Self Responsibility Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-responsibility" Showing 1-30 of 32
William Shakespeare
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

Anne Frank
“Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.”
Anne Frank

Alice Sebold
“You save yourself or you remain unsaved.”
Alice Sebold

John C. Maxwell
“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.”
John C. Maxwell

Christopher Isherwood
“An afternoon drive from Los Angeles will take you up into the high mountains, where eagles circle above the forests and the cold blue lakes, or out over the Mojave Desert, with its weird vegetation and immense vistas. Not very far away are Death Valley, and Yosemite, and Sequoia Forest with its giant trees which were growing long before the Parthenon was built; they are the oldest living things in the world. One should visit such places often, and be conscious, in the midst of the city, of their surrounding presence. For this is the real nature of California and the secret of its fascination; this untamed, undomesticated, aloof, prehistoric landscape which relentlessly reminds the traveller of his human condition and the circumstances of his tenure upon the earth. "You are perfectly welcome," it tells him, "during your short visit. Everything is at your disposal. Only, I must warn you, if things go wrong, don't blame me. I accept no responsibility. I am not part of your neurosis. Don't cry to me for safety. There is no home here. There is no security in your mansions or your fortresses, your family vaults or your banks or your double beds. Understand this fact, and you will be free. Accept it, and you will be happy.”
Christopher Isherwood, Exhumations

Gautama Buddha
“Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do.”

Jean-Paul Sartre
“Man is nothing else but what he purposes, he exists only in so far as he realises himself, he is therefore nothing else but the sum of his actions, nothing else but what his life is.”
Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism

Vishwas Chavan
“Accountability and self-responsibility are critical to our success in personal, professional and public life. However, we often look for those character traits in others, rather than inculcating them in ourselves.”
Vishwas Chavan, VishwaSutras: Universal Principles For Living: Inspired by Real-Life Experiences

Mateo Sol
“It is in no way, shape or form your cosmic duty or responsibility to take away the pain of other people. This is because by absorbing the pain of others, you are depriving them of a vital element of their spiritual evolution and karmic responsibility.”
Mateo Sol, Awakened Empath: The Ultimate Guide to Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Healing

Greer Macallister
“You want to set me free? Do it. You want to turn me in? You can do that too. You're the only one with the choice. And that bullet in your back doesn't mean you've got any less choice than you ever did. Live free of fear if you want to. We all carry something inside us that could kill us; yours just has a name. You want to change your life? Change it. You have no less of a right to be happy than the rest of us.”
Greer Macallister, The Magician's Lie

“Learn to love your self from the inside and you would not need others to love you from the outside.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Vishwas Chavan
“Life is a balancing act. While we have all the rights to be in freedom, peace, harmony and bliss; we do have a responsibility to ensure that others too enjoy their own freedom, peace, harmony and bliss.”
Vishwas Chavan

Vishwas Chavan
“Don't try to be happy, just be happy. Because your happiness does not depend on others. Be the reason for your own happiness.”
Vishwas Chavan

“Check your passions that you may not be punished by them.”
Epictetus, Enchiridion

Ted Chiang
“The prospect of living without interference, living in a world where windfalls and misfortunes were never by design, held no terror for him.”
Ted Chiang, Stories of Your Life and Others

Jacent Mary Mpalyenkana
“If you are financially broke or feel stuck, there's a part of you, something about you, or something in you that has worked so hard to get you here. Sadly, it's all you, in your vibration. The sooner we accept this truth, the sooner we take full responsibility and do all we can to free ourselves from the negative bondage.”
Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana

Greer Macallister
“But whatever happens, I've been happy. I've been loved. I've amazed crowds and drunk in their applause. Not because of luck or favor or magic. Because of will. My will. I've been willing to do whatever it takes. That's the closest thing I have to a secret. And now it's yours."

It's a lot to think about, and he can't quite digest it. But there's a spark there. Maybe she's right about him. Maybe it is up to him, how much he lets the bullet, and the fear, take over his life. Maybe. Not a curse, but a choice. His agency and no one else's.”
Greer Macallister, The Magician's Lie

Ernst Jünger
“... I could not bank on the phlegmatic Chinese; I would have to take care of it myself. This would be safer and also consistent with my own responsibility. The latter is the anarch’s ultimate authority.”
Ernst Jünger, Eumeswil

“We are responsible for our own moral being. Shame and guilt spring from discontent with our morality and leading a wasteful life. A person whom rejects societal notions of success, does not believe in a merciful god, and is shunned by the same people whom he studiously avoids, is left with very little to steady their life except for moments of solitude to contemplate the aesthetic purpose of their being. We reaffirm the value of personal existence by working on self-improvement and dedicating our life to achieving purposeful goals.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“You are enough to create who you want to be. Trust yourself to create who you want to be. Self-trust creates self-worth and competence.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

Nathaniel Branden
“To think, to judge, to choose our values is to be individuated, to create a distinct, personal identity. But thus to affirm that I exist is to open myself to the realization that I am finite, that my life is limited, that I am mortal, that one day I will die. The rebellion against the inevitability of death results in a rebellion against the challenges and opportunities of life. If I refuse to fully live, I cannot die.

So: fear of autonomy entails fear of self-responsibility entails fear of identity entails fear of aloneness entails fear of death.

That which does not exist cannot perish.”
Nathaniel Branden, Honoring the Self: Self-Esteem and Personal Transformation

Sarah Schulman
“Refusing to be self-critical in order to solve conflicts enhances the power of the state.”
Sarah Schulman, Conflict Is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair

“Live responsibly towards whom you want to be. Active self-responsibility enhances confidence in creating oneself and working towards achieving goals.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia


Appreciate who you are by focusing on your unique potential and talent, building on it, and acting on it.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

“Never look down on yourself; see yourself as capable of achieving anything you have intention of. Live your life to achieve your purpose.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

“Make your purpose a reality. Align your actions with your purpose towards who you want to be.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

“Commitment to another person's dream is not ownership; take active courage to work towards who you want to be.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

“Inspire yourself to take measurable steps towards who you want to be.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

“Accept the pain for what it is and focus more completely on what you want.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

“Optimism makes you more effective at whatever you do.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia

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