You keep travelling, moving, from one destination to another,
Then you shall be a time traveller too,
Like none other, like none other,

So we switched lanes on the highway,
He rode in a direction new,
And now I was a lone rider on my life’s highway,
Having realised what is known to just a few,

That to be the time traveller,
We should not wander but travel with a fixed aim,
Because a true traveller is like a true lover,
Who knows love and destiny are not a game,

So for the real time traveller, it is always one destiny and one love,
Though crossing many destinations is a part of it all,
But the passion for love and to love,
Supercedes the lure of destinations all!

Now I often see the time traveller on the highways that I cross,
We just bow our heads and move ahead,
Because we have a destination to cross,
To reach the final destiny of love, and in this pursuit we shall always stay ahead!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“In the naked reality!

In the nakedness of the reality,
She reflects in my mind’s imagination,
Sometimes she becomes a dream of endless beauty,
Where she is everything, even reality’s beautiful personification,

In the smile that slowly grows over my face,
She neutralizes every feeling of anxiety,
And how happily my heart beats pace,
In a feeling of love’s sobriety,

Then as I hold her hand,
In the midst of Summer flowers,
She assumes the form of beauty that grows in my land,
Land of reality, land of Irma’s dreams, Irma’s kisses, Irma’s beauty, the land of lovers,

We tread and walk for sometime,
In this naked moment of the reality,
Invaded by a feeling of joy sublime,
Because I walk with the most authentic form of beauty,

At night when the sky is shimmering with distant glowing dots,
We sit under a chestnut tree,
To experience our love and a feeling that never departs,
Wherever we might be,

Finally in this naked moment of reality,
I grow over her skin like a shadow that grows over something,
I kiss her and then her beauty,
Until we both become part of everything,

The thing itself and the shadow that covers the thing,
The feeling of love that covers us inside out,
Then when our hearts no longer beat, but they only sing,
I hold her hand and experience love with nothing to fear and with no doubt,

And this romance continues to grow,
Like two shadows fused into one,
And as my endless feelings of love over her skin flow,
We lie in this state of naked reality without letting anyone know!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Claudia Gray
“Worry you should, if conflict arises not,' Yoda had intoned. 'Then growing enough, your Padawan cannot be.”
Claudia Gray, Master and Apprentice

“Looking back, I think the reason I kept chasing quick fixes was because, for the briefest moment, the slight reprieve they offered helped me forget how messed up and broken I was. In my heart of hearts, I felt like the slate of my life was so scribbled and dirty, with so many arrests and broken relationships, that it wasn’t even worth trying to clean up. Since I could not be cleansed, fixed, or cured, I simply learned to cope by covering the messy “whiteboard” of my life with pieces of white paper: a fling with a cute girl
boosted my pride, an epic adventure with friends made me excited and confident; sports made me feel tough, while good grades and a nice job boosted my ego. While each distraction helped me to ignore the mess underneath, I never found anything that could erase it. So, I stacked up the distractions until they grew so numerous, they fluttered everywhere throughout the muddled chaos I called my life.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“Looking back, I think the reason I kept chasing quick fixes was because, for the briefest moment, the slight reprieve they offered helped me forget how messed up and broken I was. In my heart of hearts, I felt like the slate of my life was so scribbled and dirty, with so many arrests and broken relationships, that it wasn’t even worth trying to clean up. Since I could not be cleansed, fixed, or cured, I simply learned to cope by covering the messy “whiteboard” of my life with pieces of white paper: a fling with a cute girl boosted my pride, an epic adventure with friends made me excited and confident; sports made me feel tough, while good grades and a nice job boosted my ego. While each distraction helped me to ignore the mess underneath, I never found anything that could erase it. So, I stacked up the distractions until they grew so numerous, they fluttered everywhere throughout the muddled chaos I called my life.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“I exist through you!

An existence like a fluid,
Where everything assumes the shape of desires,
The heart keeps beating and thoughts keep arising,
While passions do not settle and rage like wildfires,
Dreams float in an ocean of fluid imaginations,
Mountains gaze at the stars tirelessly,
Hoping they would fall somehow and tumble over its edges,
And in hope of the stars, and the mountain peaks, I climb the mountains of my life relentlessly,
The moonlight shines over the summit,
But in a while the summit vanishes and the mountain is gone,
In this fluid world only your thoughts have a reliable permanence,
Desires in the ocean of imagination take dips of hope,
To retrieve the wet feelings of your kiss and those wet moments of romance,
The sky sometimes looks at me and feels sad,
Maybe, it is just a false impression of my mind,
But it is true in your absence the ocean of fluid desires tends to get deeper,
And over its ripples, waves, and million whirling cones they try to unwind,
But then fluidity comes with inherent uncertainty,
And a desire that exists as a memory of summer or anything that is not bound to you, eventually tends to fuse with your memories too,
And in this vast and deep ocean of fluidity,
Then you and your memories spread everywhere,
They now govern the principles of fluid desires in the ocean of fluid wishes,
Where every desire begins with you only to end with you,
And as waves of my fluid existence cascade through the unknown plains of life,
My mountains of desires and your memories always remind them of you,
Those wet feelings, our feelings, that sink to the bottom of this ocean,
Raise its volume of sentiment and emotional viscosity,
Then the fluid motion somehow stops to move,
And I get carried to the middle of this world of our desires, our wishes, our kisses that engulf me in their enormity,
And I gradually spread my arms wide,
To let this fluid world of existence circle me,
The moon disappears, the stars turn fainter and the night turns dark,
As these wet kisses, wet desires riding the waves of fluid imaginations flow through me,
And I become a fluid entity myself in this fluid world of desires,
Then the mountains fall, stars tumble and the sky collapses too,
Because now it is just you and only you, in this world of fluid desires,
Where I exist, but now only through you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“I exist through you!

An existence like a fluid,
Where everything assumes the shape of desires,
The heart keeps beating and thoughts keep arising,
While passions do not settle and rage like wildfires,

Dreams float in an ocean of fluid imaginations,
Mountains gaze at the stars tirelessly,
Hoping they would fall somehow and tumble over its edges,
And in hope of the stars, and the mountain peaks, I climb the mountains of my life relentlessly,

The moonlight shines over the summit,
But in a while the summit vanishes and the mountain is gone,
In this fluid world only your thoughts have a reliable permanence,
Desires in the ocean of imagination take dips of hope all alone,

To retrieve the wet feelings of your kiss and those wet moments of romance,
The sky sometimes looks at me and feels sad and develops an unknown urge,
Maybe, it is just a false impression of my mind,
But it is true in your absence the ocean of fluid desires tends to get deeper and feels like a dirge,

And over its ripples, waves, and million whirling cones they try to unwind,
But then fluidity comes with inherent uncertainty,
And a desire that exists as a memory of summer or anything that is not bound to you Irma, eventually tends to fuse with your memories too,
And in this vast and deep ocean of fluidity,

Then you and your memories spread everywhere,
They now govern the principles of fluid desires in the ocean of fluid wishes,
Where every desire begins with you only to end with you,
And as waves of my fluid existence cascade through the unknown plains of life where everything perishes,

My mountains of desires and your memories Irma, always remind them of you,
Those wet feelings, our feelings, that sank to the bottom of this ocean,
Raise its volume of sentiment and emotional viscosity,
Then the fluid motion somehow stops to move and everything gets stranded in this still state of the ocean,

But I get carried to the middle of this world of our desires, our wishes, our kisses and they engulf me in their enormity,
And I gradually spread my arms wide,
To let this fluid world of existence circle me,
The moon disappears, the stars turn fainter and the night turns dark in this still ocean wide,

As these wet kisses, wet desires stir again, they flow through me,
And I become a fluid entity myself in this fluid world of desires,
Then the mountains fall, stars tumble and the sky collapses too,
Because now it is just you and only you, in this world of fluid desires,

Where I exist, but now only through you!
The ocean of fluid imaginations finally enters into a restive state,
As my fluid existence bonds with your wet kisses and wet desires,
The wet kisses splash over me in this tempest of fluid desires and now neither you nor I am a desire innate!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

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